
Of course this would be the guy banning people asking to get a refund on their purchase of Yooka-Laylee on the Steam forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


>All opinions are my own

Did you really buy it because it had Jontron in it?

They'll have to give refunds on Steam.

Here's my biggest fuss. If Playtonic wanted to be apolitical, why remove Jon Jafari's voicework from the game for simply having different politics?

Racism isn't a political stance.

can you briefly explain what this shit about this shit game is all about? something sjw?

Why would Playtonic give out refunds?

Jon's voice was never a promised or advertised feature. In fact most people weren't aware of it until the shitstorm.

If you back a Kickstarter, you take a risk lol.

Wait, is this the same Team 17 that made Worms?

You can't refund money that doesn't exist anymore. And they technically haven't broken their Kickstarter pledge either because they never promised they wouldn't get a sleazy publisher once the game was actually made.

Why did pepe get labelled an alt right symbol when anime avatars are a thousand times more accurate indicator of Sup Forums faggotry?

They're being pretty hypocritical about it. If they're allowed to remove Jon Tron due to conflicting politics, people should be allowed refunds for the same reason.

Statistics/facts aren't racist.

i think u underestimate his fans

>Jon's voice was never a promised or advertised feature

It was apart of the Kickstarter that got people hyped for it.

The truth isn't racist.

You are aware that the people they banned were blatant trolls, right? If they weren't being overly agressive about the refunds they were spamming the entire forum with Sup Forums shit.

>Whining about anime avatar.
>Has anime hair color
Why do SJWs have such cognitive dissonances?

And now people are giving Boogie shit for calling people out on mislabeling Jon. All of this drama, and for what? Jon never did anything intentionally malicious, and people are treating him like he's the next George Rockwell.

>It was apart of the Kickstarter
please point to the part of the kickstarter that advertised jon

It is to lefttes. Then again, everything's racist and sexist according to them.

They removed him because of the controversy surrounding him. He had his different political views all throughout the development of the game, but decided to push them and become a politically charged figure recently.

I am getting a refund simply because they're acting like spoiled cunts over someone's political views. If they're swayed by this then who knows what fuckery they'll pull in the future.

>4 seconds of garbled speak

They deserve to lose their money.

>didn't fall for nostalgia
>didn't fall for kikestarter
>waited for game release.

Man, I'm so happy I don't blindly support projects on a well known scam platform.

They're mentally ill.

Charge back. It worked for me.

They also broke their pledge saying they'd release a Wii U version of the game. They're now doing a bait and switch tactic giving Wii U backers the Steam version of the game.

I don't think Playtonic really did anything wrong. But Team 17 handled this fucking awfully.

Apolitical anime twitter is much bigger than apolitical Pepe twtter

No it wasn't. Any talk of his involvement came after the kick starter was finished. No one backed this game thinking that Jon was involved in any way. I backed the game and they sent out frequent game updates and didn't even see it important enough to announce his inclusion at any point, much less as part of the initial promises.

>Jon's voice was a part of the Kickstarter

No it wasn't.

Because I no longer wish to back the product, based on behaviors they exhibited.

What happen this time?

That's Playtonic's problem.

They are when we don't understand the underlying truth about them

>community manager
>literally any influence on the actual team

you decide to make a political statement and i'm gonna make mine by dropping my pre order

i don't really care for jontron but i'll gladly take any excuse to justify me pirating this game :^)

He was probably the pussy retard who rallied for Jon's removal in the first place

>I don't think Playtonic really did anything wrong.
>forcefully removing content with a day 1 patch
>content people backed for on the kikestarter
That is because you're an idiot.


Jon never said anything intentionally malicous about anyone.

No that just makes a person's interpretation of the stats racist, not the stats themselves.

>tfw banned from /r/YookaLaylee for posting JonTron fucking the characters. Am I welcome on this new site Sup Forums?

>mfw didn't fall for the kickstarter meme

Feels great, man.

Nice cherry picked screenshot. Here's some real cringe

What a beta.

t. armchair psychologists


He literally said on the stream that America should stay prominently white because it was founded by white Europeans, praised the Japanese for their xenophobia, and used a faulty statistic disproven multiple times.

Thats not "facts", thats racism.

>actually looks like an anime character

literally the first male with blue gay hair I've ever seen

>being an asshole on the internet has consequences


Wrong. People were aware of his involvement before the Kickstarter began.

More up your alley

>why did a team that wants no controversy remove a controversial figure

How can anyone above the age of 14 think that kind of hair looks good?

Sup Forums is full of more leftest shitposting then any other part of this site. This is why bubble babies with shit opinions that never visit other boards should just be shunned, and ignored.

>disproven statistic
>statistic came from fbi.gov

Nigga, what?

>Playtonic tames out eceleb voice due to his political opinions
>Neo Sup Forums: That's fine.
>Some people decide try and get refunds due to Playtonic dragging politics into their video game.

