Casual reminder that there were people here who defended PAID MODS

Casual reminder that there were people here who defended PAID MODS.

Other urls found in this thread:


I only buy games that are like 10 years old, I really don't care m8

>It will be good because now modders will support the mod longer
>quality will increase because since they will try to gain money, so they put more effort

Where's the proof, fag?

And then that first batch of Valve handpicked paid mods was fucking pathetic with the fishing one causing internet drama already.

>drive a cannonball through your birthday cake

>modders get ~25% of the profit from their work

Nah. Steam and the game's publisher should keep their fucking talons out of it. They already got their cut. End of story.

still do. paid mods is a great idea.

It's not for people like me, it's for people like you who have a hard time adapting to any sort of fiscal change whatsoever.

Why are you hellbent on ruining everything designed for you?

If they really think the modders should get paid there should be a donation button

everyone here supported paid mods, you fucking goober.

I don't see the problem at all...
>Dark Souls 1 gets released and is unplayable
>Guy creates DSFix and sells it
>FROM takes a large portion of the profits
>Game is fixed
Everyone wins.

Why? It's just poison for modding in general.

Shut the fuck up.

>order a $15 pizza
>when it arrives, you ask the driver for one extra soda and some garlic dressing
>"sure, that'll be $5"

now who would be in the wrong here? the driver asking for addtional payment because you want ADDTIONAL stuff, or you for demanding it to be free?

Why should they be free?

This is good, I like this.

Because modding should always come from inspiration. Modders who do a good enough job can get paid directly without having to fork over money to people who 1. already got paid and 2. didn't lift a finger. Everybody wins with the current system. Why break it?

yea specially when valve took a decent chunk out of the money.

>this revisionist faggot again
Always ignore these threads. At the very least sage them.

Did someone mention PAID MODS?
Have a primer on what you can expect if something like this becomes the norm:

>hanging out at a friend's house
>order a $15 pizza
>when it arrives, ask your friend if you could grab a soda from his fridge
>"Sure mate, mind paying me back later?"
>driver chimps out saying that he deserves a cut of the money from you and your friend

>food analogy
When every other pizza place in the country gives that shit away for free of course you're going to get shit on for being the asshole who wants to charge.

Also they're not asking for the extra shit from the developers of the game. They're asking for extra shit from their neighbor who loves to make sure everyone is eating well.

False analogy. In the paid mods analogy the driver would be trying to sell you some disgusting soda he brewed himself.

If I want to pay for mods I actually search for the donation button, why the hell would Steam and Publisher take 75% of the profits is beyond me.
Fucking kikes.

I wonder...

Give me 23 reasons why paid mods are bad, and cite any sources.

>brewing soda

Yeah. I wouldn't drink it either.

hmmmmmm why would a company that runs an online marketplace that made PC gaming way more popular and profitable think that buying things is good hmmmmmmm

>order a $15 pizza
>it arrives and has no cheese or sauce on it
>oh that'll be an extra $10 for cheese and sauce, but you also need this other $10 "mod" for those to work
>happily pays

it's not a good idea or a bad idea

the entire function of this is to provide reasonable resource, it literally does not impact your life at all

>all mods will be cheap

The resource is already reasonable and already provided. Explain why introducing greed to that system improves it.

Itt: posers and newfags

No one supported this shit. No one. In fact, everyone came down on Valve so hard that they had to can the idea.

>modding community is open source freely traded since beginning of time
>Bethesda comes up with brilliant idea to monetize the free creativity of the public community
>they want to force mod use to be paid
>but they want 75% of all monies made by modders

Yeah no.

>game is broken
>mod fixes game
>developer gets paid from mod profits
>game never gets fixed, dev still earns more money

>download skyrim
>want giant tit mod
>sweet. buy it
>start game, it's not working
>read manual
>oh i need skyrim script extender for this mod to work, ok

t. me

>food analogy
>driver delivers food to your house
>one guy decides to put some pineapple on his slice and offer it to other people
>driver demands you pay him for the pineapple since he delivered the pizza
>pizza store demands you pay them since they made the pizza you are putting the pineapple on
>half the people in the room get mad you put pineapple on a pizza and call you an idiot
>one guy in the corner molds his pizza into the shape of a horse pussy and starts jerking off
>another guy steals the horse pussy pizza and pineapple then tries to sell it to a third person

these two websites already have far more mods than the steam workshop. if paid mods were to go through, the steam worskshop would be absolutely dead.

all of my games are free

look at this dumb dumb

>but not these select mods that I ended up grabbing from DeviantArt and forums
>oh except for those handful of mods that came with the game on release
>except for these games I bought that came with mod support out of the box

it doesn't fucking ruin your life, it hardly even impacts you. if you want the mods so bad just fucking secure them or work around it, no one is twisting your arm to buy them, it isn't like you have a ps4 or a Xbone and your mod support comes at the discretion of the distributor, you have a thousand fucking options to get mods.

