
Name me one Monarch as good as Caius
>additional chance of extra damage
>employs a proto-power stance
>name even starts with the letters of CIA

Post your cardfus Sup Forums

Well, if you want me too...

This beautiful motherfucker.

>Brings a 4000 ATK monster right away with no repercussions.
hot fucking damn.

If you can't summon her in 2 turns max, then you have no place in discussing Yu-Gi-Oh! in this day and age.

i hate nu-yugioh

>Brings a 4000 ATK monster

every yugioh thread gets deleted

>name even starts with the letters of CIA


Granmarg is a big monarch

Endless decay, 4000 ATK if you haven't hurt your opponent's LP, this turtle can bring it right away from your deck.

>play legacy of the duelist
>try to use story decks every time
>lose 90% of the time because yugi's random cards can't win against opponents who put any amount of thought into their deck

yugi can only win through cheating

>Hops in your path

>bricks your hand

Sup Forums is casual as fuck and deathly afraid of cards that aren't yellow, orange, purple, or green.


I kinda lost interest after Synchro summoning was introduced. XYZ finally got me to put the game down. (Well actually it got my friends to put it down, which got me to put it down)

How about pink and blue? we like those too.

You're a Big Eye
The Dark Law Rises

I want to marry Insect Princess and always be by her side as she becomes the most powerful monster in the Insect Kingdom, tearing apart and devouring her opponents and rivals one by one until there is not one living creature on this earth that is not the offspring of the hive we've built together or enslaved to it's will by our Parasite Parasides

wew lad

Where's Raizafag when you need him.

Name a more unfun YGO meta than Monarchs.
Yeah, I hate to be that guy and say it, but I will: You can't.

>Monarchs have been always viable
>Have never been truly meta though until Erebus and Co came along
literally /ourarchetype/


Frog Monarchs and Perfect Circle Monarch were legitimately meta in their respective days.

>not using Pure Monarchs

>tfw your main monarch deck on devpro is on a laptop incapable of charging and on duelingnetwork

I can't believe Konami is borderline killing all the Extra Deck summon methods just to support Links. Decks like Synchrons or Odd-Eyes Magicians cannot function with just a single Extra Deck monster zone. XYZ and Fusion will survive though but damn I wish I wasn't a fan of Synchro and the Odd-Eyes archetype. This sucks!

the ice one that kills 2 spells and trap cards

Slight misprint so that she can be a unique snowflake.

I think Yusei is the only protagonist with some decent decks in that game.
Jaden's decks are fine at the start, too, but then he gets Neos, and Neos was a mistake


Zexal kid was able to summon any XYZ if he wasn't limiting himself to his arche type.

Even though the new rules are going to kill my decks (madolche and ritual beasts), I'm perfectly okay with them, as modern yugioh with all the xyz spamming and pendulum flooding the field in one turn is super stupid.

Traptrix bug lolis.

Except that this new rule will never actually stop the spam. Nothing has change except all the old shit is weaker now. Links will become the new XYZ spam. People assuming that Links were made to stop the extreme speed of Yugioh is a false believe, Links were actually made to push a superior and easier to summon monster type while killing all the old shit. You can't even use more than one Extra Deck monster without buying Links. It's completely retarded.

Magicians can probably adapt but other archetypes like igknights are deader now.
Aside from losing brilliant fusion, Ritual Beasts should be alright since they don't usually have more than 1 fusion on board at a time.

At least I like one of the starting Link archetypes which is actually bad when you realize it''ll be used by a side character and be under supported

Even post-structure deck Monarchs weren't even technically pure. The Squire/Vassals are their own thing just like how Frogs were. The only difference between them is that the Squire/Vassals are mean't to serve only as a "generic" tribute engine for the entire tribute summon mechanic and not just the Monarchs themselves.
Post-structure Monarchs also had the variants that used the Super Quant engine and even the variants that forgo Domain-lock to R5 spam on top of the Tribute summons. Also everyone ran at least 1 Majesty and Vanity's Fiend whether in main or side.

