What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



he implied that jews have a sense of humor which is false

Are 90 year old holocaust victims watching YouTube videos made for children?

He means that everyone who claims to be a Holocaust survivor is probably not one, because that was too long ago and most of those fucking kikes are dead anyhow, and even if otherwise, that person survived way worse than some Swedish faggot making jokes.

>twitter in german


Go away evil dogger.

Sup Forums - E-Celebs and Twitter

How is this video games?

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with white people?

In 200 years nobody remembers the holocaust.

Go away evil dogger.

They're too comfy

Americans love 9/11 jokes, so why not?

Go away evil dogger.

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger.


Sup Forums - "say something nice to her XD" and gelbooru image dumps of 2B

If you survive a hoax you will probably laugh a lot

go away evil dogger

if you get butthurt by a joke, you're not a true American


Why did you post this thread? What was your objective? I honestly want to know. Did you want a pat on the back or something? Did you want to fit in? You should probably leave to be honest.

and yet even that is more on topic

Yes, that's more related to video games than what some faggot on twitter said about another faggot.

>German game title
>Trump pisses him off
What did Arino mean by this?

You must have exited puberty to post on Sup Forums.

They're the kings of comedy, user.

Only underage millennials are interested in E-Celebs

Why even question what holocaust survivors would think. Do libtards honestly believe 100 year olds actively browse the internet and watch video game e-celebs?

Go away evil dogger.

my perfect Sup Forums

Only underages fawn over vidya girls

Posting video game art is on topic.
This is not.

and its still about video games, your e-celebs and twitshit is in the wrong


go away evil dogger!


Go away evil dogger.

What did Pewdiepie do this time?


which game is this?

When did it all go so wrong, bros?

Go away evil dogger.

Why are so many of the threads in this sub twitter screencaps?

a game of pretend

>Mel Brooks
>Larry David

wut user?

Time is cruel.


>from shitposting on virgin-centrals to dictating the course of global politics


Go away evil dogger

My Grandmother and Grandfather had a sense of humor eight times. Eight! they were only children at the time too.

Sup Forums - Webcomics and Politics

Honestly if I had a button to kill everyone on Sup Forums including me I'd probably press it and the world would be a much better place

This is a fuckin' video

Sup Forums and goobergate happened

>It's a Boogie tries to sit on the fence and ends up annoying everyone episode

Leave me out of your suicide fantasies, pls.

America went wrong

>holocaust survivors

How do you survive something that didn't happen?

Every time Boogie tries to sit on the fence it breaks under him.

Begone evil dogger

That's actually a correct opinion, just replace "Sup Forums" with "Reddit".

Go away evil dogger.

Go away evil dogger.

Go away evil dogger

>boogie sitting on anything

Well, I guess this is how you'd purge the actual problem with Sup Forums.

>He means that everyone who claims to be a Holocaust survivor is probably not one, because that was too long ago and most of those fucking kikes are dead anyhow, and even if otherwise, that person survived way worse than some Swedish faggot making jokes.
Go away evil dogger.

How do you pick up a jewish girl?

with a broom and dustpan.

I want to go back to 2011.

>have access to internet
>still believe the holocaust was real

But what did he mean by this?



Go away evil dogger

>Three pull ups

Go away evil dogger.

Go away evil dogger.

>when people send you snaps but that same snap is already in their story

How insecure do you have to be to get mad over this?

It doesn't mean you're not special enough to get a "unique" snap. It just means that whoever's sending you snaps has a boring life and posts everything they send on their story.

go away evil dogger

>I'm not threatening and beta and say shocking things

wow so ground breaking

He's not JonTron so who cares, right?

go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger.

Salad dodging?

Go away evil dogger!!!

at first i thought this post had a lot of replies because it was right, now i just see it's a bunch of cancerous memefags derailing a thread for no reason

>Doesn't know about Chanology

Newfag detected

Go away evil dogger pls

this is certainly on topic

Go away evil dogger

go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger


>being cancer like Sup Forums or goober gate

i don't think there's a fence on earth that could support that fat piece of fucking sentient lard

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger