Vidya butts

Vidya butts

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The only reason I made Ember years ago was because of her butt.

No regrets.

LOL haha. meme funny

As a butt-haver this picture offends me greatly.
What game is this? So that I may write a complaint to the developers.




Is warframe still shit?

>It has actual graphics
Speaking of which I haven't seen the Paragon shill in ages

Another Nier Thread? Or is this actually unrelated?


Yes but there's a photo studio mode now



now this is the fucking graphics I've waited for. next gen has arrived.



Now THIS is a butt

Octavia crafting right now lads. What's the first song you're going to make?

Also the Banshee alt has the best ass

I was playing with some dude earlier today who had Bites the Dust as his song, that was pretty dope.

>an actual song making gimmick

too bad the game is hot garbage

There's a warframe that plays music you select that other people can hear?

How has that not resulted in bees.flv?

Haven't played warframe in years; don't really see myself picking it up again either, Bastion has got me wanting to play Spiral Knights again though

Really? i thought about downloading it alot of people say good things about it, why is it bad?


it's a big boring grindfest

Sup Forums hates grinding.

It is the epitome of grind for the sake of grind and it has next to no gameplay variety. But what content that is there, like story quests, are pretty neat.

The gameplay itself is pretty decent for what it is. Just avoid the space missions if you can, it's terribly underdeveloped and boring as shit.