I play Synchrons but I'm just gonna use a Link spam deck now. Not even gonna bother investing in a Link just so I can Synchro into the monsters I actually want to win with. Plus Links are a million times easier to make than Synchros or Xyzs.

To be fair Gouki and Trickster just with the cards revealed are off to a way better start then Superheavy Sam's or Melodious.

I'll be more excited for Gouki when I see the way Konami intends for me to get 3 Gouki out for Ogre. Although I do agree both decks are off to a far better start with multiple searchers and decent effects.

>inks are a million times easier to make than Synchros or Xyzs.
Is pretty much the same. Some Links will need specific types and/or levels of monster to be summoned.

While I was hoping for a non-dragon ace but I like Firewall Dragon a lot. It has a more coherent design than Odd-Eyes and pulls off the artificial dragon look a lot better.

Decode Talker is the best though. Hopefully he'll be as great another Ace as Junk Warrior was.

>mfw never ran Monarchs with either Fiend or Frogs

Does this mean we're getting more train support?

They made mega evolutions for the Monarchs?

That is a fucking steelswarm monster and no gouki name can tell me otherwise

No it's easier inheritly simply because Links are unaffected by the new Extra Deck monster limit. You can make as many links as you want because ideally, the Link monster you summon will open up more Extra Deck monster zones. They will of course make easier, more generic, and more powerful Link monsters if people complain enough that they are underpowered. That is how XYZ started and it quickly replaced Synchro as the dominant summon method. Links will be the same way.

You are not the only person who thought that too.

My boy.

Do link monsters not have defense?

No, and they can never be placed in defense in any situation.

Them being affected by the rule or not doesn't make them easier to summon.

Suppose you need level 10 monsters to summon one, even if the new rules allow you to summon 5 of that link monster, it would still be difficult to make one.

what if you force defense position on one of them by an effect, does it get destroyed? if not, then they are bullshit.

No it doesn't get destroyed, and it can never exist in defense position ever. If something banishes it and would return it to the field in defense/set it would simply stay banished.

Links cannot be place into defence position by the player or by card effects so they are immune to cards like book of eclipse. They also errata'd darkness approaches so it can't flip into face down attack.

no, the majority of people like you are fags. I'd say that a lot of Sup Forums understands and knows how to use them, but sometimes they wanna play with the old ones for fun, and then people like you come out of the autistic woodwork

So since Yusaku and is his deck are Hackerman themed will the rival's deck be evil hackrman? I hope whatever it is can be close to how cool D/D/D's are.

always kinda annoyed me how much of a strict upgrade he was compared to the rest of them.

And why didn't granmargs mega card at least try to reflect his massive size in some way. He is supposed to be the big guy. why couldn't he gain 1000 atk if you used and earth monster or something?

The main villain of VRains is the anonymous hacker Sup Forums, user. I thought you already knew that.

>already paragraphs of text
I'm used to card types being vanilla when they're being introduced.

the levels of bullshit on this new cards is too damn high!

>tfw always try to make D-Hero and D-mixed deck viable because I have a history with D-hero and I fucking love them

>tfw the game is now 2fast4D

>people call bullshit pendulum summoning and extra deck spam
>haha get fucked nerd leave the game XD evolve to stay in the past sweetie ;))
>links comes out
>everyone is assblasted
>card shops say theyll stop selling yugioh
>people cry their extra deck is now useless


I'm pretty new to the game. Can you all help me make a fun deck based on my my favorite card? I'm not looking for it to be competitive. Just for fun.

Running a janky monarch deck focusing on March of the Monarchs and The monarchs erupt was so much damn fun. Players wouldn't even bother reading the cards, try to do their syncro and xyz shit, fail, and just ragequit. Good times.

What's the hottest deck in town right now?

Is synchro still the best kind of summon?

