What will you be doing at 11:00 PM Sup Forums?

What will you be doing at 11:00 PM Sup Forums?

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H-How long until 11PM?

I might start another playthrough of F.E.A.R.

Watching mature cartoons for a mature adult like myself

doing math homework

>watching cartoons or playing a shitty game


neither because im not a manchild

>Watching a Y7+ protagonist go fucking nuclear live on television
>Or play the same kids game you already played in 2015

Playing Devil May Cry 4.

You can watch cartoons anytime, but there are very few opportunities to play this demo.

It's 10 PM if it's Central time, right?

If samurai jack came back? Can courage come back too?

Yes you are. You're on Sup Forums.

Both of those are shit. I'll take Option C.

watching db super, then samurai jack and finish mafia 2

If you beg the creator enough, sure user.

I don't have a Switch yet but I'll likely have one by the time Spla2 actually comes out.

>shitpostin on Sup Forums
lel you're not any better.


i can be a functioning member of society that also enjoys games. so what are you doing wrong?

dont ask for a monkey paw wish.

>pop switch off dock
>pause show while playing splatoon
>play show when in lobby

I don't play kids games or watch kids cartoons so neither. Most poorly I'll be in bed because I work in the morning like a responsible adult

Hating Samurai JAck solely because it's now mainstream is the definition of hipster

congrats kys, have a thought that's your own for a change

*most likely

What does Sup Forums have to do with enjoying games?

>watching super before the movie recap episodes end
>not taking a 30 minute break after samurai jack to watch dbz kai final chapters

But apparently you can't do it without being insecure.

A mature courage would be fucking terrifying if the children one was scary already

Courage just needed a reunion with his family. There was supposed to be a tv movie like that but it never came through

neither since i'm not a loser

>Working on a sunday
What's up wagecuck.

neither, wtf

your life most be so fun.
im not watching the english dub

All they'd change is probably just more brutal Eustace deaths. Nothing tops this shit youtube.com/watch?v=1o3DLIYhH50

They could do some cool shit with a new Courage but I doubt nu-CN can pull it off and it sure as hell won't be edgy enough for the AS crowd.

I don't have a Switch and I don't have a TV.

Better than playing a shitty game or watching some stupid cartoon.

jokes on you, samurai jack was always shit

that would kinda ruin the courage's past episode for me

Yeah I'll be making 17 dollars an hour what are you doing on Sunday? Eating tendies and being a broke ass bitch?

Courage ran its course and had a good ending. Let it stay dead

Watching tv

i like you

he said after defending a nicktoon and an e-10 nintendo game

I don't have a Switch, so I'll be watching Jack.

It's a new dub tho

>17 an hour
lmao I hope you're still in high school faggot

I thought it was shit when the first season came out.

>western animation

how can anyone have this much of a shit taste

You're alright, user. I'll kill you last.

>play splatoon electric boogalo
>or an old kid show protag go nuclear
geez user

microwaving these used diapers so they're safe to wear

Didn't the last episode end with him getting yelled at by some teacher ?

I don't have cable television or Squid Lolis 2.

going to sleep because I gotta get up at 4AM

Is this a picture of you?

Yeah but the other part of that episode was the backstory which was the only thing unresolved in the show.


>I eat shit: the post


So how y'all watching Jack tonight? I don't have cable where I am, any free streams?

>What will you be doing at 11:00 PM Sup Forums?

Play Splatoon, because I can just download the episode of Jack later.

Considering this is a testfire and there's literally one more chance to play until whenever the fuck Splat2n comes out, it's a no-brainer I'll play Splatoon 2.

there was, but it was kinda shit and rushed

Making 35 dollars an hour, then going out with friends first to a Taiwanese patisserie, then an arcade, and finishing the night with karaoke /blog

where do i watch jack?

I usually write off western cartoons as well but give Samurai Jack a try bro, it's really fucking good.

You can do both with the Switch faggot.

>ad hominem instead of defending his questionable choices

looks like i made a good call on the manchild angle

Lmaoooo "Projection" is literally "no u" used by the most pathetic manchilds in this board.

why do I have to choose when I have DVR? Considering this is Sup Forums, you're assuming that anyone would want to watch Samurai Jack with this cancerous fucks over at Sup Forums Splatoon 2 wins by default for me.

Sup, Sup Forums
theres your hint

watching Chopped and drinking coffee

You can play Splatoon in Handheld or Tabletop mode while having Samurai Jack on your TV. Think about it

>FLCL is going to get a shitty season 2 and 3 nobody asked for
>meanwhile Big O is stuck with an unexplainable Evangelion-level cliffhanger ending

>Watching a series weekly instead of binge-watching the entire season after finale

Are there any streams?

who would do this?

Both. Watching Jack for the first thirty minutes, then maybe sneaking in another a match or two of Spla2oon before it ends.

I already played a bit earlier today and wrecked enough shit with the dualies & roller to have had enough

Hey man Sup Forums has some cool guys other than the SU and RWBY fags

Anyone got that nuPPG and Samurai Jack cartoon image?

Apply that to courage

Why do I need to defend my choices just because some insecure fag who has to jump into threads to tell everyone what an adult he is doesn't like them?

>You can do both with the Switch faggot.


That someone seriously made this thread while stupidly assuming that actual Switch owners would need to choose is retarded enough. Even ignoring that, there's no reason you can't just watch/DL Jack later.

>calling someone a man-child ISNT ad hominem

FLCL appeals to numales more

>17 dollars an hour

>Hey man Sup Forums has some cool guys other than the SU and RWBY fags

If they're coupled with the Adult Swim faggots, they can eat a dick, because those fucking threads are the most cancerous since the Horsefuckers got kicked off the board; and that's saying plenty when you consider how toxic the SU and RWBYfags are.

Well y'know, there's comics.

>No Cable/Dish
>No Switch
Sleeping, I guess.

My hand
>no one will ever want me.

>FLCL s2 and 3
w-what...for real?

>Hey man Sup Forums has some cool guys other than the SU and RWBY fags

I stopped going on Sup Forums once the girl Avatar series ended and somewhere between Wakfu getting a kickstarter for blurays and Marvel and DC collectively rebooting their main universes again.

yeah news was everywhere when it got announced even I knew about it and i didnt give a shit about flcl