Tales fans at least ones in the states on like this game because they had to fight so hard to get it localized...

Tales fans at least ones in the states on like this game because they had to fight so hard to get it localized. You couldn't say anything bad about Graces for years without people swearing it was good

Other urls found in this thread:



>be told that Graces is worth playing for the combat alone
>play it
> it has the most fucking rigid and linear combat in the franchise

Did I get memed on?

I liked it because it was my first one. Asbel's taking Lambda into him was stupid though.

>finish child arc
>fight Asbel's brother 1v1
>"okay this must be the obligatory you're expected to lose but you can win if you git gud fight"
>reduce his HP to 0
>the fight doesn't end until you lose


Graces combat was popular because you hit a button a do a cool thing with tons of hitsparks and effects. It allows normal people to feel like those crazies who make those tales combo videos

>Tales of Symph 2 actually let you kill bosses that you were supposed to lose to
>get a different cutscene and everything that acknowledges your win.

And people say that it was bad.

>Bear's game
>not bad


>Tales fans at least ones in the states on like this game because they had to fight so hard to get it localized.
Nah, I had fun.

I'm just pointing out, people don't get what they want, and think it's bad, then when you get what you want, it's still bad. Can't win these days.

Fuck you man. Hubert was fucking badass as shit. Name one character in media with the balls to dual wield sticks FUCKING ONE.

Dual wield sticks and guns. AT THE SAME TIME.


Real talk why is Eizen's tales Cameo costime Hubert's, it doesn't fit at all. Senel's costume would have made more sense

Real talk Hubert redeemed the entire game alone.

>I like the controls in Graces because it's the one fucking game where up will always move you towards the enemy no matter what so when the camera goes flying all over the place you'll be fine and moving forward doesn't suddenly change to running away
>Autistic screeching from my Vesperia-loving friend who tells me to just get good

Abyss is my favorite anyway

It was fun. Liked the skits, all the little attention to details it had and yeah, the combat was pretty fun. I'm not a tales veteran or anything, only played tales of symphonia 1 and 2 besides that, so maybe the combat in other entries is even more fun, but for what it's worth it kept me entertained enough to do a ng+ which I rarely do.


I liked he combat and not a fucking thing else.

Terrible JRPG.

People need to realize there is more to gameplay in these games than combat.

Yes. Graces has marked the downfall of the series. Every shit Tales game has tried to emulate Graces, and it brought the most cancerous fans to series. If you played Zestiria and Berseria, you should fucking kill yourself.

>muh gameplay
lol. Oh wow, shit tier B-artes and repetitive A-Artes, you are forced to be defensive, combos can't let you get as creative as other games.

This is the only thing I lament. Hubert was suck a cool character and they had to waste him on this shit. Fuck, I could have liked the game more if he had been the MC. Asbel deserved to die.

The whole cast, save Hubert and Pascal, was shit. God I fucking hate Graces and everything it spawned so fucking much.

You know your series is shit when the last good game you made was nearly 10 years ago. Funny that same game is the best-looking Tales game date.

It also helps that it's the best Tales game

>Implying you didn't grow an extra set of balls the moment Hubert appeared on screen.

You need to realize people liked others things about it as well.

Character interaction was very good, some of the best in the franchise actually.

Asbel is worst tales protag

I enjoyed the game, I mean I know it has its flaws but I still liked it. The only Tales game I honestly dislike are Tempest, Legendia and Zesteria.


I just can't get over how ugly Inomata's designs are and how awful the coloring is.
They make Clamp look like masters.

Your hate for graces seems to come mostly from other games that tried and failed to replicate its greatness. That's like hating a game for its fanbase, it's unhealthy.

>If you played Zestiria and Berseria, you should fucking kill yourself.
>and Berseria
Nice, gayfags in Tales threads is just what they needed.


I wasn't raised on cupcakes an daikamuras like you.

The characters are garbage.


The fuck did you just type on your smegma covered keyboard faggot. Are you forgetting this game had the single greatest character in videogame history a man among men who can do no wrong.

>because they had to fight so hard to get it localized
I remember people fighting so hard to get Vesperia PS3 localized but then Namco trolled everyone and an announced Graces F instead

Malik a best.
Hubert a boring.

They didn't troll anyone people couldn't decide what they wanted at the end the official would delete Vesperia threads on sight


>muh waifu Velvet
>muh DFC witch
Fuck off. Vesperia's girls are miles better. And it helps that their game is fun as well.Hell, fucking Tear is better. Velvet is just an edgy, uglier Millia.