>one guy in the corner molds his pizza into the shape of a horse pussy and starts jerking off
>another guy steals the horse pussy pizza and pineapple then tries to sell it to a third person


I hate paid mods because it's just unnecessary, people that say they deserve something for all their hard work are retarded, what they got was people playing and enjoying something they created.

They always did it because of their passion for the games and their desire to improve it, monetary rewards just turns it into a fucking job.

I have no clue what you were trying to say... honestly you confused me when you were talking about free mods on deviantart... I don't know what that has to do with what I said.


>should modders be paid for their work
Sure, as an option. I will never pay money for a mod that has no support like offical game content. If I pay 20USD for horse cock on my steed, and it does not get support beyond a one time payment. No. Its a hot bed of scams waiting to happen. Donation is the only option.
>should valve, and the game's publisher get a cut
Sure, but not the majority of the profits. If the modder only get less then 30% of the cut. This is practically robbing someone blind. Worse the the government taking more than 40-50% of your income. Libtards love doing that.

How hard is it to understand?

>Guy creates DSFix
>isn't a total jew and makes it free for everyone cause he wants himself and others to enjoy the game cause he shares the same passion for vidya as we do
>implying modders didn't originally make mods in order to enhance the experience of a game just cause they could and also let other people enjoy it cause why the fuck not

Paid mods shouldn't exist. Anyone trying to get people to buy their mod for a game they themselves didn't make is retarded.

All the shitty "games" that flooded steam after greenlight was introduced should tell what would happen if valve's paid mod system is implemented.

typical Sup Forums user

Fuck you!

I'll download a pineapple and mod the whole pizza, your purist asshole!

>game developers should get a cut of the mod
>did literally none of the work

>guy creates dsfix and gives it away because he's a good guy and wants to enhance the game
>paid mods are thing now and FROM catches wind that this guy is giving away a mod that they would have otherwise gotten a percentage of from the sales
>sue him until the mod vanishes


>order a $15 pizza
>when it arrives, you ask the driver for some napkins
>"sure, that'll be $5"

They own the intellectual property nigger. Whats right is right.

I'm sure it would have been great for modding in the long run.

Paid mods are a good idea

Steam/Bethshit getting ANYTHING out of those payments is not

If people put in the work, they should be able to be paid, but Steam's thing where the mod dev got 30% of the sale of their own fucking mod is a joke


>dev purposedly makes the game broken but easily fixable with a 'mod'
>modder creates mod to fix the game and sells it
>dev gets their percentage out of the 60$ full price + their percentage of the 'fix'
I wonder who could be behind this post...

>people creating content because of their passion for games
>let's turn this into a market and say it's to reward their hard work

Modders have been creating content forever because they care about games and want to make them better for themselves and other players, why do they deserve money for it all of a sudden, oh could it be because the companies are gonna take a cut and don't actually care about helping modders out?

Ignoring the fact From deserves nothing, because they did nothing. In fact while I think paid mods are stupid and ruin the modding community the biggest farce is the thought steam or the devs should earn money off other peoples works.

It's extra retarded when we're talking about fan patches that do simple things like make the game fucking playable.

Mods are supposed to be extra content made by fans. Basic functionality doesn't count. If your base game isn't worth paying for, then double fuck you trying to make money off of fan work.

Free mods make sense as they are. Modders aren't making any cash off the game they mod for, and the publishers aren't making any money off the modders. Putting money on the line can only ruin everything as everyone fucking fights over where their contribution ends and the other party's begins.

>I'll suck any dick, just give me a dick!
That's all I got from this...

so then this really isn't about the modders getting paid they developers just want their cut?


What did he mean by this?