It doesn't help that most of the Arc-V D-Hero support is laughably bad. Destiny HERO - Duskutopiaguy has a pretty high chance of being in the Collector's Pack but I wouldn't put much very much faith in him helping the deck.

>the big guy
For you.
And to be fair Caius and Raiza are just flat out better than the rest.

Throw in all the other cards you can with dice rolls and coin flips.

Pure barrier statues

Why isn't mega Raiza limited? Doesn't seem all that hard to draw lock the opponent.

Paleozoics, Infernoids, and Zoodiacs.

So 1-2 years ago I asked if the blue eyes white dragon was as good as it is in the show and you guys said it wasn't but it was going to become meta in a few months.

how good is it now?

I'm pretty sure that there are cards specially directed to gambling, like that fucking Snipe hunter I fucking hate that faggot.

It might as well be competitive cuz the opponent will get so fucking annoyed they will lose their shit.

>no more metalmoprh version of monsters
they should've brought more just like the assault modes

Crappy because of these

A Yugioh anime based on websites would be pretty cool to be honest.

what is this

Wanted to try a Synchron deck because I never really made a deck that focused on synchro summoning.
I learned the joy of planning how to get Quasar with almost any starting hand, and now I'm sad that it's gonna get fucked under the new Link rules.

Dragon queen something, can't remember the card name.

>bee monster
>hexagon pattern
>card type meant to ruin the extra deck method

Back in the day Raiza was a better card than Caius. Forciing your opponent to draw an unwanted card was stronger than a single banish with maybe burn especially if you resolved consecutive Raizas turn after turn. This psuedo-lock even got Raiza limited for a time. Nowadays Caius is better because draw and search power is so prevalent.
Also Mega-Granmarg should've been the one with a no-response clause.

Because there is no easy wind-tribute fodder to make full use of Mega Raizas effect (Garum isn't all that great sadly), and draw/search power is so incredibly common now that soft-locking your opponents draw isn't much of an issue.

I always wanted to make a viable deck based on this guy

Reminder this is the VRAIN crew

Original Idea: Takahashi Kazuki & Studio Dice (Weekly Shonen Jump)
Director: 細田雅弘 Masahiro Hosoda (Directed “Virgin Fleet” and “Dragonball Z: Battle of Gods”, directed various episodes of Kaiji and Xros Wars)
Series Direction: 吉田伸 Yoshida Shin (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s 27 onwards and Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL)
Duel Compositon: 彦久保雅博 Masahiro Hikokubo
Character Design: 原憲一 Hara Kenichi
Sound Director: 松岡裕紀 Matsuoka Hiroki (Sound Director for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions, as well as ARC-V and ZEXAL)
Music: 光宗信吉 Mitsumune Shikichi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Speed Grapher, Familiar of Zero, Rozen Maiden)
Animation Studio: ぎゃろっぷ Gallop
Production: テレビ東京 NAS (TV Tokyo) / (Nihon Ad Systems)

Saffira, Queen of Dragons



Who is this semen demon?

Would dicephoon work well? How about throwing in Second Coin Toss?

>An insect archetype with potential
>Has a Synchro tuner
>Don't print it
>It never had an accel synchro either


>Mitsumune Shikichi
>Rozen Maiden
Keke this will be great. The music was one of the only good elements from Rozen.


>opp goes first
>they summon a Ritual, a Fusion, a Synchro, and an XYZ
>my turn
>banish my opponent's monsters to summon Sophia
There, I did it :^)

I'm against spoonfeeding, but I'll help you out still. It has something to do with copper and lions.

>that art
you know effect veilers is a guy right?

that's a pretty cool card. any deck list?

is there a card that is played in lots decks just because its stats are so fucking good for its cost? kinda like dr boom in hs

I heard the rat zoodiac is insane but it's more of a combo card right?

You can use normal Raiza as the fodder no?

oops, looks like you are fighting a remove from play deck. your shitty faggot zombie deck is removed from play idort