What games make me feel like this?

What games make me feel like this?

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Any MMO when a new patch comes out and your 3 months of hard work is replaced by a day of welfare gear from grinding easy dungeons

what is the hollow graphic meatloaf of video games?

pokemon diamond and pearl you stupid fuck

Weirdly erotic scene

Fallout 3

>hentai will never be this good

Breath of the Wild

probably paladins

Diablo 3
Fallout 3
Fallout 4


people actually watch stupid shit like this? what the fuck?

>hollow graphic

Team Fortress 2


So does no one know the sound of a butter knife against a plate like that?

This webm should be illegal

With bullshit like this it's no wonder children are becoming sexualized at a younger age.

>hollow graphic

I can hear the sound of utensils scraping against the plates and now its reverberating around in my head FUCK HELP

I'm not sure if this describes a game as good or bad

if you are looking at specially sexualized boys that another whole problem

>hollow graphic

That sound of a knife against a plate fucking triggers me. I know people talk about nails on chalkboard, which doesn't affect me, but goddamn the knife on a plate does.

Just imagine putting razor blades under your toenails then kicking a wall as hard as you can

you mean what games show a girl doing stupid retarded shit that would just be boring if filmed with a real camera and real human actors, but only becomes "interesting and creative" because its chinese shit anime?

dark souls


For what purpose

or worse

>styrofoam against styrofoam

>hollow graphic
I thought about this too much and now believe it's a better term than "holographic".

don't forget to put salt on the wound and rub it with rubbing alcohol+cotton ball

man is this what passes for trolling nowadays?

>Hollow graphic
It actually kind of makes sense

>hollow graphic
Really makes you think.

overwatch, not even kidding.
it's all flash with no substance

Why are her lips so sensual, what the fuck this is a kids show

It's ghost related stuff man, she's being Haunterd.

Someone post the Team Aqua Grunt's outrageous hips and Bruno's 18 pack and Lorelei's delicious pits and tits

>hollow graphic

It's Japan. They aren't as uptight as you yankees.


>hollow graphic

Honestly. No bs and no meme.... ME:A makes me feel like that when i see female ryder do anything. Fuck, i dont even like the "cringe" phenomenon, but i get hesitant and squeamish when i fuckin see her dumb bitch face. Shes the epitome of an autistic sjw basic bitch, who knows shes a basic bitch and still basic bitches around like a fucking cunty whore with a butt plug and bbc fetish.

Fuck me stupid how anybody could care for this game is beyond me.

>Heyyyyy, but ryder is my autist waifu!!

Kys. All of you. Fucking kill yourselves!

Im fucking salt mountain about this, like a sand filled vagina giving birth to satan! I want you all to die!

>hollow graphic

holy fucking autism batman

I can't stand that either. Other things that trigger me:
>chalk on a chalkboard
>fingernails on paper (intentionally scratching paper)
I'm strangely okay with nails on a chalkboard, but chalk on chalkboard bothers me.

> hollow graphic

