It's another Yooka Laylee thread

It's another Yooka Laylee thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


>eceleb shitposting
no thanks.

>Sup Forums actually, unironically doing a "wtf i hate ___ now"

LOL you're literally a massive faggot.

Get out. You don't belong here.


ignore all Sup Forums posts

ignore all e-celeb drama

ignore all SJW bullshit

report and move on

Fucking eceleb cancer

Come on, faggots. Get a clue. Eceleb garbage isn't welcome here.

For those wondering how everything started, here is the answer

>more e-celeb drama

Let's not and say we did.

How many time could it had to be repeated to you faggots?







Playtonic did nothing wrong, it's Team 17 that are the assholes.

>voice still in base game
>Sup Forums is buttblasted about this
Worse than ponies , same as neogaf/sjw

>picture of Destiny

If I had invested time, money and passion into a game only to experience its devs behave like this, I'd be pretty fucking distraught at their whimpering spinelessness and demand a refund.

>Imagine being someone who JonTron lambasted
He didn't do that though, did he? From what I've seen, the worst JonTron commited was just giving out his unpopular opinions on politics in a very poor and uneducated fashion. When did he "lambaste" somebody?

>You will never be this upset at a thread on a Malaysian basket weaving forum

>There is some sort of controversy
>Dev wants to avoid controversy and just make games

If you guys absolutely need to wank over some eceleb fags, at least keep it in one thread. There was a thread about this very thin before this one started. Lurk before posting.

Shit in one pile, not all over the damn place.

Hello NeoGAF

He never did. He expressed personal opinions in a youtube debate show.
You know, the worst thing you can possibly do in this world is have opinions that don't resonate with the self-appointed guardians of morality, and that alone counts as a personal attack on them in their diseased minds.

Not being liberal = being literally hitler

Weird because I saw like one thread about it.

I don't know why people would get mad. They will just shit on the game.


>Somehow has to bring MLP into this

Sup Forums is so fucking shit.

I'm not sure If I'm too old now or this site went to complete shit around 2010.

I mean he made it clear that he thinks black people are genetically inferior in that they're somehow predisposed to be criminals

If you're black I can see how it would be hard not to take that personally

inb4 flood of cherrypicked Sup Forums statistics claiming jon is right

Ah, now eventually you do plan to have vidya game discussion on your, on your vidya game board, right? Hello?

>says the salty underage crossposting nu/pol/acks that spams their unwanted shitty threads just because his favorite jewtuber isn't in some shitty game just because he sperged out online at livestream or something
Ayy lmao look at that irony.

>pony content outside of /mlp/ is banned
>politics outside of Sup Forums is not

Th-that's chaos.


>implying dindus aren't a plague upon humanity

Crying about Sup Forums only outs you as a neofag. Stop the fucking raiding

he was pretty racist on the debate.



>not acting like a childish Sup Forumstard or Sup Forumsfaggot makes you from Neogaf

You need to be 18 to use this site.

>no one on Sup Forums hates Sup Forums
the delusion is strong with this one

I was about to say, "this will be the next Mass Effect Andromeda", but then I remembered that they actually sold a handful of copies.

So this will be the next No Man's Sky.

fuck off neogaf

polfags need to drink some bleach.

>you're raiding by calling out Sup Forums for raiding

I like how Sup Forumstards have to use neogaf as the boogeyman because they know Sup Forums is reddit as fuck.

Post Jon dubs

>dev creates controversy on it's own
>user on an autism image board doesn't understand this and blames other autisms

>You need to be 18 to use this site.
Then what's your excuse, kid?

been here 8 years fag

Reminder that supporting this game and it's "developers" is like giving yourself over to the SJW LGBTQ PC hordes of dyed hair, ass fucking, agendered cucks that do nothing but shut every single little thing down by ruining peoples careers and vandalizing public property just because they can, and people will listen or will be demonized because the media is behind them 100% you are being conditioned by the Jewish media into buying things based on "nostalgia" while they fuck you by cramming in their own personal politics and "CURRENT YEAR" bs you are being conditioned to not question anything liberals and communists do you're literally giving away you're right to free thought by buying this game.