>publishers who did nothing for the modder deserve to take 70% of the cut for doing absolutely nothing

modders willing to take those scraps while the big fat millionaires (Todd and Gaben) take the lion's share for doing nothing are hilarious.

a modder who made a half-assed retexture doesn't deserve shit - and that's all your average dotaturd "modder" has the capacity to make.

The argument can easily be made for a mod which drastically changes and improves on a base game. Like the Civ4 modders? Those guys were hired to make Civ5 (and then FUCKED IT) or the mod team which made Project Nevada for Fallout: NV and added in so many cool things and systems.

that was my point

So they don't sue the fuck out of you for making money off of their software. You kids know what property ownership is right? You do not live with you mum still right? Donations and the profits from them and everything is legit that way.

>Free mods make sense as they are. Modders aren't making any cash off the game they mod for, and the publishers aren't making any money off the modders. Putting money on the line can only ruin everything as everyone fucking fights over where their contribution ends and the other party's begins.
People forget that 99% of mods are based off of other peoples mods. A few very talented people create things that allow hundreds of other people to expand on. How many mods have you downloaded that don't come with a "x y z mod required". Not a lot. That will completely kill the modding community if other people can't all build off each others works.

not him, but it encourages modders to support their mods and gives them more resources to work on those mods

Then Bethesda and Vlave should be grateful THEY didn't get sued due to copyright infringement of the mods they host.

>Upload LOTR mod
>Valve gets money from selling my LOTR mod
>Valve gets sued by Warner Bros. or whoever the fuck has the rights to LOTR

>there were people here who defended PAID MODS.
no there wasn't

>inb4 screenshots of bait posts

I still am 100% certain nobody on Sup Forums genuinely holds the opinion that paid mods are acceptable. Am I thinking too highly of you people?

If anyone should pay for mods it should be the publisher for the game the mod is for. Get X amount of people using your mod and you get Y amount of money from Steam who then bills the publisher

Correction. It gives them 25% of resources.

Implying those mods would still exist.

Copyright would be all over everything. It's a complete shit show and a retarded idea.

>paying for patches

i don't have a picture of anyone jewish enough to show just how jewish that is

Man, gamestop is FUCKED just wait until the FBI hears about this!!!!!

you're in the wrong for shitposting on a fucking anonymous website

But they don't make money because mods are free :v)


they didn't make the mod

I'm for donations only. Yet if you have to pay for distribution(Valve), and permission(Publisher/Developer) they should not take the majority of the cut.

Then again, as an artist. If i can make money with fanart without having to pay for property ownership right like jews over at Marvel Disney. I rather not deal with the courts.

The idea was good. The implementation was not.

good job reading a post and finding little to no value in it despite it pertaining to the thread topic


Modder gets 70%
Steam gets 20%
Publisher gets 10%


This, make the publishers pay modders for increasing the value of their game

>charge $60 for game
>never work on it again
>10% keeps pouring in
hey, good idea user.

I post more than you have the ability to ignore.

If you're the rare modder who is skilled and dedicated enough to deserve getting paid for your work, why are you not already a software developer?

No, this system mostly just appealed to people who were planning to scam the hell out of it by dumping loads of crappy and/or stolen mods onto the store and making out with whatever cash they could.

>Buyfag spreads his ass in front of Sup Forums.

I like this idea.

30% cut from the profit sound fair enough. Only if donations.

It's too complicated, with too many legal issues and overlaps, too much content stealing and way too much copyright. Want a mod with a weapon from a film, m8 too bad because now you're monetising their intellectual property.

Just add a fucking donation button to the steam workshop or nexus. Oh wait, valve and publishers can't gouge out a percentage then.

The irony of this whole paid mod thing is most devs today are glorified modders. The amount of skill required to make something in Unity or UE4 is about equal to the amount of skill it took to make the Original CS.

Not only that, just imagine modders fighting each other to death about stolen mods.

It would have been a disaster.

Why the FUCK are you against monetizing mods? These people pour hundreds of hours of their lives to create wonderfully crafted experiences. They should be allowed to choose to charge for it.

Fucking entitled fuckshits.

yeah, that was shitty

but paid mods where modders got most or all of the profits wouldn't be

Why are we even discussing this? There isn't even a new elder scrolls in development.

if they cared so much about modders getting some monetary gain there is literally NOTHING stopping valve from just putting an optional donation button on steam workshop shit RIGHT NOW

but no because what its really about is them wanting a fat cut off selling someone elses hard work