Why is Sally not in more Sonic games?

Why is Sally not in more Sonic games?

Probably something to do with the owners of her character. Whoever that is, honestly.

>owners of her character. Whoever that is, honestly.
SEGA. It would be SEGA.

She's not in more games because she's a character created for an American cartoon. The ONLY time she was in a game was Spinball which was made in the USA.

She was in two of them.

she was only part of the archie sonic comics for a long time though so they may have some sort of rights. that comic has recently ended though so she may get more roles now

Sega owns all of the characters in the comic currently.

The only reason why comic/cartoon characters don't show up in the games is that Sega has a hard enough time trying to get people to like their own characters.

She wasn't even in one.

Yes she was.

Which one? I've never heard any game where she was present in it.


SEGA has no interest and gives no shits about her.

She was also going to appear in a cancelled game based off the Cartoon.

Shes probably not popular enough in Japan

Because Amy already fits the role she could play.

But Sally is better

That I knew about, never came out so doesn't count.
Oh right, I forgot Scratch and Grounder appeared in that too (outside of Mean Bean). I guess that's one, so my bad.

>Sally > Amy

She's not. Sorry.
I'm glad that comic and its characters are finally dead. Just let it go.

Sally > Blaze > Rouge > everyone else > Amy

She was made for the DiC cartoon then used in the comics as an extension of that cartoon.

The big mix up is that she was used by Archie for the entire run of the comic. By all reason she should be owned by SEGA but Archie is so bad at record keeping that it could very well be interpreted in any way.

Another issue is that it's not really an action character. I mean if you wanted gameplay like clandestine then sure but she really is superfluous in concept when you have tails.

She is not good.
Like that bat or the pink one

Or the purple cat, either of them.

You know you fucked up when Big is better than someone.

because shes nude, so then the other girl characters would ask why, and then either sally would now wear clothes or all the sonic girls will now be nudist

>and then either sally would now wear clothes or all the sonic girls will now be nudist



I like Wave.

But Sally wears clothes now


Is she making fun of my dick?

That's hot

Not canon.

This is objectively wrong.

Only Nicole deserves to be in the games.



Well at least you're wearing spats. A fine choice.

What's going on in this thread?


Maybe they should do the fucking math and realize they can't make any good characters and TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I mean there are games they make that don't need fucking Sonic to star in them. Like Sonic and the Black Knight for instance. Then again, that game was just a dismal piece of turd in its own right.

Now we're talking!


How can i even compete?.

But the general public likes the Sega characters more than the comic/cartoon characters. (Except for Scratch and Grounder of course.)


Sega of Japan has no idea who she is, doesn't give a rat's ass about the comic, and said comic will most likely be dead by the end of the year, meaning she'll never be in anything ever again.

Sally Is A Comic Book Character Only, She Never Appeared In Any Sonic Video Game Ever And I'm Not Sure Why You Think She Should Be In One When She Is In A Totally Different Timeline From The Sonic Video Game Canon

>"Pledge" to artists on patreon
>Nab everything I can
>Cancel pledge
>Never get charged for paywall content
A glaring flaw, but one I can work with.

Cream > Vanilla

The general public barely even knows the main cast outside of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman, and Shadow.


Yo are the Archie Sonic comics still running? I haven't read them since I was in middle school. Please tell me yes, I'm gonna go get the latest issue and nostalgia the fuck out.

Only in images where she's as well endowed as her mother.

They've just recently might have been cancelled.

It's in an indefinite hiatus right now. Last issues came out in January.

Mega Drive got cancelled.


No, fuck off.

Absolute shit taste friend
Rouge > Blaze > Amy > poop > Sally

I bet you unironically masturbate to 2 Girls 1 Fox.

>Sonic threads for a while have been shitflinging between the fanbases
>this thread

it was good while it lasted
