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choose one Sup Forums

dexterity ez



So pretty much if I take the orb of dexterity, i'll become Taskmaster.


Dex is useless irl, memory all the way

Dex, so I can be Star Platinum.

dexfags leave

this isn't video games

Of the mother is objectively the best ability though?


Mother without a second thought

To have all the time in the world to live life in lots of different ways is all I could ever want.

Special powers I see as inhuman and stupid. I want to enjoy reality and relish in what it can provide.

Memory probably. I would learn everything there is to learn and then discover things on my own. Maybe even a key to immortality.

if you have no memories of your previous lives, are you still you?


it's a piece of mind sort of thing
it would feel like waking up in a coma and having no memories

Memory >/= DEX >>>>>> MOTHER

>Perfect control of your entire body

Does that mean I have to keep manually breathing or manually blinking my eyes

if you die while you're a baby you're fucked. The next time you reincarnate you can only live up to how long the last life lasted so have fun being a baby for like, 100 years until you go insane.

memory and dex can both be useful, but I'd rather potentially be a super human than have photographic memory.

>if you die while you're a baby you're fucked
Read the last line, retard. If you die without activating the power, you just reincarnate.

I love pictures like this.
I can pretend for a moment that I'm good at something.

Mother sounds so fucking boring, and with memory I'd probably get a shit ton of traumatic memories. Dex has zero downside.

>pick dex
>get red coat
>proceed to roleplay uncle Dante

Except, you know, dying.

only once though so you better hope you don't get born to a meth addict more than once ever.


1. Memory is NOT comprehension. Being able to connect a bunch of ideas together, and see how they apply to a new situation, is the far more relevant skill.
Memory does help with that, but not as much as you'd think. So 1 is useless.

2. is potentially useful

3. Is goddamn useless

... Is there an Orb of Str?

tldr pink is pretty so i'll take that

doesn't orb of the mother cancel itself with the dying suddenly?

this dex skill basically gives you SHARINGAN!

Use orb and then lift and win every olympic everything.

The red orb would be good for most schlubs since they could use the powers to get a decent life for once.

If your life was already good you are the 1% the blue orb would be best to take over the world on your newgame plus.

Me I'm taking that green orb and then starting street fights n shit. Keep the job I have but then drop out of school since I have MOTHAFUGN SHARINGAN NUGGETS! Spend more free time instead of vidya'n lifting more and then fighting people on the skreets. Doing ridiculous movie style capoeira flippy kicky ju jitsu. Might start playing fighting games to learn ridiculous fighting techniques along with real life martial arts and weapons so I can be some budget real life spiderman. Once I got all my shit down pat get trained for olympic shenanigans and then win the gold in like 80 damn things see me on the wheaties since im never working another day in my life.

I'm sure this point addresses that problem.

>since im never working another day in my life.
see, it becomes boring at that point

the first orb would be useful throughout the entirety of life

well 3 seems more like the premise to a horror movie

Oh wow, what a choice: to be a good clerk with unremovable ptsd due to permanent memories or a Chosen One from Matrix.

Memory seems like something that would drive you insane, looking at anything at any time would trigger some memory from the past.

Orb of the mother seems like a monkeypaw because eventually in one of your lives something terrible will happen to you.
>Get married and have kids, wife and kids die horribly and you just want to end it all at young age resetting at age 30
>next life you only have 30 years to live

Dexterity seems like something pretty neutral but still very powerful if you are a bit creative.
Im pretty biased towards this though because im not a DYEL

OP here
do you have any nerf ideas that can be added to the orb of dex?

Abilities take weeks to learn. Still much easier than in reality, but more balanced

>Orb of dex
>Grab bullet mid flight
>Hand gets torn off

Gee, thanks OP

frail bones due to increased phosphorus / orthophosphoric acid metabolism, which can only be removed from body w/ calcium

lifespan of 35yrs max

>red orb
>only 4k video memory visualization instead of 8k
no wonder there are so many dexfags here

I love those game.
Pic related.
Well, Sup Forums?

Dex is still the best, though at least Mom has a reason to be picked now.

>perfect control of your body is really extenuating for the brain, so you use more calories

seems good
I'm thinking to add
- Your body consumes more energy at an accelerated rate, you require much more sustenance to keep yourself alive
- Your muscles atrophies and wastes away at an accelerated rate, you must exercise regularly to maintain your muscle mass lest you become a holocaust victim
the 35 years thing is too much of a debuff, but the frail bone thing could work

CAN grab bullets in the air, not SHOULD grab bullets in the air

How would having instant reactions allow you to dodge or catch bullets?

Catching a bullet would require superman amounts of strength and durability and both catching and dodging a shot fired at your center would require you to be able to move at super sonic speeds unless you're being fired at from like 2 blocks away by a low velocity gun.

Don't do that, just buff the others. 3 shitty options means nobody will want to play, 3 broken ones mean guaranteed replies.

requesting that rts screencap with lizards wizards n demons n shit

PC - 6
Kitchen - 6
Hygiene - 3
Garden - 2
movies - 4
skylight for garden - 2

I'll exchange remaining points at $1M per point

Kitchen (6)
18yr (18)
All Video Games (4)
Skylight (2)

kitchen because i'd like to cook whatever i want when i want
18yr because i'd go insane without someone else to keep me company, also sex is a plus
vidya so i have something to do, it'll take me over 10 years to complete all the games i want
skylight so it isn't so dreary all the time

>Not picking Mother
>Not redoing your life as a qt lewd shota
>Not moving ahead of your time and inventing the iPhone, Facebook, being Yu-Gi-Oh! pro-player, famous Youtuber, or even being president on each timeline.

Can I watch youtube with internet? Can I shitpost in Sup Forums atleast?

35 years of unkillable god is better than 60+ (infinite) years of sack of shit


Who would pick anything other than orb of the mother? You could potentially live thousands of years or more if you're careful and don't get murdered or die in an accident.

>you are fully conscious eight months after conception

I can't imagine a more torturous existance

>shitpost in Sup Forums
>not wanting to get rid of it at perfect opportunity

Monk mode+


cook, fuck, learn shit and tend my garden

Because Mother traps you into the mortal coil forever and you'll never play fighting games all day in Vidya Valhalla.

Orb of memory.

the mind one will make you go insane, after some time you wont be able to tell your memory from the present. i know a few case studies about people with superhuman memory going insane and they didnt even have this level of perfect memory technique.

anyway i would choose orb of the mother

Depends on if video games include a console or if you need to get the PC too

>remember every shit you ever take and all the boring stuff your brain filters out until insanity as your brain can't protect itself
>wolverine with out healing kinda meh or spiderman minus the sticky rope and strength
>live every life until you lose yourself to time and insanity stuck in groundhog day

Dude all these powers kinda blow ass. Maybe the middle to get good at music and be a rockstar then retire with a lot of money.

Orb of Dex at least just makes you a lame X-men.

Now Dexterity is garbage, so I choose Memory instead.

>Not moving ahead of your time and inventing the iPhone, Facebook, being Yu-Gi-Oh! pro-player, famous Youtuber, or even being president on each timeline.
butterfly effect

fuck dexfags

Fuck that, i'm switchin to the orb of memory, least that way my body won't shrivel up and die cause I decide to get lazy for a week.

Orb of mother is objectively the best people who say otherwise are short sighted.

Butterfly effect doesn't necessary mean a bad thing. It can actually take you to better timelines.

Well, now Dexterity sucks and the other two weren't very good to begin with.

barry bonds
gun with 3 bullets

DEX is the only one that doesn't have some really shitty downside.

whoa there you seem to have misinterpreted my post. Yeah after I become a fucking meme in every sport known to man and every asshole in the world is wearing my shoes im not working anymore.

I didn't say I was gonna stop doing things the work just means I wont have to worry about a bill or a monetary concern every again in my life. Obviously I'm going to travel the world street fighter style and perform ridiculous stunts with my uncanny super body.

At some point I'm going to have to handicap myself from being so goddamn amazing so I'll spin a little roulette wheel with limbs on it for my opponent and whatever it lands on I cant use. some of the handicaps will be gag handicaps of course like spend entire fight not touching the ground, fight only with a skateboard (i.e. skateboard tricks), and cannot use any ladders or ropes while holding baby entire time.

I just wish it discerned how alchohol affected my new super body so I could know how drunk I could be for some ridiculous super body shenanigans. Shit just imagine what if I blacked out and was just being an asshole "hey you guys wanna see me rob fort knox" wake up with the world mad at me like "nah dude nah dude it was just a prank for yousnap dude nahhhhh~"

Also I would approach HBO for a series where I hunt down and rape apex predators.

I'll half my payout and take 5 Barry Bonds, thank you very much

Immortality through the ages living many lives you remember. You would constantly start trying to create the ideal life or get back to the one you liked most and can never manage it.

You would go numb knowing all you know dies or just go bonkers from loss/loneliness. And if you manage not too you get to find out what the heat death of the universe is like.

Why would you do that you dick?

Hold on lemme open photo shop and add orb of memory makes you a black midget and orb of mother makes you born in the phillipines as an aids baby every time.

This isn't your house your rules you just know deep down the other two powers are shit in comparison.

dude orb of memory would make it so much easier to j/o

fine, here you go bro, one more buff added to dex

Red Orb

>Know everything within any field I wish to learn ez pz
>Blow everyone the fuck out of every debate by perfectly citing sources and knowing when your opponent is doing it wrong
>Lived in a bubble so I have no dramatic events to shake me
>Never get Alzheimers
>Invent the other 2 orbs

well shit man now its just real life.

finally someone smart posts in the thread

Pick orb of memory, read through all of the research in stock markets, bio and nanotechnology, become the most competent person in the world in thoose fields, use my stock market knowledge to become a billionaire, then use the money and knowledge to become immortal and extremely strong through the infinite power of nanoaugmentation.

>t. basement dweller

I pick the Orb of Memory. Mainly because my memory is extremely shit, and all I have of my past is a few random scraps of memory.

>tfw it doesn't work on me anymore

>Orb of Dex at least just makes you a lame X-men.

Which irl makes you a god. You could play real life hotline Miami and never worry about dying.

>cell phone (one day a week I can browse Sup Forums)
>workout room
>full kitchen
>mayo clinic doctor
Easiest 10 years of my life.

Yea I would pick that one. The other two would lead to madness.

choose two

hourglass is broken
druid's scar and the weather pencil are fun



Gonna have to go with the socks and the buttplug.

I dont understand the memory one.

If i decide to reset while having 15 years, that means i'll die when i get to 15? And in the next life i'll die until 15 again and again and again?

>eyes of the machine
>instantly become expert programmer

can I get more points for staying longer, this sounds like heaven

>Eyes of the Present

Monty Hall BTFO.

useless... for what?

>Eternal Razor
>get rich shaving tranny legs

>Purity Pumpkin
>just leave it on my front porch and not ever have to worry about being burgled

Orb of the Mother

Unlike most immortality gifts, this one lets you enjoy one last life with your memory wiped, stripping you of being able to use the gift and give you eternal peace.

I wonder how long I'd go before considering using that. I'd imagine living through a life and talking to children/teenagers while having the personality of a centuries/thousand year old sage would get old.