Is it possible to beat this game without a guide?

Got myself a Nintendo Classic Mini and want to play this game for the first time

play it

sure. Why do you think it wouldn't be?

it is, but you'll save yourself some frustration if you look at a FAQ every now and then

I love blind running a game, but not this one. I'd use a guide.

It's possible, but unlikely.

Heard about how cryptic this game was

I beat it without a guide. Just keep a notebook with you to write down dialogue and any odd looking things on the map. If something seems out of place, it probably is.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the game was designed with schoolkids in mind, swapping tips on the yard how to progress.

It's not impossible, but it'll be very cryptic, especially some shit in the dungeons.

The first quest? Yes.
The second quest... No.

Beat that shit when I was 5 senpai.

I did on the Wii and it was my first time. If the Wii and the NES are the same, then yeah, it's possible.

Get a pdf of the original booklet, it has a bunch of clues for things you probably won't find without it.

How did you get a mini nes? Unless it's by a scalper, that thing has been sold out for months.

schoolkids swapping tips in the playground beat tower of druaga, so i don't think expecting them to beat zelda the same way is much of a stretch

>The age where random Pokemon tricks were being spread and waiting to get home to try it.
I really wished Dark Prof. Oak was real.

I chose not to go to university that day and just went to our local electronic store and bought one

I was luck they had one, live in a small town though

Currently playing it for the first time on my ***original*** nes.

Tbh the first guide i've needed was for finding the ladder in dungeon 4. Everything else has been straightforward - usually every dungeon or two has an item which is critical for advancing in the game so be on the lookout. Dungeon 6 is in the left corner of the map which you need a piece of dialog to discover how to get to.

Just pay attention for dialogue, and look for thing that look out of sorts (such as the tombs), and place bombs to reveal hidden caves which contain dialogue.

the original game came with a cloth map so it was expecting you to have that at least

Also, try to stay clear of guides. In all honesty the game is pretty short if you know where everything is (like 3 hours long we are talking), & half of the fun is exploring and discovering. So yeah only use a guide when you are absolutely stuck, because otherwise the 1st quest ain't too cryptic

>paying for emulators

Yeah, there's definitely potential for THAT GUY shit in this game. I myself fell for one such trick as an user told me you could get Dark Link's outfit from chests in the pitch black trial island. Spent hours scourging every bit of the island before I gave up. Turns out you can buy Dark Link's outfit from the monster shop after clearing all four beasts

the only part I can think of that a player might need a guide for is knowing which bush to burn down to find the dungeon. Granted my 6 year old self had no problem finding it.