



the gdc video was released ages ago

get cropping boys

Why would you want hyper realistic proportions in a game that has always been overly stylized with ridiculous character designs?

SFV would have actually sold copies if it looked like this

looks literally like me irl

The art style is the best part of the game though

Gas yourselves

Capcom is mad jealous of the Mortal Kombat normie money so they want to copy them as much as possible. Too bad they got lazy like they usually do and didn't have a robust singleplayer mode which is what the masses appreciate with MK as much as the edgy gore.
So SFV is some half breed shunned by both sides, I would have preferred if it had the cheerful cartoony anime graphics like 4 did.

i just wish the gameplay on MK didnt suck so much

Why wouldn't they be jealous?
SFV is definitely a lower budget game compared to MKX though. Capcom simply didn't have the resources to keep up

This is why

oh boy i fucking love tekken

I guess they looked at mortal kombat


Childhood is being obsessed with realism

Adulthood is understanding stylized allows for a wider range of expression.

Honestly, I can't imagine the anime inspired characters of SF looking good in a style like that. Especially the girls

when the fuck are they going back to pixel sprites

4 and 5 are have the ugliest styles possible

Probably didn't do it cuz consoles are such gigantic crap and would have got 10 fps 240p
The one millionth game ruined by consoles

never because animating detailed sprites is more expensive than 3D models

Never. The problem with 4 and 5 is that they're trying to replicate 3's style in 3D. Those big ass feet and hands turned people off from 3 back then, and it still does now.
SF needs a new style for 3D

3D games sell more, it's been proven time again. 2D has an inescapable stigma among normies of being cheap and archaic.

Because contemporary Capcom is very talented. Unfortunately, excelling talent consists of having the worst possible ideas for SF. Go figure.

looks awful

at least they had good looking hair

Capcom didn't reveal any of the original female renders because they didn't want to get boo'ed off stage.

But the art design in SFV is pretty good, if you want to play the game on your images just get Tekken.

Nah that has nothing to do with it, people praised Ori big time, Terraria sold shitloads of copies and it was all sprites, not very well done ones but I don't an issue of people not wanting them. It's purely a cost issue.

Don't kid yourself. The average video game player still would not have bought it because "It has no content" and "Its too hard"

>comparing not fighting games to a fighting game
Yeah, Skullgirls and BlazBlue sold gorillions.

Wew we dodged a fucking bullet there.

Is there colored version?

Maybe because nobody gives a shit about them, and not "wow I won't buy a sprite game". Look at Minecraft, is looks like absolute garbage and it sold trillions. Normies aren't that much of graphicfags. CoD was never a graphics powerhouse and it was big sensation.

It'd be interesting to see that, but for the most part (MOST) SFV has a nice look. Doesn't excuse the shitty outsourced models however.

Also, isn't there another image of the realistic SFV proto?

>equaling artstyle to perfomance
artstyle literally doesn't matter performance wise.
Execution matters.

The fucking nigger cracks me up. Literally the SHEEEIT picture

Save the assets in case TxSF actually gets made.

>What is Tekken and DoA4 Onwards.

Those are a totally different genre of fighting game. You ever notice how stiff and weird Mortal Kombat animations can look? It's due to them being focused on looking super realistic, while SF animations normally look very fluid and nice, at the cost of realism.
Maybe I'm full of shit, but I feel like there's a balance between fluid animation and realism in fighting games.

You're confusing MK animators with everyone else. MK animations have always been stiff and awkward. They even make Killer Instinct fantastic in comparison. Also, Guilty Gear and Blazblue aren't realistic in the slightest yet skimp on animating a lot of in-between frames looking choppy as a result.

Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, and DoA are fluid as hell. Realism has nothing to do with it. It's laziness on Capcom's part.

not really.

look at all the past tekken games. they generally sold like shit compared to street fighter games.

Tekken is the best selling fighting game. SF is in 3rd place after Tekken and MK.

How nice of Capcom to employ Bioware Montreal.

>skimp on animating a lot of in-between frames looking choppy as a result

you know they do that on purpose, right?

What do you mean? It's well done. It's like modern Punch Out caricature.

Yes and it looks terrible. Hit stun doesn't belong in fighters. Keep that shit in character action games.