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they wanted it to look handwritten and didnt think anyone would care about fonts

They weren't. That's the thing.
Instead of waiting and outsourcing the SH's HD porting to actually well known and capable team, ie Bluepoint, Konami decided to be bunch of jew morons once again when it comes to Silent Hill, and let some literal-who mobile application developer team take the task. With a gigantic dickhead with ego too big for one house set in charge of the project, Tomm Hulett.

I do hope nobody bought this embarrassing piece of trash, and have instead enjoyed the far superior PS2 or PC originals.

The original had comic sans and the HD version had cool font? Thank you, based Tomm

Tomm Hulett is a huge dick that's why. At least he was never able to directly rape SH 1 and 4.

It's a horror game, no font is scarier than comic sans

Post yfw you are not Tomm Hulett.


Let's help rookies find the brilliance of the original Silent Hill games, by posting the handy SH PC Guide + the DL links:



SH2 torrent:


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

SH2-4 do not properly support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M. You need to configure emulator's controls as you wish.

You can now see some decent emulator settings for SH1 as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.

It's not Konami only, tho'. It was a common practice of devs at the time, especially in Japan. HDD space wasn't as big and cheap as it is nowadays, "Cloud" services didn't exist, and nobody was even considering something as weird as "HD porting" existing games some 10+ years later. Tech was improving at insane rate, and everyone was pretty much believing we'd be playing some Matrix-tier VR shit in mid-2010s already.

So, when the game was finished and shipped, it was one task completed, time to clean the table and start the next project. Capcom and Square are no strangers to this behavior either, which is why they too had to build tons of stuff from scratch for their HD remasters, with varying results. Bluepoint, the all time favorite HD remastering wizards of our time, actually took legit PS2 retail discs, ripped all the game data out of it, and then reverse-engineered that to work on PS3 & Xbox 360, applying some fine enhancements where ever possible to create their HD collections (MGS, Ico&SotC...).

HiJinx Studios, the team behind SH HD Collection on the other hand... they had never even thought of such method, and made do with ancient alpha code + idiot boss assigned for them + Konami's greed of not wanting to pay the old VAs and devs any royalties for using their old scores in the re-releases. Heck, Hijinx had practically zero console and PC game experience at all!


Thats of work. Play your ps2 copies

>expecting everyone to have legit copies
>or a PS2
>downloading the games and unpacking a fan-patch is "2much work" for iPhone generation
How about you THINK a bit before you post next time ?

Shattered memories worth it? Got a wii but it collects dust since the controls for shooters arent as "woah dude cool" as I have thought they woukld be

I really like it. To my own surprise as well.
I was sure I'd hate it. I surely loathed the idea of some fat yank team raping the SH1 by "remaking" it, and making it a pacifist no-combat title, for a Nintendo system at that.

However, once I finally got to play it a couple years ago, I couldn't put it down. It has that captivating, urban-explorer atmosphere, and quite fancy plot. It sure is not a "survival horror" game anymore, but I'd say that's exactly what makes it all work. The way the game utilized my own expectations and knowledge of the series was also quite brilliant.

I actually ended up playing the game a good 4 times in a row, trying to get all the endings + see as much of the possible other changes in the campaigns while at it. Even then, I was surprised to get to see some totally different and new events when couple of my friends played it later on.

And before you ask, the Wii version is the definitive. Best visuals and performance, and it makes use of the Wii's gimmicks.

I love SH1, 2 and 3 but Shattered Memories is poor. Avoid.

Have you seen Terminator Genisys? That's basically what Shattered Memories is to SH1.

>tfw you read this in James Rolfe's voice

Not him, but I disagree quite a bit.
For starters, no matter how it first appears, it belongs to its very own continuity.

I can honestly say that SH:SM is the best western SH game to date. A very fascinating experience.

Is there any real reason not to get the PSP version of Shattered Memories? Wii controls are hammered ass.

I'll expand on the reasons I didn't like SM:

>Unscary and tedious locations/exploration. SH2 had me excited and scary walking through the town, SM had me bored.
>It's frustrating not being able to combat the monsters in a traditional manner.
>Every so often you're forced to just run away from the monsters until you get to a safe area, it's not fun at all and is easy to become disorentated (not in an immersive way).
>Music is bad compared to the earlier games.
>Characters are not very interesting.
>Graphics aren't that great.

I can get behind everything in the image, but removing depth of field shouldn't be a negative

>scared walking through the town

Excuse my engrish.

Shattered memories is an "experience" rather than a game. It shares vary little when it comes to Silent Hill. If you enjoy the "experience" type of games, go for it. I think it does what it sets out to do quite well. But if want an actual Silent Hill game, then no.

>Is there any real reason not to get the PSP version of Shattered Memories?
It looks and runs like ass. Especially the ice, the game's main theme of sorts, is downgraded to non-transperent gray blobs, and instead of visible frost climbing on freezing objects and people, they just turn pale blue.
The PSP and PS2 versions are practically identical.

The game was designed for Wii, and makes use of its gimmicks.

DOF is only used in cinematics, and used in cinematic ways. The problem isn't exactly removal of it, but rather of fucked up its new implementation is; in one scene where Heather's talking to Douglas, with her standing closer to camera, the focus should switch to the character that's talking. In the HD port, the blur is ALWAYS wrong.

I take you've not played Origins, HC or DP?
Not that you should, but it could explain your hostility towards SM.

I personally loved the exploration, checking all the fine details, and even the story / characters. Or rather, how the two latter were changed completely.

some moar.
ignore the statue change, that's a gameplay thing.

>The game was designed for Wii, and makes use of its gimmicks.
That is the worst thing.

Correct, I heard they were pale imitators of the original SH games so I avoided them. I also heard SM was good so I gave it a try, turns out it didn't sit with me right for some reason.

Yeah, ya didn't miss a single thing by skipping those. Besides never ending disgust and suffering. Better off just watching Twin Perfect's analysis videos on them instead; the punch line always is, the games are exactly THAT bad as they say.

I do however disagree with their SM video. Then again, I'm a detailmaniac and quite an explorer type player, so SM was a fancy ride for me. The end analysis was spot on too, and the minor mindfuck of seeing all my expectations and memories of the old games be constantly shattered was quite fascinating experience.
