Its okay when the japanese do it

>its okay when the japanese do it

Other urls found in this thread:

do what?
good gameplay, good story, or good characters?

and good soundtrack.

Kek. Except all of that is mediocre as fuck in this game. You just say that because the game is made by japs. Also the fact that the protag is scantily clad helps.

what are you talking about? this game is fun as fuck

t. horizonfag

Everything about the game is good except the story and characters

Those are middling tier compared to its siblings

Hey! I like both games. This faggot's problem is something else.

I don't actually agree with what you say, but I do think it is funny that a lot Nier characters and plot points aren't called SJW trash by Sup Forums.

But the boy is the prtagonist. Have a (you)

No its not

Not a huge Horizon fan either. But its better than this trash. Yet Sup Forums shits on it. Wonder why.... Maybe because its a western dev and the main character isnt some scantily clad anime girl.

Music is killer in this game

Well it helps when the director of the game admits he put women in the game because they're attractive and he wants to promote cosplay.

SJW games won't ever do that.

>Its ok to shitpost when I don't like it!

Elaborate on your opinion user. Why is the game bad? Why are the characters bad?

Is their a trophy i get for giving up my save?

Since no lie i don't give a fuck about helping someone

it's actually amazing

I think the character design helps to balance the scales. There are certainly a few progressive narratives, but I feel that is different than a game outright pandering to the left

Yoko Taro isn't trying to push an agenda.

>mc is a gir...
Confirmed for not playing the game lul

The women in this game don't look like they were put in to satisfy a ballpit filled with tumblr trannies.

You are incorrect.

9S is scantily clad?
Also, if you think the soundtrack is mediocre, you either don't know what that word means or are simply a troll.

androids don't have gender per se

Holy fucking shit this is proof of the OP. The game has the "progressive" ideals Sup Forums shits on. Yet here you fags are defending it.

>b..but its not pushing an agenda


good characters is debatable but the rest is true

I too hate scantily clad little boys with their revealing shorts and slutty chokers.

>lgbt shit
>female protagonist
>only male characters are villains or an effeminate little boy

if it was american it'd be trashed as sjw garbage

Eh, it's not quite like that. There are snippets of liberal idealism, but the core of the game has little to nothing to do with politics. Just because Pascal is a communist hippie doesn't mean that the game is trying to shove some political viewpoint down your throat.

The exact same thing could be argued of almost any game Sup Forums calls sjw.

I'm confident that I'm not.

Nier 1 isnt even a perfect game, but still has more of a cohesive story and interesting characters than Automata without making you wait for half the game to actually reach that point.

Taro basically said he thought up random scenarios and wrote a story around it, and it shows

>Adam and Eve
No, user, you are the villains.
Also, you forgot Pascal, who's the most sympathetic character in the game.


>thought up random scenarios and wrote a story around it
That's usually how design works, user.

Shoddy design, yes.

You sound like a real expert on the creative process. Thank you for your valuable insights.

Pascal is the only one with an actual story

who is a robot who in no way resembles a man and is voiced by a woman

Who gives a fuck

OG nier has shit tier abyssal gameplay

And stuff like the lesbian android relationships is pretty tame compared to recent Bioware games making gay romance options a big selling point.

So i just got to the caved in city, where the three drills pop up out of the ground and rape you.. so what the actual fuck?

how are you supposed to fight these things?

When all it takes to have a top notch soundtrack weebs jizz over is to make sure you hit a quota on the chanty vocal shit it doesn't exactly say much. Every rank amateur composer should have figured this shit out by this point

Anything can happen in a story, races can make peace with each other and yadda yadda-I'll accept that. It's pretty dumb to think it can also happen in real life though

Dude play the game.
And go get an appointment to the psychiatrist. Cynicism will end up killing you.

> confirmed for not having played it

The gameplay in this game is incredible especially considering how many genres in blends.

>who is a robot
user, I hate to break this to you, so I'm going to spoil it so as not to ruin the game for anyone who hasn't read the synopsis on the back of the box, but they're all robots.

Comes with writing + being published for 5+ years now, thanks dude.

Bullshit aside you can ask anyone wlse and theyll say the same thing. Automata has cool ideas but they failed at coming together as a whole unlike the first game, which kept itself pretty focused.

Music is top tier though

Yea, but we all know Sup Forums is full of idiot kids. Some people can enjoy a game despite its political agenda, or lack thereof.

>tfw people say this bullshit
>mfw this is one of the best songs in the game

I thought that way at first as well. I played through the game and only Pascal and Devola and Popola really got me sad with their stories while I was rather indifferent to the main characters. However when I started a new game after deleting my save it's like an entirely new game. When you know what's what and 2B has received all of her postmortem characterisation it really hits hard. I was on the brink of tears for that part in the bunker between the factory and entering the city.

That doesn't excuse the characters from being so bad the first time through, but the depth is there.

OK but some of the robots have really obvious sexual characteristics, others don't.

>thinking 2B is the protagonist


Well, it'd be one thing if the communist hippie wasn't completely btfo but hey

Hell, one of those parading leftist bots realized how retarded they were being

I agree, this scene should have been censored.

The depth is there but its poorly executed

Is it really expected people to exhauat the main story and sidequests again to just get something out of a main character that should already be suitably characterized in the first place?

It can be admired as something you can only do in a videogame, but functionally its just a poor idea.

Dodge and shoot

It's cause it's literally all about the package and how things appear on the surface to people. You're talking about two of the shallowest dumbest demographics that the lazy Japs love to go after in anime otaku and shut in NEET type gamers that like gloomy sob stories.

Unlike his braindead fanbase I can at least respect his honesty. Most of these types still act like they're engaged in greatness and drink the Kool-Aid and incredibly easy to earn praises of their fanbases. Literally just don't mess with their waifus and your good as long as you have sexy girls and work the "suffering" (TM)

Yeah I agree with you, that's what I meant by that doesn't excuse it. Even though the depth is there it may aswell not be because it should come across in your first play through. Replaying the game from scratch should just be cherry on the top shit, not the source of core experiences.

If you say so, it just kind of sounds like club music noise to me. The soundtrack is just like okay to me to be honest. Not bad but absolutely nothing outstanding so much as playing into safe trends like all Japanese media does now.

She's not meant to be marketed on character depth but sex appeal and the whole Gothic Lolita thing that's super trendy in Shibuya. Like they're trying to get people to cosplay and draw fanart of 2B not identify with her character and arc.

The only thing really comparable to Niers soundtrack is shit like DotHack or Ar Tonelico stuff.

If you want something playing into trends youre looking at Dark Souls/Bloodborne OST

It must suck to be this deaf

What video game soundtrack do you love ?

You're trying way too hard to be contrary.

>it just kind of sounds like club music noise to me
Not trying to be mean, but are you tone deaf?

Sup Forums btfo