There are 2 games that are worse than Graces, before Graces came out: Legendia and Tempest. That's it. Literally every other Tales game from before is better. If you think Graces' bastardization of the CC system is fun, you're a fucking newfag that has never played Tales of Eternia, Tales of Veseria, or the series' magnum opus, Tales of Destiny PS2.

Namco was teasing Vesperia PS3 on that one website. The logo was heavily scrambled and had the Vesperia color scheme. Even Troy Baker confirmed that he was voicing extra lines for the PS3 port.

Then at the last minute they announced Graces F instead and those people working that Graces F english patch that was almost done had to cancel it.

I think he meant how the teaser site with the distorted image, which at one pointed, was the Vesperia title logo. But it ended up being Graces f.

You know you're fucking wrong right. Hubert is literally the best written character and also the most intelligent.

They literally put the Graces logo over the Vesperia logo and then distorted it. Don't know what the fuck you're talking about some tweet.

They did those lines when they were working on the 360 version. That's why stuff like the English audio of Rita's indignation exist


You don't even know the character names, keep going sperg-kun.

The Japanese 360 version also had those lines voiced too despite those skills not appearing in the game.

Tales of Legendia was the last good Tales game. Fight me faggots.

Vesperia you mean?

Honestly the only Tales game I started and didn't beat.

the dungeons and gameplay were garbage. it was like if they made a 3D version of PS1 phantasia's combat except with lame spell effects and it runs at 30fps instead of 60.

at least the soundtrack was good.

Yeager is Regaey backwards

Huberts not in that game user.

Is berseria actually any good? It's been sitting on my PC hard drive for weeks now but I just don't have the nerve to start it. I loved Vesperia and Symphonia if that matters.

I still love it. Shame that the games that try to build on it and solve its flaws lose what elements made Graces well-liked anyways and put in other, even more annoying elements than what was questionable or bad about Graces.

The site's URL was a direct reference to Graces, and the general background had the colors of the Graces title screen. But they still threw both logos in the scramble to fuck with people, which was a pretty douchey move.


Played Graces when it came out.

Consensus was that it was weak.

A Gametrailers review spoiled the game for me (basically tells you King Richard will turn).

Tales of Hearts was the one everyone wanted localised.




Despite being cliche as all hell. I really enjoyed Graces. Unfortunately, Xillia followed it and provided a really boring first half that nearly made me drop the game.

Yeah, it's great. Don't let muh revenge edginess put you off if that's been a concern.

I love hearts

Except Graces F was actually great!
Best combat in the series.

I can't even remember there ever being a thread about it that didn't have everyone relentlessly shitting on everything that isn't combat.

honestly, the combat kinda sucked, but I ended up REALLY enjoying the characters and setting. The we're the aliens twist was actually unexpected, and all the settings for dungeons I thought were neat. I understand the game is pretty bad but I thought the post game character quests were great (especially Chloe's) and the music was really fantastic

Gameplay's not excellent and the overworld is still shit like most of the post-Vesperia games but the story and characters are the best in quite a while

1st Tales games in more than a decade that made me legit cry, an actual achievement for nu-Tales.

Story and characters are legit good. Battle system is so-so, music is trash as usual with sakuraba and his 80s midi keyboard though Velvets piano theme has potential to be good, difficulty is kinda non-existent when you control the MC, actually unfair sometimes if you control anyone else.

>game looks like it started on psp and then moved to vita
>locked at 30fps
ruined it

Why was Xillia 2's cards so shit compared to Vesperia's?

>Red Herring
Not an argument

You can hate Graces and think it had terrible combat, but what made it liked compared to its "sequels" is that obviously, a lot of work and effort went into it.
You didn't have big empty, recycled maps everywhere, the overworld dialogue changed depending on the leader (that you can't even change in Zestiria), the skits and victory chats were much better.
Xillia and Zestiria feel like they were made with half the budget comparatively.

>overworld is still shit
I'll have you know I loved running through stone hallways, caves, and open fields surrounded by massive rock formations.

>Despite being cliche as all hell. I really enjoyed Graces.
I actually loved how cheesy it was but I can see why people would be turned off.

Not even PSP, you ever seen KH:BBS graphics? This was honestly my 2nd biggest complaint, 1st was the asspull/halfassed ending for anyone who's not the MC and his waifu.

Battle was pretty good, 30fps was fine because it was responsive, ports that went to 30fps from the original 60 like Abyss 3DS or Symphonia PS3 are the true trash.

>terrible combat
don't think anyone believes that. the major criticism for the game comes from the overly cliche plot and lackluster music.

