ITT: Godlike games that need a proper sequel

>ITT: Godlike games that need a proper sequel

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I'm sorry that your thread hasn't gotten replies. It's a genuinely good one, and it should attract the interest of more people from our community. Unreal Gold definitely fits in the category of "Godlike" and it would be very interesting to see other hidden gems that also deserve a place in the previously mentioned category.

There are very few threads with a topic as good as this one, as it allows for so much discussion and enlightening each other thanks to the amazing feedback we can give to each other as fellow gamers. Thank you for making this thread, hopefully it will get the attention it deserves. Good luck.

It's really rare to get good threads here sadly. But sometimes it does happen, I usually archive them all.

Sup Forums is just too full with Nintendo stuff, boring meta garbage and meme threads just like Sup Forums is spammed with Intel vs. AMD or boring spec threads.

But on both boards there good threads, occasionally.

Unreal 2 wan't a proper sequel?!

Unreal 2 is awful and is nothing like the first game.

It's literally the slowest FPS that has ever been created.

>nintendo stuff
Ditto. I'm a fan of Nintendo, but this board really is too Nintendo-centric. Same with /vr/. On the one hand, it can't be helped because Nintendo is really famous, but on the other - people should play more games.

Yeah and the console wars are /r/pcmasterrace tier. But I feel a lot of the posters are too young (

Are there any modern games that have done a similar aesthetic to Unreal? I dig the sort of future-Gothic it's got.

A new Unreal could be the best game ever made with the tech we have today if done right.

Quake 1

Holy fuck no. People bitch about Invisible War being worse than Deus Ex but in reality Unreal 2 vs. Unreal is far more disappointing

This. I literally had to speed up the walking speed 3x just to play the game.

Besides that Unreal 2 has creatures that are named Skaarj and kinda look like them there are absolutely no similarities.

Pretty sad desu.

I'll never not be salty that it was Half Life that achieved meme status over Unreal. NEVER.

I also miss that style. I feel like nowadays level designers focus too much to have a scifi game look like one would except it to. Results are games that look pretty similar.

>Skaarj in Unreal are super fast bruisers that dodge attacks like champs
>Skaarj in Unreal 2 are slow, lumbering brutes that couldn't dodge a snail

>mfw edgy kids fap all day about GabeN and HL.
>they will never know the beauty of Unreal

All the fault of ''PCMasterRace'' 'tards that never played older games other than Half Life.

this is what you consider a good thread?

It's literally just "post games you really like" "wow I also like game you like"

Are you so used to shitposting that anything even remotely better is considered good now?

Here's how you make a good thread:

"I really enjoyed this game, and think it's a shame it didn't get a sequel. What do you guys think a sequel to this game would/should look like? What should stay and what should change?"

Now this is a soundtrack I'd love to buy.

They literally look like the zombies form crossfire or any other pay2win CS clone.

Get the FLAC's for free user!

Just saying it's worth actually purchasing. Such an amazing soundtrack.

Sadly, there are really young, I agree. The thing is, there are older people too, but they haven't played too many games. I'm sick of the discussion of the same ~30 games. Instead of Diablo 2, I want to see more Nox or Divine Divinity threads. What about some lesser known platformers like James Pond 2? What about lesser known games in general, like General Chaos, or Pigskin Footbrawl? I know vidya is time-consuming and people don't have the time, but come on.

Thanks user

The other great fps from 1998 never got a proper sequel.

It's sadly hard to find nowadays, at Amazon they have a used 13 track discs for like 39.99€. That soundtrack as 20 track version is pretty rare nowadays.

Was there ever one with the Return to Na Pali songs?

what the hell is with quake and unreal 1 both being amazing and nothing at all like the sequels?

fucking this
Love Quake 1 so much, the dark gritty atmosphere and lovecraftian monsters are cool as fuck. Quake 2 comes along and says "hey guys, im basically you're typical shitty scifi game. fuck atmosphere ammiright?" and every other Quake game followed along.
Im still waiting for a Quake 1 version of Doom 2016 (no, not quake champions)

Will another Obsidian Fallout game be ever made,or will todd howard kill the franchise?

>When your eightball rockets accidentally hit one of these guys

No worse feeling exists

Sadly there never was. But in my link you find a custom remastered lossless version made form the original MOD's. Sounds pretty dope.

RTNP had some dope tracks.

Unreal got a sequel.

Unreal 2 exists. And it is criminally bad. Rented it from a local library so at least I didn't pay for it.

It did.

>proper sequel

All they need to is update the combat. Literally would be a 11/10 if they can do that.

Sounds way too close to his work on Deus Ex


Loved KoA, shame it'll never get a sequel.

I hope TES gets a good next part. Skyrim never made me interested actually.
Quake 4 is better than Unreal 2 but still won't touch the original gameplay wise. It feels clumsy and slow.
>that level before the town in RTNP where you take a short ride with the boat
>peaceful Nalis in their beautiful houses with these cows in their stalls

That level was magic.
I was shocked when I played it the first time.

Also like this one.


Why cant we have that lovecraftian future medieval style back?


I know what you are saying, but really think through who would be in charge of making it...

Have you seen what they did to the first to? And that abortion of a turd that is SoD? I just can't wait to see what they are going to do with the hackjob that Planescape Tormet EE, set to be announced in just a couple of days in a can't look away from a trainwreck in progress sorta way.

No other dbz game had controls as tight and well done as this

How about a remaster of Unreal with reworked weapons?

>Sniper rifle is almost useless because it's rare that you have a large enough area with enemies in it
>Finally find a place where it might be useful; it's that long drawbridge in front of the castle that was featured prominently in the advertisements
>Headshot one of the Skaarj standing in front of the castle
>It doesn't kill him
>Starts running towards me in a zig zag, making it impossible to get another headshot

The AI was great for its time, but the weapons were so shitty.

Proper is subjective.

I'm sure someone out there liked the game.

Well yeah there's people out there with shit taste. But seriously, Unreal 2 is so different from the first game.

i'm sure someone out there liked bad rats
is it a good game then?

I always got a lot of mileage out the sniper rifle because it's one of the only hitscan weapons in a game full of enemies that dodge projectiles.

>tfw there will never be another isometric fallout game
why even bother living


Blast Corps
Thief 2
Stalker SoC (CS and CoP were standalone expansions)
X-COM Apocalypse

I always peaked arround the corner to decapitate standing skaarj with it but once they started moving and shooting their light balls it gets hard to hit their head without wasting ammo.

BF1942 and NFS U2

There is Arcane Dimensions.

Also the backstory of Quake Champions have Elder Gods as the main "villians"

Unreal is a magical game in general. I didn't even play it when I came out but when I did I was fucking mesmerized. From the intensity of the combat to the god-tier atmosphere, "unreal" is truly the only way to describe it.

im not like the other anons, ive set aside money to "preorder" or pay what i need to for Quake Champions. Ive been waiting years for the arena fps to be revived, with or without abilities.

Friend and I bought it from a garage sale a few years after release. Vortex rikers managed to scare the shit out of us. We were 12 at the time tho.

>Thief 2

>you will never stick your dick between the lightning gun's prongs and get zapped till you cum

Why even live?

>ive set aside money to "preorder" or pay what i need to for Quake Champions.
You either play the free version (you only have Ranger and must rent the others) or pay a "champions" pack (unlock the other 11 jerks at release forever and anyone who gets introduced later)

I actually kind of like Unreal 2.

Some of the music is good as well as some of the weapons and environments, but holy fuck no, it's full of hitscan fuckers and slow movement. Oh my fucking god you move so slow.