ITT : Vidya game equivalents of stepping on a lego

>ITT : Vidya game equivalents of stepping on a lego

>forgetting to save

le reddit lego maymay

first post best post

>Accidentaly disbanding a really expensive unit in an RTS

Escort missions

Even worse
>corrupted save data

Personally its stage hazards that you barely clear but the game still registers as you dying like a bitch.

Hollow Knight has done this to me non stop.

>Leaving the room when that rare item drops before you realize it dropped

>dying 85% of the way in while doing a no death achievement
Fuck you Edmund. Seriously, fuck you.

suck my fucking dick you fucking retard teenager

>accidentally overwriting the best save

>Losing a race via rubber banding at the last second

acidentally beating a shiny pokemon

By random critical hit

Missable anything. My autism cant deal.

>EVO 1975

Is there a RTS where its easy to accidentally delete a unit? I pretty much only play AoE II and the delete key doesn't see much action in that game

>pressing quick save instead of quick load out of reflex in the middle of a fight

The fucking Castlevania Sorrow games


>rolling like a retard off a cliff in DaS

>Fork in the road
>Choose the route that looks like the treasure would be down
>The story advances

>cancelling CCs in broodwar since esc is cancel building and halt construction. you can misclick your SCV during construction and lose your expo lol

> playing shitty racers
it was your own fault.

Yeah pham let me die and watch shitty deah animation with shitty ragdoll then wait for screen effects and then wait for menu to pop up and then select the fucking continue and THEN start from my last save.
Sure man, anyone who is using the quick save/load function is a savescummer and not like people use it because it's useful or time saving.

Do you have anger issues user-kun?

>mfw i just watched people wrestle on top of legos

Jesus Christ.

>doing this just as you are getting shot to death

Fucking Valkyrie Soul