Is Risen good on its own merits, is it good on Gothic merits, or is it just bad? Wanna know before I slap money on it

Is Risen good on its own merits, is it good on Gothic merits, or is it just bad? Wanna know before I slap money on it.

Wait for a sale and then buy it for the sake of curiosity. The combat will make you question if the creators were human or not. "surely this is a joke" is what many think upon first fighting enemies.

Risen is great, the island isn't big but it is a blast to explore, it's a great loveletter to Gothic II

Are its two sequels good?

inb4: if only it had dark souls/witcher dodge rolls

its not the same level as g1 or 2 but its ok. sequels are garbage

You can get it for like 2 bucks or so? I say go for it. It's like Gothic 2 and 3 had a baby - with a mix of pros and cons of both these games

I'm enjoying risen 3. risen 2 is a worser version of 2 worlds 2

So if I'm understanding this right, go for 1 and 3 but avoid 2?

Are you sure we aren't talking about dark souls

2 is fucking awful. 3 uses the same systems, style, UI, as 2 and only marginally improves on them.

Okay so they're shit, but are they at least fun? Is the story any good?

Kek. Okay let me explain.

1 is good in the sense that it is a spiritual successor to the gothic series.

2 left out a bunch of things that 1 was good at, such as factions and shit

3 brought all the things 2 left out, but by updating the game to modern standards it doesn't have the same novel feel that 1 had, but I still think it's decent

Like others said, go for 3, skip 2. If you don't dig the pirate theme stick to risen 1. It's really good, there are tons and tons of interesting places to explore and secrets to find. Had a fuckin' blast playing that game, ignore those who say it's just ok, it's really good, like 8.5/10 good but a gothic game.

Does it have shit keyboard controls to where a controller would be better?

this whole game series suck dick
i kept dying because blocks didnt matter since enemies had infinite combos and you would get hit no matter what so i looked up what to do and the only solution was kiting enemies to other npcs to clear a path
garbage game

are you kidding just dodge combat is braindead as fuck

haha how can you suck so bad
the game isn't even hard

nah, controller would probably be a pain in the ass

I played it with M/K, can't say i remember it being a problem

>git gud

Two is much better than that piece of shit three.
Hell two was my favorite of the three, but barely beating one.
But yes combat is shit in all three.

>What kind of faggo doesn't like pirates?

>be bad at something simple
that's embarrassing

yeah i know right
he didnt even know about dodging lol

it's alright, the combat takes some getting used too, other than that it's a pretty nice small rpg island
with the shiettiest ending that makes you question what the fuck the story even was

Your question is retarded, asking it makes you retarded so you won't like it.

The ending itself was pretty nice story-wise. But fucking hell, that final bossfight. What the fuck were they thinking.