Who /stillbuyingfuckpol/?

Who /stillbuyingfuckpol/?

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Ahoy, mateys

I have no clue what's going on with this game

I'm buying it because they removed that unfunny fat fuck from the game

I backed it so I already bought it I suppose. Hope it's fun

Getting it for the Switch because I loved the old Rare collect-a-thons and I don't give a rat's ass about whoever or whatever that one e-celeb is.

>t. people without any pride or selfrespect

Thats it, you left me no choice.
Time to call in our allies

if it looks like it's fun in videos. Hell I think I might have kickstarted so i'll get it anyway

I'm still playing it regardless what's going on. What's going to really suck is that you'll have no way of actually discussing the game before it becomes a shitstorm.


Pride for what? It's a fucking video game, why should I care about some stupid shit that barely affects the actual game itself?

Looks bad todd


You're giving money to people willing to insult their potential buyers. That means you.

>Supporting E-Celebs
You're everything that's wrong with the world

Anyone who doesn't want to play it over this "controversy" can't have ever been that interested in playing it in the first place

And if you really were excited to play it but will drop it over this, you are an irredeemable retard. I generally think anyone can improve over time but no, anyone this thick is hopeless.

>Self respect is cucking yourself out of a videogame because an youtube e-celeb with a cameo role got backstabbed.

Well they didn't insult me, so why should I care if they trigged a bunch of thin-skinned autists?

Fuck off libcuck. jon tron is /OUR GUY/ now


I didn't care about the whole controversy, but now they're outright making fun of their fans. I feel that pretty insulting, so fuck those assholes.

Pride for what? Because they dropped a Sup Forums faggot?
Sup Forums don't have pride , pic related yet you still here

>but now they're outright making fun of their fans

Wanna source that buddy? And it better not be that fucking harmless tweet about the bee enemy which is them clearly trying to lighten the mood around a bad situation


Holy shit I can't believe they insulted gamers IN this videogame, someone hand me a time machine so I can go back and boycott them for these hurtful and outrageous comments

Sup Forums hates Sup Forums users shitting up their board but makes threads intentionally baiting Sup Forums users into a shit flinging contest


Insulted how? I didn't realize I was secretly a clone of Jon

>Well they didn't insult me
Yet. They obviously have no respect whatsoever for the people supporting their lifestyles, so they'd insult you too if they could. You've gotta be a mindless drone if you still want to give such a company your money.

>making fun of people that have an issue with your management is lightening the mood
You better never run any company.


>antiSJWs now cry about their feelings being hurt by harmless insults and boycott because they're offended

Has there ever been a better example of horseshoe theory than antiSJWs? I've even seen antiSJWs shitting on the devs for not being diverse enough. You couldn't make this shit up.

If I want a product I'll buy it. As long as it works as advertised I don't give a shit about the company that made it. It's not my job to fight other people's online battles. As long as the game works and I got my money's worth, I don't give a shit who the developers offend.

They make a product I want and in turn I give them money for me. I don't give a fuck what they think of me. It's also funny because if Playtonic had done the opposite and become heavily right wing and antagonized SJWs as you think they did to you, you'd probably consider Playtonic to be 'based'

they raid this place more than trs, shariablue, neogaf, and reddit combined

What happened that pol even got involved?

>harmless insults
Go on, keep being a tinfoil hat wearing idiot.

But it's not making fun of anyone. It's a fucking lighthearted joke you special snowflake

Jon Tron expressed his dislike for niggers. Game devs took his voice out of their game.
Sup Forums freaks out.

didn't you know? anyone who disagrees with you is from Sup Forums

Oh please, tell me about the HARMFUL insults that they've made. And please, show me your scars.

Eh, I would if I ever had an intention to buy it in the first place, but I'm not going to go out of my way to buy a game because of politics.

Even if they had offended you? You would still buy their shit? You'd give them your money even though there are thousands of alternatives? Really? Is that how little self respect you have?

And anyone who doesn't agree with you is jewish or a shill.

>Muh feels are hurt! Be my safe space, Sup Forums!

Time to embrace that prized free speech.

>He actually gets hurt by words over the internet.

Nice assumptions, but no. They should had ignored the thing altogether.

The fact that the developers stood by their principles and removed JonTron after what he pulled was the onoy thing so far that made me interested in the game.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna buy it because of that alone but at least I'll keep an eqe out for it.

I'm buying multiple copies purely to spite Sup Forums.

It feels fucking great to know that this game will be a tremendous success despite whiny Sup Forums babies trying to derail it with stupid eceleb bullshit.

Just like if you think people caring about this stupid shit are retarded you're automatically deemed a neogaf/reddit/(site the hivemind hates) SJW

the jon/destiney debate made devs pull jons voice
they went out of their way to make a public statement (which was weird) but jon was cool with it

Then they started banning people who asked for refunds, which is the more important issue for Sup Forums

that's because Sup Forums hates discussing videogames even more than Sup Forums shitposting

You're a fucking imbecile.

That's it? That's what got everyone up in arms?

That sounds like a big pile of nothing. Please tell me you're shitting me and there's more to it than that.

You have to be trolling. If you are, 8/10 because you're damn good.
If you actually are serious then you need to unironically kill yourself.
Oops, sorry if that hurt your feelings btw.

