Steam Feels Thread

Hey Sup Forums, I am well aware that you guys are probably the worst people to ask advice from
but I don't have many places to go to. I do not have many friends, the one friend I do have
has just stopped talking to me for 92 days. He's done things like this before, where he just
goes radio silent for a while, and for similar amounts of time. I've tried skyping, steam messaging,
e-mailing, and even google plus, but I cant seem to get through to him. We weren't on bad terms
when he vanished like he did, though I may add he has some familial issues (of which I wont go
into detail). I don't know what to do Sup Forums I feel very alone now, and I fear those stories of people
with good friends that just dissapear for years.

The main reason im posting this here though is that I know that he posts here pretty regularly
and if you are here Tyrone I just want to let you know I miss you :'^(

sorry for blogposting, I dont have many more options.

What are some of your experiences with online friends?

>What are some of your experiences with online friends?
Every few years I just abandon all contact with everyone. Friends, family, acquaintances etc. I just make a new online persona and move on.

It's getting to that point where I'm going to bounce again, I'm scared this time because some people actually rely on me, they're use to me being their psychiatrist in a way. I get away because it's just too much for me to juggle other peoples problems and help them so I bounce. But I know it's just going to keep repeating

I left my first steam account in 2008, started when steam existed.
I left my second steam account in 2012.
I left my third steam acount in 2014 and haven't touched it since. Same with skype and what not..

Bout to purge again

Must be a pretty lonely life.
How do you even keep a job?

bump for you buddy. i hope you find your friend. thanks for the feels

You're welcome

Ey my dude hang in there

You get a new family every couple of years?

thanks you guys, means a whole lot

once I was disconnected for like 500 days and got more than 100+ messages saying that they missed me.


On that note though, if he's named Tyrone that means he's likely black so...if he's been gone for extended periods of time before you can draw your own conclusions.

you guys may have a good point, there is one place I didn't check.

Great, now get back to playing video games you bigger. What else could be better for forgetting about friends?


You didn't check china?

but i do not want to forget, user

i had a friend for 4 or 5 years that i would play dota with.. we used to play for like 6 hours a day sometimes, we were always similar skill level and had a blast.. eventually we started talking about rl shit and it became like an actual friendship, it was pretty cool! we started playing csgo and dayz together as well. eventually, he started to bring in his "real" rl friends to games/skype and they were really fucking normie and annoying (taking bong rips into their mic, feeding then saying "it's just a game," you know the fucking deal). this went on for like 2 years, slowly chipping away.. eventually it got to the point where i was like "look man, i like playing with you but your friends are the worst.." so it would always turn into "play with me or them" and shit like that... it made me feel like such an asshole but i never asked for normies to join our fucking dota games, like wtf. eventually i just cold removed him and blocked him on everything while we were still friends, i hope he understands that i did it so that we could still have a memory of the good times instead of letting our friendship wither further. sorry nomnom x.x

its easy to miss.

Sorry bro. You can count me as a friend, and the best part is that you'll never know if I'm not here because anonymous

>being this new
Sup Forums has had dubs disabled except for multiple 0s since early 2012, newfag

Maybe I just haven't been here since 2007? (Seriously I never remember which boards have dubs anymore)

>I've tried skyping, steam messaging, e-mailing, and even google plus

Maybe you should take a fucking hint and stop harassing the fucking guy. That's stalker shit, you creepy autist.

>currently ducking only steam friend so I don't have to play shitty games

>"I don't want to play these shitty games, I just want to browse Sup Forums"

oh shit, my bad. I forgot to include in the OP that I had been in regular contact with him for 2-3 years before hand. This wasn't over the course of a day or two either; also we were having a pretty average conversation before he had left. I've looked back at chat logs, this was all pretty out of the blue.

It doesn't matter how long you've been in contact with someone, if you're messaging them literally everywhere you know how to without a response and continue doing so, you're being fucking weird.

Analyzing your old chat logs is also fucking weird.

I can see why he disappeared on you.

>and continue to do so

Well I suppose I should have added that I only messaged him like 1-2 times on each, as multiple messages wouldn't really change anything, its not like i've been sending him 100 messages a day on each. I'm only posting here as its been a very long time with no response. I'm sorry for any confusion, and checking chat logs isn't that strange.

>the guy who has to post on Sup Forums to cry about his only friend disappearing thinks he is a reasonable metric for what is strange or not

I suppose you have a point there.

This is the worst feeling user, I really feel for you. Just being helpless and knowing you don't have enough information to do anything about it. I'm in the same boat, I lost a friend of mine around 7 years ago. She was just an online RP friend, but she was really something special. We talked every day for hours, about everything. She moved around a lot. One day she just stopped logging on. We didn't have any fight or anything, we were on fine terms. Since then I've done all kinds of research trying to find her again, at least if I find out what happened I can get some closure. I've found a lot of her friends that still log on to accounts on various websites, but none of them remember much or know anything. I still wish her a happy birthday every year to that first account. I just want to know what happened.

I'm noticing my steam friends list is slowly dying out. More and more people going offline never to sign on again.

It's MSN/AIM all over again.


My condolences, user, but it's probably for the best she left before you could find out she was actually a man

>Being concerned and wanting some form of closure is weird

Who hurt you user?

I honestly wouldn't care she was just a great friend. We met through RP but after that we never actually RP'd, we would just talk about stuff. But the way she talked was more like a girl than any guy I've ever known, so either it was a feminine guy or it was a girl. Either way I just want my friend back.


While I am glad to have helped some anons be able to vent their experiences, but this tread is kinda dying, I have to say I had created this thread in hope of some help or advice, and now i'm begging to doubt there really is anything I can do at this point, aside from hitchhiking around his state screaming his name, though I really doubt that will help. Thanks anyway guys, I hope you guys find some closure as well.

Just keep looking user, one day you might find him. I hope he comes back online.

Me too user, me too.