Shovel Knight

Is it any good? It's on like every system, thinking about getting it for 3ds.

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I got the 3ds version. You will love it. You will love plague of shadows even more.

The stereo 3d looks amazing on 3DS and it's actually the only time 240p enhances the experience instead of hinders it

Its is. Only bad thing about the game is the difficult. Try playing it with 5 life max and use only base attacks against bosses.
Playing it on my switch and its amazing. Im on Plague Knight campaign right now and its amazing how it changes the gameplay. You'll really feel like an alchemist, always choosing the right brew for the occasion.

loved the original and hated plague like nothing else
plague of shadows is really a hit or miss

This. Plague Knight x Mona is also overrated garbage.

as far as kickstarter games go it's probably one of the best, but since 90% of kickstarter games never get finished that ins't saying much.

If you wanna get it, either get it on the Switch or wait till April until the Specter of Torment update comes out for all consoles.

say that to my face, fucktard
Halfway the campaign now, its incredibly cute as I didn't even expected something like this.
Gonna play specter asap, im really curios on what they made with it.
Do they intend to do all the knights or what btw?
Haven't followed the kickstarter or the original release at all.

King is the last one they're gonna do after Spectre.

is 3ds getting that new update?

Game's good, and the 3D is pretty cool I think.
There are slight version differences, so worth checking this I'd say:
Plague Knight is fun as fuck
It's just gonna be Shovel / Plague / Spectre / King as far as I know.

I just bought it for my switch. I'm loving every minute of it. I can't believe I didn't get this game earlier tbqh

In April, just like every other non-Switch version of the game.

k, nice
i guess i'll buy it again, i don't want to play it on PC

the 3ds version is my favourite

when's the specter knight update for the 3ds btw? next month?

I love Shovel Knight and all 3 characters but plague of shadows is objectively the worst.

Shovel and Specter Knight both have levels that are designed around their abilities and movement. Plague Knight on the other hand is fun to control, but you just blast over every room and ignore the main gimmick of the level 90% of the time. The levels aren't designed for him and it shows.

Its good.
Good to know there's going to be more, and good because its enough content for the same game before it become stale. Would like to see what they are going to do now.
I've enjoyed the original campaign so much, just a couple of things I didn't like too much:

the game is batshit easy on the first run until you get to the last 2 levels, that have some nes-like trial and error platforming screens. Should have been a gradual thing troughout the game.
>the items
Items are really nice but for the love of god, the invincibility item should have simply NOT existed.
Also they make bosses way too easy.

I paid 24 bucks for the versions with all the campaigns for switch. Is king going to be a free update or ill have to buy it like specter's campaign?

April is all we know to my knowledge, so hopefully early April
The version with all campaigns should be all four

Only Plague Knight's campaign is free with the initial version, you'll have to buy King Knight's campaign like with Specter Knight's campaign.

>gender swap mode
>queen knight

muh dick