>youtube e-celeb starts to get involved in political debate streams and starts posting stupid political shit on his video game-based twitter
>becomes more known for his politics than his video game videos
>developers decide it'd be best to remove what little voicelines he did for the game to avoid any sort of political controversy
>they end what little business they had professionally and with no hard feelings on either side

what's the fucking problem

>Crying about Sup Forums only outs you as a neofag.
Moot reviving /new/ was a mistake

Fuck off

Don't waste your time man. These kids are fucking stupid. Being sensible here is a waste of time.

Fuck off neogaf

A game none of you cared about until it became a platform for your politics. Oh boy, fun.






Nigger, JonTron created the controversy all by himself. Nobody asked him to go full Sup Forums.

Jesus christ, the Playtonic Defense Force is in full effect today.

I didn't think there was this many people who even visited Neogaf, let alone people who would invade Sup Forums to spread their shit opinions.

Lmao, no, it doesn't state that

>constantly raid other boards like Sup Forums or Sup Forums with your off topic bullshit
>y-you are the one who is raining
Also fuck off with your neogaf shit kiddo. If anyone legimately thinks or participates on some shitty cross site "wars" should immediately cease to use this site because of the age restrictions.

I have a feeling now that Playtonic has no excuse for denying refunds, all of the "DELET E-CELEB DRAMA" posts are people trying to damage control the fact that they were caught outright lying.

If you actually hated this shit why wouldn't you either filter it or just fucking ignore the threads instead of bumping them with posts that don't contribute anything other than your dismay, while everyone else ignores you?

fuck off neogaf

he's right tho, Sup Forums doesn't have anything against Sup Forums only neofags do.

>But don't even bother being sensible, guys.

>the Sup Forums meme where everyone on Sup Forums agrees with Sup Forums

Hey fags, this ain't youtube. Take your discussion over there.

nice text diarrhea

If more neofag means less pol, i say we need more neofag.

>if i shout at them in all caps that'll do the trick
grow up

It's funny how Sup Forums always complains about "liberal" censorship when shitholes like r/the_dumpster and other similar subreddits are like the most censored out of all the political ones.

Playtonic did nothing wrong. They were catching heat from what Jafari decided to do on his own. He didn't have to get political, and probably should've done more research or practiced debating before making a fool of himself.

It's still sad how it all went down, though. Disavowed by his heroes (Rareware devs), on the day before his birthday. That's gotta hurt.

There is no problem. But we're dealing with simpletons like this

I mean, it still sucks that hes being dropped from a game where he doesn't even try to spout any of these things to the audience. It all kinda feels like if someone doesn't watch a Kurt Russel movie because he's a guns rights supporter etc.

>people unironically believe things like this

>i say we need more neofag.

Get the fuck out

I wonder who's behind this post.

>I'm so mature
heh, you know what they say about people who toot their own horns...

>The fucking Neogaf faggots didn't even fucking have accounts for the Forums
I fucking knew it, they literally don't play video games

>t. underage shitter from Sup Forums

>>dev creates controversy on it's own
Yea man, the devs behind Yooka Laylee set JonTron up, it was all their fault he featured on a public debate completely unprepared.

>Sup Forums is one person
that's a spicy meme

>tfw been here since 2006
>tfw watching Sup Forums and Sup Forums itself rot into absolute dogshit

feels bad meng

Sup Forums just has to make a shitstorm out of everything.

If you care more about a fucking meme youtube e-celeb's small bit role in a video game than the actual fucking video game, you can suck a dick and fuck off back to Sup Forums.

kill yourself

Regardless of the drama, I'm still gonna rent it.

>complaining about conservative values and Sup Forums
>on fucking Sup Forums of all places

>I'm on Sup Forums right now therefore I am FROM Sup Forums
that's not how it works

it's another report

>Playtonic did nothing wrong
You're right that removing Jontron because of his racist sperging isn't wrong, but Playtonic is completely in the wrong when they decided to ban/censor/mock their own kickstarter backers who wanted a refund after they removed content said to be in the game before funding began.

Didn't Reddit change its whole algorithm just to censor the Trump sub?

I'll buy an extra copy for you

>oh shit an mspaint comic, you sure look stupid now!



He also didn't force them to remove him from the game that they had his retarded ass voice in and then shit talk all the people that wanted to boycott them because of it, but they did it anyway. Up until this point I heard literally fucking 0 about this game and Jontrons bullshit and then they all of the sudden when the shit was basically over with drag it back up. You are fucking dumb son, go back to your ghetto.