>stood by their principles
You've gotta be kidding me. They only did that after somebody from Neogaf reached them.

>Even if they had offended you

That's the thing, I don't get offended by virtual shit-talking. For someone who speaks about self-respect, you must incredibly deficient in it to be hurt by words said online.

Only absolute pussies get offended by words. Man the fuck up.

well, the whole reason this happened was because of a neogaf campaign to make it happen, so they do have some undeniable involvement

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are not going to ruin my excitement for this game. I've waited too long for these cucks to try to ruin my excitement for this game.

>modern 3d platformer
no thanks
I don't even give a shit about Jafari

Fuck off

I was never into Banjo or Bajo-likes. I was more of a Crash and Spyro guy. This game also looks kind of dull both aesthetically and gameplay-wise, so I don't even care to pirate it.

Nah, man, I know you're just a fucking nameless idiot. I don't care about you at all. You're not trying to sell me anything and being disrespectful about it.

>they went out of their way to make a public statement

I wouldn't call making a single post on your Steam page about the decision because it's something people were talking heavily about before it happened as being 'going out of their way'

Don't announce it an you have people continuing to complain about him being in, and when the game comes out you would have people complaining that they took him out and lied to them about his inclusion. You need to address that stuff

Of course I am still going to get the game, because its still a game that I want to play and enjoy.

But for me, this is it. I won't be supporting Playtonic after this in any way. I don't support companies that change their games on the whims of whiny babies. I can't get invested in something if I know it could get drastically changed or altered at any time by people with agendas.

No matter how successful Yooka Laylee may or may not be, nobody will be seeing these old Rare devs as the same people ever again now. This was our first impression of Playtonic's methods, and it was a bad one.

What's Fuckpol and why should I buy it?

>If you don't get hurt by words, you're an imbecile.

Are you going to cry, snowflake?

If they come out and says something about how the community mishandled the situation. I'll gladly buy it.

The way they handled PR is shameful.


Refund received ;)

I just want to pop in and say you won that argument. Who gives a single flying about what pol thinks. Some people just don't care about that shit. I just want a fun game.

they started banning anyone who asked for a refund, thats the larger issue.

>How the community mishandled the situation

Yeah, the community severely mishandled the situation. Devs were looking to be completely transparent and the community is having an autistic tantrum, almost literally.


But this is not virtual shit talking, there's a real economic transaction going on. Those people are trying to sell somebody to the general public, yet they're taking a political stance and insulting everybody that doesn't fit with their ideals.

Given that in the last few years I've been constantly called a shill/redditor/neofaggot when I've been here since 07 oh god fucking kill me already it's been more than a decade, you'll have to excuse me for not caring for your reasoning

I wasn't buying it before but now I am.

What's that? Did you get offended? I thought you wouldn't get hurt by that. I guess you were just being an hypocritical fuck after all.

btfo by

It must be so exhausting getting offended about every little thing.

Voted for Trump. Still getting game. Don't give a fook

OK, now that I can see being cheesed off at. Why isn't anyone mentioning this and instead focusing on the e-celeb voice deletion?

I have no fucking idea who that faggot jonjon is but I've been asking for a game like this for 15 years so yes, yes I will be buying.
Might even buy a copy for my buddy just because of all the Sup Forums babies


>Sup Forums made a "side" picture with """"Sup Forums""""" and reddit together to "fight"
Sorry Sup Forums you are not better than chanology faggots aka reddit

You see, it's a relevant thing because they are selling video games.

Can't we just mod him back in?

no point in boycotting.

>Even if they had offended you?
holy fuck listen to yourself, this has to be bait

But aren't you throwing insults around?

Because its not actually about that.

I'm not really. As I said, I was fine with the whole thing until I saw that bee joke.

both playtonic and Sup Forums are having autistic meltdowns


did you read that ridiculous statement though? Talk about limp wristed pandering bullshit, could have just had the first sentence and stopped there.

They should have just done nothing honestly, but neogafs autism almost rivals our own

What character was he voicing anyway?

He literally said he was offended by their insults. It's incredible.

>They should had ignored the thing altogether exactly like the righturbo autists are NOT doing right now

Dumbest move they could've possibly made 2bh.

It's incredible that people STILL don't understand the Streisand Effect. How many cases of it need to happen before people get it?

Ill pirate it. It just looks really empty and Im currently replaying the banjos as we speak.

The decision to remove Jon is understandable. Sucks but it happened. The guys who kept banning and mocking people are the ones I have issues with.

08 here. Used to constantly post in EFG and advice animals threads like a retard. Yet the first thing out of the newfag mouths is to call me a plebbitor/gaffer whenever I tell them to fucking kill themselves.

Yeah dude im going to buy it xD Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

I'm not trying to sell you anything, though.

>sell somebody to the public

Nigga what.

Once again, I'm not in anyway affected by the company has said. Do I think they are total pussies? Of course. But it doesn't effect me since I have no stake in this fight.

Once again, it's not my job to stand up for you. You and Playtonic can go fling shit at each other all you want, I don't care as long as I get the game I want.

I think it's bullshit to snub Jon like that but I get why and I still want to play the game. Also, equality is a false God.