Can we at least allow John own his decisions, wherever the consequence may be?
Platonic had reason to remove him , but at the same time, there is consequence for that as well. another blight on another high profile KS is like some unavoidable curse.
This isn't like ESPN firing the commentator for calling Sarina Williams something he never said in the first place.

It being "racist" to you doesn't make it fucking untrue.

There could have been alternatives on how this whole thing could've been addressed. Why couldn't Playtonic just make an official statement on the matter, and keep the 5 seconds of audio in?

If you want a refund, just call your bank and tell them you want a chargeback on this product. Tell them a promised feature you paid for was removed at the last minute.


Liberal publisher needs to insert their agendas and take sides.

Actually he made comment and got attacked by libtards, when he defended himself retards started spamming his post all over the internet, and the media with nothing better to do, again blow it up.

>hair looks like a 14 year old's deviantart OC
>"ughh fucking anime avatars"



>4 islamic terror attacks

>SJWs getting btfo'd

>antifa getting their ass kicked all day

>and now THIS shit

What's with all the HAPPENINGS lately? This week alone has been crazy!



JonTron went 1488. And that's fine, I still like him. I even agree with some of the things he said. But in today's political climate, he should have known leftists would through a fit and try to ruin his life. What's Playtonic supposed to do?

Why so many Societal Justice Warriors on Sup Forums these days?

>content people backed for on the kikestarter
It'd be pretty impressive if they backed for something that was never advertised on Kickstarter


Watch his official response.

Winning is hard for some to handle.

>people thinking they can/should get their money back

I don't think you understand how crowdfunding works. You gambled and lost

>Not supporting white genocide is now considered racist
What an age we live in.

>"Arty jobs are for queers! Have fun working at starcucks!"
>Games industry now filled to the fucking brim with liberls
>Is suprised when a lot of companies have a liberal mind set
>Gets upset about it

you did this to yourselves when you didn't respect art

>oh gods
I wonder if these people ever look back and whinge at comments like these.

>promised feature
What feature? Jon was never mentioned on the Kickstarter and was asked to voice after it was already over. It has literally 0 influence on if someone backed it or not.

Can we talk about the future of JonTron.
I refuse to believe that anyone, even Sup Forums would support someone who ignorantly spouts blind hate with false statistics. Trolling is only funny until you realize the person is actually stupid and not trolling.
How many subs do you think he's gonna lose.

Because Redditors from r/Sup Forums think Sup Forums is "le whacky meme" factory then get offended by the word nigger.

neogaf or reddit, take your back and go back

Yet advertised on twitter to why it got backed by so many people who gave no shits about the game. By the fucking dev team themselves. Jon Tron was the literal vehicle bringing in youth interest in a 3D platform game. Are you so fucking dumb?

It's the spinelessness of this all and the dragging themselves into something that didn't concern them. No cunt knew Jon was in, but suddenly they pop up and virtue signal "H-Hey we removed that sexist tranphobic homophobic racist JonTron!"

It was done, he knew he fucked up and he said his sorry and a week later they throw themselves into the mix with a "We don't want drama so fuck off Jon"

>They also broke their pledge saying they'd release a Wii U version of the game
Blame Nintendo for dropping the WiiU. You can't expect devs to release games for a dead console. Though Playtonic claims it was technical issues that killed the port, not a dead console.

>They're now doing a bait and switch tactic giving Wii U backers the Steam version of the game.
They offered WiiU backers their choice of what version to switch to: PS4, Steam, XB1, Switch.

The best part is that they are getting their money back and a surprising number of them are doing it too.

>Hey, due to the recent controversy, is there anyway I can pull back my funding? Thanks - Dave

No get fucked, banned.

Liberalism is a mental illness. Seriously.

>letting people have sex with whoever they want

Its actually one of the packs that you pay for. £3,375 to be in the game.

That's racist, you sexist homophobic bigot.

I bet you voted for trump as well.

None. Most people are smart enough to look past the sensationalism and see what Jon said wasn't actaully very racist.

Why post that image? It doesn't prove Jon's claim that rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.

>Person say controversial shit
>Company he is involved with disassociates themselves from them just like every other company does


>Obamacare still alive
Sup Forums got CUKED by Trump

It was but it was in a "kid says dumb shit" kind of way.

>hints that blacks are genetically inferior to whites and thats why they cause more crimes
What kind of reality do you guys live in where this has no repercussions?
You can cry about it all you want but you know all the media is going to concentrate on is that Jontron is in the game when its released and it'll hurt its sales.
They clearly had no choice in the matter, that other kickstarted platformer that has Jon's voice in will probably do the same thing.


Based off the accepted definition of racism, none of those points you just made make Jon a racist.

I am accepting textbook definitions of racism only. Not SJW literature definitions, so put away that copy of "Rules for Radicals" you just whipped out.

>Being an uneducated armchair shrink

It really wasn't a gamble it was an investment.

Also, whoever it's if either Team 17 or the developer Playtonic PR guy needs to be fired.

This was handled horribly.

>People disagree with this
>They ask for a refund

Really activates my almonds wowzers