>game looks like it started on psp

>plot was typical anime stuff
>characters were pretty cool
>artstyle and soundtrack both good
>battle system was the most fun in the series so far
>weapon customization system was pretty useful and not boring like in Zestiria and Berseria
>pretty good free end game expansion if you bought the F edition

I genuinely don't understand all the hate this game gets.
Then again Sup Forums is the only vidya place that seems to hate it and you faggots hate everything so I guess it doesn't matter.

Played Tales since Eternia and Graces skits are still my favorite.

>he wants an argument response to his shitpost
Maybe someday autismo, for now have this pity (you).

To this day I have no idea why the combat in Graces was so praised.
ESPECIALLY when the difficulty was absurdly uneven.

>fight monsters in area that have maybe 6000-12000 health
>the boss of that area has literally over 800000 health
>bosses can't be hitstunned for shit and one-shot your characters

How much grinding are you expected to do in Graces?
anyways Vesperia and Xillia 2 have better combat if you're a combo freak, Symphonia has better story and has better combat if you care more about the RPG aspect.

english patch for innocence r when?

That and Tenebrae are not enough to save that game from still being a gigantic pile of shit.

one day

Dungeons were good. Certainly better than later games. It had some okay weapon customization. Didn't care for the title system. Not recalling any minigames, which I guess is a point against it. Field system was shit. Overworld or even open world is better than that.

Overall in terms of pure gameplay, Graces was good. It has a shit story but so do most JRPGs.

Graces has a higher skill floor but lower ceiling. Basically, you dodge or you don't.

>Have Ace
>Take high by accident
>Hit Flynn
Sure was intense sometimes.
I think Xillia's was more of a tedious task. Didn't play it myself, but I think it takes a lot longer to make profit

>grinding in graces at all
get fucking gud at dodging you scrub
you also got the arles pot which helps out a lot, food can increase your damage or critical hits by 2x

if you're really that bad or want the game to go faster then lower the difficulty. if you die during a boss fight, they give you another shot to change anything in the main menu.

Fuck that Platinum though
Got it, doesn't mean I enjoyed it

>I should have to autistically perfectly dodge every attack while not being able to hitstun or heavily damage a boss that has potentially millions of health

I'm not spending 30 minutes trying to do a single boss battle perfectly, that's retarded and fucked up.
ESPECIALLY when I always play these games with 4 players.

There's no reason for the wild difficulty spikes on boss battles in Graces.

I think Xillia2 might not count ace as highest and lowest and I think I remember you not being able to continue doing high/low if you got a card of the same number as the previous one.

>doubling on Jack
Damn, I was literally saying no as I was watching this webm.

again you have food and items that increase your own damage, also learn how weakness strikes work. that's how you do insane damage against enemies. just mashing your favorite skills over and over is dumb as hell and a quick way to die.

and again if you're too casual and want the game to quickly, lower the difficulty. enemy HP and stats gets reduced dramatically.

The part with Malik's bff wrecked me pretty hard the first couple of tries I have to admit. Can't think of any other difficulty spike tho.

>he doesn't with his back

The only spike I had was with Kurt on normal.

Game was a breeze before and after, without grinding.
So yes, get good.

I like the "simple" tales.

Would be cool to have a game from Dhaos' world.

Using boss's weaknesses was something we all did. It just never worked because the bosses have super armor and just one-shot us while we're trying to damage them.

And this wasn't a problem with every other Tales game we've ever played, we beat them all on the highest difficulty including optional bosses except for Graces.

I don't quite get the hype around it. Combat was mainly dodge, do your combo repeat.
The world was a joke compared to basically any Tales, so was the writing. The characters were so fucking weak during the story, that I replayed Phantasia immediately after. Found out that the first hour of Phantasia did everything better than Graces all in all.

Pascal basically redeemed half the game. They even fucking knew she's good by giving her the most spotlight during the story until the end where it looks like they suddenly remembered Asbel is the main character.

It's still better than everything afterwards, but I'd rather play some old games a bit more than that. Like Legendia

>not unlocking the highest difficulty possible as fast as you can and playing on that

protip: when boss flashes yellow, you can break their armor with B artes.

another protip: when the boss flashes red, that's when you fucking dodge or guard or else you get one shotted.

Tales of Sponge? No thanks.

Please stop enforcing your enjoyment on others. I've long since beat the game and have no motivation to return to it.

I've only played Tales of the Abyss, and I'm currently in the middle of Tales of Berseria, enjoyed and enjoying both

Eizen best bro

That fight was bullshit because your teams AI is fucking shit and wouldn't attacks the adds at all.

Emerad could be shitty at times also.