Bloodborne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BotW

Bloodborne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BotW

Not even slightly a contest.

Other urls found in this thread:

BotW is the best game ever made

Dark souls type games are trash in comparison, and they used to be my favorite games

Souls games in general are outdated mechanically

all they have going for them is the art/aesthetics and setting, but all their stories are poorly told with the exception of The Old Hunters and Demon's Souls

Bloodborne is the best game ever made

Zelda type games are trash in comparison, and they used to be my favorite games

Based on what?

Not sales, not reviews, not length and not the amount of players. This is basically a hot opinion.

Not at all.
For starters, Breath of the Wild is an actual, fun to play, good videogame.

The soulsborne games are basically glorified shovelware.

Both are 7/10 at best.

BB is a 9/10 with its DLC though.


>be master race
>do my daily visit to the Bloodborne petition to see if there's any updates or a response from FROM
>there's none, i'm slightly upset
>i decide to buy the new hot game of the moment, Dragon's Dogma
>peasants on Sup Forums are making fun of me for "eating their scraps"
>i'm moderately perturbed
>find out Dragon's Dogma has been leaked, pirate scum are enjoying the game for free while us loyal Gaben acolytes must wait one more week for playing it
>i'm now absolutely furious and spastic
>i push down my seat so hard my chair explodes, fracturing my anus and putting me in a coma
>wake up from the coma 50 years later
>find out a lot in gaming has changed ever since
>mass produced PCs and their parts no longer exist, they've gone the way of the typewriter and replaced by a myriad of devices that do its job better
>the only way of getting your hands in one is to buy an artisan built PC, which costs nearly as much as a house
>i remain loyal to the late and forgotten Lord Gaben, and fork over the money for a PC
>the only 2 games on it are DOTA and some indie game with "ironic" hideous graphics
>i'm absolutely in tears right now, wondering how this could've happened to us, the Master Race
>decide to finally budge in and buy a PlayStation 14 along with the remastered version of Bloodborne
>it's the most fun i've ever had, more than my combined 20 years of diligent PC gaming
>i can't get enough of it, and dive deep into all the PS exclusive games i've been missing out because of stubborn allegiance to corporations
I'm sending this message from the future from my PS14, which is so advanced it allows to send data to the past through electronic means
From the bottom of my heart, i'd like to apologize to you sonybros for all the shitposting and misinformation i've spread about Bloodborne
I've also transferred my consciousness to a loli robot while waiting for the new generation of consoles, life couldn't be any better right now

true, but nintenbros will cry for their one multiplat game on their shitty scratchy handheld lol

Soon people will refer to eldritch, mind-bending horrors as Bloodbornian than Lovecraftian.

They barely even have anything in common.

This isn't even comparing apples and oranges, this is comparing an apple and a doorknob.

You're right


>liking sickdark garbage

Don't make me say it

Have both

BotW is better

10 days to platinum it.

BB has 500 hours worth of content with the DLC and chalices.
BOTW is a 50 hour game.

Um congrats?

>BB has 500 hours worth of content with the DLC and chalices.
lol no

100 at max if you're taking your time

Why are you even comparing the two games?

>Souls games in general are outdated mechanically
Pfft so is Zelda
How many years did it take to add jump?

>very rare

Why don't you guys go fuck off and play your greatest games of all time instead of wasting everyone's time with this stupid thread.

Some days I don't feel worthy of playing it

i dont care about Zelda

both are average

Yeah, I agree, nintenbro!


I like both

What game is better?

i like souls games, but botw is bettet desu

basically if youre a child (even of the 'man' variety), you'll like botw more.

adults like bb more.

Sup Forums (and the internet in general) hating the Souls games was to be expected. The Witcher 3 and Breath of The Wild showed everyone what a genuinely good videogame is, and how the Souls series deceived them with lore smoke and artificial difficulty mirrors.


Bloodborne flew too high, too close to the sun. It was a masterpiece, dare I even say, the greatest game of all time. Period. However, the themes touched explored in the narrative are too high brow for the average gamer and not pseudo-intellectual enough for the typical philosophy major which leaves game floating in the abyss, a truly misunderstood work of art.

Like all the greats Picasso, Shakespeare, Spielberg, Van Gogh, Bloodborne will never be truly understood for the world changing masterpiece it is until long after Miyazaki and the boys on the FROM A+ team are all dead and buried.

Breath of the wild is less than trash when compared to BB.

How can you compare moments like this with the childish fantasy elves sword and board pulp nonsense of a Zelda game?

moments like THIS

I can't even tell if this is ironic anymore.

What exactly was so good about this? He pulls a green sword out of nowhere, wow amazing.

The witcher is trash, only pc neckbeards with dragon dildos up their ass like that garbage

Feels bad knowing at the end of the year that now 3 games will be considered game of this gen over BB doesn't it?

BotW, RDR2 and TW3.

>muh stories
and souls lore is just random paint splattered on a canvas with fanboys shouting you just dont understand the meaning

dude there's shittons of moments in games where you realize "oh shit" that have 1000x more buildup than this heap you're just saying "OH FUCK THAT'S EPIC!" because it's probably the first time you ever heard orchestra in your life

There's seriously things way better than your fucking 24/7 shilled garbage that you think is good because it's on a single platform.
I get so annoyed when I see people like you just going "OH MY SHINING MOONLIGHT" and all that garbage when it's just a spontaneous scene out of nowhere with no weight to it at all.
And how you say that there's all symbolic significance with the Moon and shit, dude it's fucking in suda51 games constantly with full moons, yellow moons, and red moons and shit who cares it's a fucking moon and it doesn't mean anything you autists
god damn

>not sales

How much did BotW sell in 3 weeks so far? I'm actually curious, I haven't looked up any video game news recently.

