Tfw want to get Nier Automata because hear everybody raving about it

>tfw want to get Nier Automata because hear everybody raving about it
>Every thread I see of it though is just desperate fags ogling 2B's ass
>Decide to watch some lets plays and read previews of the game
>The combat is extremely repetitive and shallow, game looks like an empty barebones where everything besides 2B's character model appears to be an afterthought
>tfw don't give a shit about 2B's character model, just want to play a good game with good gameplay, story, presentation and length

Waiting for the pricedrop which should be soon, hopefully I can pick this up for $20 or less.

It's worth $5 at best and the gameplay is even worse than MGR.

Sup Forums is really casual as of lately.

In action games, playing effectively doesn't ever require playing masterfully. If you did have to actually achieve mastery to beat them, they'd be inaccessible to practically the entire playerbase.

You'd think DMC and Bayonetta had mediocre battle systems if you went by how LPers played those games.

This webm is kinda useless to me without button inputs displayed though. How do I know that player isnt spamming square and triangle randomly?


They aren't. That combo is difficult to do.

Because when you spam square and triangle the "combo" will only last like 3 seconds.

How often do you play as 9S in this game? More than 2B?

As a bare minimum youshould be able to notice weapon swapping.

Its really unfortunate no enemies will ever last long enough for this combo without debug mode. By the time you can stunlock enemies like that, it would be dead after the first aerial bit.

>Game gets good reception
>Game turns out to actually be good
>Game is liked by many people now
>Some Fat-retards have to make hate threads day in and day out of said game now
Sup Forums like clockwork.

Just ignore this thread boys, fucking mongoloids with no life trying to validate their pathetic existence again.

>More than 2B?

>The combat is extremely repetitive and shallow
Yep, that's to be expected.
>want to play a good game with good gameplay, story, presentation and length
I'd say just play NiER, but the gameplay sucks there, too. It's this game with less flashy animations and a few cool magic spells to use.

Sort of.

A2 is basically 2B gameplay wise with a few changes.
First 9S route is a retread of 2Bs route for the most part and can be finished fairly fast because of that.

I'd say it's an even split overall.

Or maybe you should accept the fact that it's a shit game?

2B gets 1 playthrough
9S gets 1.5
A2 gets 0.5
[s]Pod-042 gets 0.01[/s]

But you only play as A2 for like 20 minutes

Yes, but you also play A2 who plays like a cross between 2B and Sam from MGR

>How do I know that player isnt spamming square and triangle randomly
Because if you actually fucking played the game you would know. But instead your head-canon creates pre-judgements towards anything and everything.

I'm just glad that my brain isn't as stupid as yours.

No, because Witcher-fags won't accept that their game is a long boring interactive novel, with shit fucking combat and shit fucking questing, that was taylor made to appeal to edgy-tweens. If the only thing that validates your existence is trying to force people to align their views with yours, then you should probably neck yourself, because you're no better than a religious fanatic.

Now I'm off to actually play other good games, after enjoying 100%'ing Automata.

Also, just stick to your containment games AKA PUBG and CS:GO, please.

You can juggle Adam like that. I think that's about it.

>hook draws you closer to enemy
Looks like a slower paced and uglier DmC.

>tfw waiting for crack

You don't play a lot of Nines in C and D either, the routes are short.
>3 towers, sidequests for 9S
>desert, pascale, sidequests for A2

That's about it and the final chapters they swap around

Cool story
>The combat is extremely repetitive and shallow
Almost as shallow as the research you did
You play the majority of the game as 9S BTW