The official console of Chad

The official console of Chad

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If you can do that then you aren't going hard enough.

Chad doesn't do cardio.

Chad only plays Madden. Switch doesn't even have Madden. Yet.

Chad only uses the exercise bike to warm up before lifting weights.

Sup Forums wouldn't know that because Sup Forums does zero physical activity

>implying you can focus on a game and also keep your heartrate up

>not even turned on

>every single photo of a switch is Breath of the Wild

Great library.

>weird controllers makes sense now


the console on my bike has a tray but the switch is too thick to fit on it

>neckbeard in the mirror at the very top of the photo
Where's the Chad?

lol you act like ps4 has anything worth a fuck. please don't tell me memeborn at 20 fps on ps4pro boost mode is any better you cuck.

>doing cardio
Enjoy ur no gainz fag

user plz

>not doing 10 minutes of cardio after a hard lifting session
Enjoy getting DOMS you slack-jawed retard.

I knew some retarded idiot would reply with something like this.

Yes user you're right, PS4's entire library is worse than the Switch's. Damn, sony destroyed.

>playing games
>not just lifting for doomguy

>cardio faggot
top kek

Chad would play Arms.

I do this with my phone

Redpill me on cardio

>be 230lb hambeast
>start doing cardio to lose weight and eat faggot ass salads and shit
>realize a month in after losing nothing that I should just go bara mode instead
>eat the same and start lifting and squatting instead, seeing noticeable muscle gain within first few weeks while maintaining 230 weight
I'm gonna be the best thicc bara ever

I fap does that count

Even when accounting for the viewing angle, the lighting and the fact that it's a photo that screen still looks fucking awful.


Memeborne is way better than Babby zelda you skyrim wannabe

can't believe no one else said it but fpbp. all i can do is listen to things while doing machine cardio because it's hard to pay attention to even watching something

>exercise bike for warm up
>not the god tier rowing machine

>tfw I really fucking want to bring my vita to my gym and play it during my rest between sets
I might start doing it once I hit 315 squat and 405 deadlift desu lads.

>all cardio is aerobic only
weight lifting is cardio, sprinting is cardio. dumbfuck

You actually disgust me.
You too
How do you guys even walk up the stairs without dying? Do you ever play sports? If you can't outrun small dogs, you gotta focus on cardio.

I could probably do it on a bike. However I prefer running and that I definitely couldn't do on a treadmill

Confirmed never lifted before

Yeah. Why is it that though?

Have you ever seen a boxing movie ever without an extended running scene. I ain't.

How much do you have to lift to be able to do this in public? Asking for a friend

>be 290lb hambeast
>decide to get fit
>drop 20 lbs in a month
>drop 70 in four
It's not hard desu, just count your calories
Appetite suppressants also help

I have a physical job and I love swimming after my workouts so that's my stamina workout, but fuck running though I hate it

I've never lifted but did it 3 times a week in public while I played that game in sweden

>not hard
>had help
Lol. It's not hard in general, but people often forget to do cardio as well.

>Be 240 hambeast
>Be motivated to get into running by Emi best girl
>Do couch to 5k
>Don't really change up my diet, but just eat less portions
>Lost 80 pounds in 6 months

Get on my level

Switch doesn't even have fucking multiplats though

Swimming is cardio you stupid motherfucker. And running is awesome, how do people not love going fast?

non-ironic shitpost

they're very different games but in quality they are neck-in-neck. Zelda does exploration better and Bloodborne does combat better. Both are fucking must-haves.

>implying chads do cardio

all these DYEL's who don't know that cardio before heavy lifting is optimal

Very nice, Chad.

This isn't Top Gun.

Swimming is way more fun. If you don't have music running is extremely monotonous. In the pool there's a thousand different techniques you can try

I can't imagine gaming while on a treadmill. Whenever I run, it's impossible to focus. Like, I can't even use audio books.

If I look like this can I play in public
Please respond

But I wanna save all my energy for my lifts senpai