BB is one of the most overrated pieces of shit that I ever touched. I don't think it's bad, but it really is overrated. It gets lauded as a super challenging game, but all the bosses are terribly easy and guns and hit-to-heal destroy any sense of challenge.

>BB has 500 hours worth of content

other way around and remove a 0 from bloodborne

>everyone always posts about Ludwig's cutscene
>when the blood moon cutscene is easily the most ludo moment in the game
baka desu senpai

I've been playing botw for I dont know how long, I guess 100 hours and still havn't beaten a beast yet, and the whole map isn't even explored

the sword was strapped to his back the entire time. it doesn't come out of nowhere.

>t.mad pcbro who will never experience the greatest game of all time first hand

>see this cutscene
>hype as fuck
>dodge first two attacks
>realise rest of the fight is now just a faggot with a sword
>retroactively ruined the crazy first phase fun.
>literally stands there for like 20 seconsd to do ZEE SORD BEMEEE so you can just punch his gooch forever.

I played BotW and just beat it today. thanks for the (you), though.

you cant, which is why BB kills BOTW.

BOTW isn't even true art. it's filtered down shit made for children.

Nintendo actually started making Zelda into an adult series around OoT. That was a nice art style they had going for it. It continued with MM and on until Twilight Princess... Twilight Princess however got a *T* RATING! SHOCKER! And then Zelda was a cartoon forever. That's why you can't take Zelda seriously. It's the equivalent of a fucking hollywood blockbuster toning their shit down to get a PG13 rating. Fuck that shit. Zelda is watered down cell shaded cartoon shit watered down for an E rating so it sells as much as possible. It's a fucking product made for buck and nothing else.

Also Link is a fucking FAGGOT which is why FAGGOTS on Sup Forums like him so much. Any 'grown man' playing zelda seriously needs to kill himself.

BLOODBORNE on the other hand is a legitimate artform. Literally the mona lisa painting of video games.

>not Orphan of Kos

Are you actually trying to make Bloodborne seem like the best game ever because of a mid-boss phase switch? Seriously nigger? By your logic Dark Souls 3 should be the best game ever.

Good god this, i was stupid enough to get a ps4 for this game, i was so dissapointed i don't even want to touch any other action games on the system like yakuza or nioh or nier afterwards.

Zelda was M rating before Twlight princess? Lol, k. And twilight princesss had the most mature artstyle

Nier is overrated and is on PC, Yakuza is pretty good but not worth buying a PS4 for. Nioh is shit.

>Rehash > new game

Sony pony logic.

Nioh is better in terms of gameplay than any Souls game.

that poster said 'moments' you retarded nintenchild. that is only one example in a vast game dense with atmosphere.

wow nintenchildren really are completely incapable of reading comprehension kek

I already played Killer7 though

MH>BB>meme souls

>I played a multiplat today

Cool, now come back when you've played an actual game, cuck.

>BOTW is already being emulated on PC
>Bb NEVER will

it makes my head shudder uncontrollably

>its so dense
>every single moment has so many things going on

Lol, no it isn't. that still doesn't mean it isn't shit.

you're unusually slow, I spent 70 hours in the game and beat all beasts, ganon, and did more than 80 shrines.

Here's your upvote

>and is on PC
>a non-relevant platform

So basically still exclusive to ps4, got it.

>BB will NEVER be emulated on PC
Have you haerd of this little gaem called dark soles 3?
check mate fegit.

>it's a multiplat so it's shit

I guess nier is shit too, then?


Unironically this.

>multiplat on three platforms > an actual exclusive

Nin toddler logic.



I see now, you're just some retarded sonybro

top fucking kek

I think the idea is system seller (for Sup Forums) vs. system seller

I personally liked Bloodborne a little more than BOTW but BOTW was great and it hasn't even had its DLC yet.


>However, the themes touched explored in the narrative are too high brow for the average gamer

Name a better game released this gen than Bloodborne. You can't. TBE baby.

That's great faggot, your meme game is still a shitty flop just like all sony exclusives.

The PC market rakes in more money annually than all consoles combined.

If PC is relevant, why doesn't it have bloodborne? Feel free to stop posting now kiddo.

I don't want to buy a switch so BB by default. I'm sure BotW is fun but I'm not going to buy a console for one game that none of my other friends have.


Bloodborne couldn't even beat The Witcher 3 and BotW is better than both.

spreadsheets, office suite, and anti virus programs don't count.

>Bloodborne TROPHY LIST
Nothing about that plat is hard.

>nothing about that game is hard
fixed. its babysouls.

this, the hardest stuff in the game doesn't have trophies like fetid rotted cursed depth 5 chalices.

I think both games are equally as great

>couldn't beat Witcher 3 for GOTY in the west
>couldn't beat fucking Splatoon for GOTY in Japan
Is there a more JUST game than Bloodborne?

This is like asking why PC doesn't have Knack. Because it was partially funded, and published, by Sony.

Nioh>>>>>>>>Bloodborne>>>Nier Automata

and if pc was relevant, sony wouldn't make consoles and would have just published it on PCs. hence, PCs are irrelevant.