I just sent out invitations for my birthday and not a single person responded

I just sent out invitations for my birthday and not a single person responded

What videogame should I play while I kill myself?
The helium tank should work quickly, just need something fast paced to entertain me for 10-15 minutes

>MFW Sup Forums is still reeling from based Mike BTFOing them

stop coming here when you get muted from r9k faglord

play solitaire lol

Wut he do?


silent hill 2.


A game with a lot of loud kids on a microphone if you want to keep your faith in humanity low while you wait for the sweet embrace of death. Something like Call of Duty (whatever the latest installment is).
Added bonus is the fact that the last thing you'll hear before you drift into eternal sleep is someone calling you a nigger or faggot.


end your life with a comfy game, not a fast paced one

hope for your brain to grip to that last illusion of happiness while sinking



Keep talking and nobody explodes

Patreon exclusive.

I'll go to your birthday
If there's pizza
And video games

Hi, Destiny here. Just telling you that it's your decision at the end of the day.

Youre supposed to treat yourself and spend time with family on birthdays, not beg people to hang out with you.

how old are you?


The could just be lazy jerks like me and assume you know they are coming. I am bad at RSVP.

Play some FFXV
Game might not be the best but it certainly is great at reminding how much fun your life could've been if you werent an autistic asocial splerg

Don't listen to this guy. I am the real NeoWingStar "Destiny".

I am here to tell you that of course you should kill yourself if you feel like it. It is your decision.

Dont suicide user

Ive never been invited to a birthday party :(

why do you care whether he suicides or not?

is this a normal human response that i'm too autistic to understand, to be sad for the death of another human, or are you just being self-righteous?

They were always butthurt at RLM, that was just the icing on the red hot bun cake.

Fuck Sup Forums, they seriously are the shittiest board in here.

No one replied because you're a fucking adult.

Grown-ups don't send out invites for birthdays you autismo