What's with her mouth

What's with her mouth

Post more of Zelda's ass!

well you got teeth going in 1 perspective but the mouth in another. simply remove the teeth and make it anime moe face then it's fine

Behead those who braaap-post

it's standard anime shit and as always, doesn't work when you can't draw and have this western style going on

also she has midget proportions

See the lines in her tight pants right under her buttcheeks?

That's where boners are made.












oh great, i'm drawn by an amateur.



Side-mouth is typical of Japanese anime where the flat animation style makes it very difficult to animate since it would mean having to actually move the jaw. So the mouth is shifted to the side to allow easy, cheaper animation that requires none of the face to move.


the image literally would have been 10/10 if not for the mouth
how do you even drop the ball that hard?

Fuck off Zelda go eat frogs and whine about your failures somewhere else

Holy fuck I forgot all about that. I guess it's hard to remember when everybody just memes Loss into the ground.

fuck you






Is there one where zelda reacts to trap link

There is one but I don't have it. Have a picture of it instead

from the last thread

I wonder if it has anything with to do with recent popularity of Cakefarting.

I want to inflate Twilight Princess Zelda

What on earth? Did I miss something? Is it literally what I think it is?


This is the worst copypasta on this website.

fuck off

Shit artist with too much anime in style.

fuck you

Godfucking damnit.

What sound comes to mind when you see this image, Sup Forums?

I want Zelda to sit on my face.

Eyebrows aren't thick enough



Gas on me pls

how are people missing that she has a GIANT HEAD

it's way way way more of an issue than the shitty mouth

