8 years ago

>8 years ago.
What happened to cod

Other urls found in this thread:


The people that made the good CoD games left and made Respawn and made Titanfall.


Was a shit game and is still a shit game. You just grew up with it.

I never considered this game since i cant imagine it being balanced with giant mechs vs players.

It's pretty well balanced.

Should I get it on PC or PS4 ?

which was shit. The problem is all the cod developed were pressured to innovate when they should have left it, if it ain't broke don't fix it

>Should I get it on PC or PS4 ?
Mfw when there are people that unironically ask this

PS4 definitely has a lot more active players than PC.
If you want to bunny-hop properly, switch to the Evolve control scheme.

>Titanfall 1 comes out
>Advanced Warfare comes out and feels very watered down
>Titanfall 2 comes out
>Infinite Warfare looks like a Chinese knockoff in comparison

It's a legitimate question.
Do you go for the version with better aiming, or the version of the game that's more active?

>not having titanfall already

You posted it

MW2 happened and added all the bullshit that made COD4 complete garbage

>that joke about Modern Warfare babbys growing up and posting nostalgia threads on Sup Forums actually came true

Oh please, people having nostalgia for Modern Warfare is the least bad thing to happen to Sup Forums, especially lately.

titanfall was so bad I didnt even know they had a second one. And I haven't played any of the cods since mw3


>There are people who actually have this opinion

TitanFall is probably the only ebin sci-fi shooter worth playing, since Gaylo died, and CoD has never had a good sci-fi game. Shame it died so quickly.

Just shows how shit Sup Forums has gotten when the very thing people on here called a cancer to the gaming industry ends up being well received and seen as a non issue.

I'd take nostalgia threads over Modern Warfare over political fucking nonsense any day.

Cod was the best fps on consel it wasn't cancer

D44M was pretty good too from what I remember, if that counts as well.

You are the cancer.

Agreed. Reddit always get shit on (rightfully) for ruining board quality with their hugbox ideology, but I've a actually grown to hate Sup Forums even more for shoving their shit down people's throats outside their board. The fact that the massive amounts of newfags pouring in was a result of Sup Forums constantly getting the site's name in headlines only shows how they have become a cancer to the site in general.

CoD's success encouraged more people to make generic FPSs. The market was saturated with these. You have to have amnesia or must have been a kid to not remember how much Sup Forums hated Activision for causing that horrible trend.

Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums, and frankly I'm sick and done with it.
I do think everyone needs to take a deep breath and get some fresh air though. It's gotten way too ridiculous.

Sup Forums wouldn't be a problem if the world would stop trying to kill itself by being liberal/globalist/feminist/sjw for at least 5mins.

Sup Forums is a reaction to this crap, not a cause of it, like Sup Forums was to normies wanting to be edgy.

This. Sup Forums is a necessary evil.

>Do you go for the version with better aiming, or the version of the game that's more active?

PC duh

Sup Forums as a concept is all fine and dandy. Lots of people like to bring up politics, so a board dedicated to it makes sense. Likewise, video games interest a lot of people to so we have a board dedicated to it.

But there's a difference between making a thread on Sup Forums about a game being shit or good versus making a thread proclaiming "WTF THESE SJW FIRED MUH BOY JONTRON??? WE''RE NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS AMIRITE BROS? #BOYCOTT #NOTMYVIDEOGAME." Sup Forums needs to fuck off to their board.

At this point there have been far more non-ww2 games than there had been ww2 games when people kept saying that ww2 was overdone.

Ecochambers don't work, how can they hope to fix the problems by staying in one place if the enemies won't (and are ruining the distraction from politics and the world?

Infinite warfare was good.....if you just play the campaign.

This is actually what I think when people complain about how there's too many sci fi shooters and not enough WW2 ones.

The last 'decent' Call of Duty was CoD4.

>what are crossboarders
>what is common sense

People on here go to Sup Forums, but some of these people aren't retards who bring politics into video games. Besides, games won't do shit. They aren't taken seriously as art, so they definitely aren't going to be taken seriously as political statements.

Stop trying to paint Sup Forums as the savior that can do no wrong. SJWs get massive amount of hate here because of how obnoxious those faggots are. Sup Forums defense like that only comes off as obnoxious faggotry.

2017 Sup Forums IS reddit.

I'm not trying to defend Sup Forums, I'm just saying if you want them gone then the sjw's have to go.
They are connected like Batman and Joker, like Master Chief and the Covenant, Allied Forces and the Soviets from red alert

It became a meme to hate it and you stopped playing it. youtube.com/watch?v=Tdqa599p4oQ


60% of Sup Forums are shitskins like myself shitposting and there for the lulz. Stay ass hurt faggots. It's easy to trigger people. That's why they keep doing it. I chill, but most other are here to shit post.

You hate Quake and Unreal Tournament too?


Is this a Super Metroid speedrun?

It got better. IW and Blops 3 are the best COD games ever made. Fuck your campy 'boots on ground' headglitchfest. And good job being a sheeple memedrone. And good job being a mid '90s born fucktard raised on COD and Halo and being a shit in general shitting up 2017 Sup Forums. And good job being an ugly foul breathed neckbeard. And bad job on not killing yourself yet.


Haven't played IW but AW but pretty cool minus map design. BO3 is great though, lotsa content.

What happened to my FUCKING LIFE

>Respawn corners the sci-fi shooter market with Titanfall
>Battlefield goes back to the World Wars
>Activision has no fucking what to do with CoD
>Back to WW2
>Omaha Beach is practically a guarantee

>IW and Blops 3 are the best COD games ever made