Starting in 1hour 30 minutes

Starting in 1hour 30 minutes

>BW HD Announcement
>Flash, Jaedong, Bisu, Stork showmatch tournament
>GSL Finals (soO vs Stats)

Who's hyped?

>bw hd
Literally why?

because it's 19 years old but still played more than SC2, and could use a facelift

Looks fine.

The game is stuck in 480p with colors glitching out on modern systems

I hope you mean HD support, modern Blizzard would just ruin the artstyle.

It's easy to fix the colours. Fucking remakes are all cashgrab cancer and anyone who buys them needs to die.

Can ASL fucking start already?
I miss the threads

It's going to look like Starcraft 2. The original models don't hold up to high res rendering.

i hope it's grittier looking than SC2. i don't hate SC2 or anything but BW had a better art style for sure

please tell me starcraft HD will just mean I can play on multiple monitors from a further zoomed out perspective

I never cared for SC2's style, the colors were too vibrant at times.

>multiple monitors from a further zoomed out perspective
absolutely not, would throw game balance off way too much if you could see that much

because sc2 is shit

make the maps bigger

...which would make the balance even worse

this is why I'm against the idea of making BW HD, if you change anything then it isn't BW anymore, it's some other game pretending it's BW

It's shit. But recreating BW's original style would be far more effort than just working with the SC2 style they're now proficient with. And more importantly, they developed this new style because this is how they want Starcraft to look now. The old Brood War style doesn't mesh with Blizzard's current vision for Starcraft so it wouldn't make sense to reintroduce the old style after telling people "this is what Starcraft is now" with SC2.

Because blizzard consolidated the art team for all franchises so Diablo looks like grimdark WoW and SC look like space WoW. The strong contrast and more realistic art direction is lost on the modern versions of these games causing them to lose part of their identity.

you can just assert that bigger maps would ruin balance, but can you actually explain why?

Because maps are how BW is balanced to begin with.
Larger maps means that you are changing balance across the board.

A bigger map would make it take longer for units to travel across. If it takes longer for units to move across the map you can play much more greedy, unit-light style in the early game since you can't be punished easily. If all maps were huge, then the early game of Starcraft would simply disappear since there'd be no way to rush your opponent. Bigger maps is also a buff to faster units for similar reasons.

The colors can be fixed with a 2 or 3 line script you save as a batch file and run instead of the game's shortcut.

All it does is disable explorer.exe while the game is running.

alright so there are already very small maps, medium maps, and large maps

i just want even bigger maps, i don't see how it would break the balance of the game -- are you thinking zerg would be better? just have the same density of mineral expos

you can still play the same size old maps.. you'd just see more on your screen -- assuming the fog of war was revealed

>you'd just see more on your screen
at lost of bw fans are against even this much of a change. seeing more on the screen at a time makes late game macro easier and makes big army fights easier to control

Sounds like it makes the game better.

>at lost
a lot. don't know how i fucked that up so badly

it takes skill out of the game. it's up for debate as to whether that's okay or not but one of the big appeals of BW is how difficult it is to play high level

Stop this stupid shit.

the game still requires a lot of skill, you'd be changing some of the frenetic camera work out of the equation.

i honestly dont care if the pros use the old version, i just want HD for casual play and UMS

casual play and UMS are in SC2, go play that. don't fuck up competitive bw because you want casual stuff

the casual play and UMS that i enjoy are in SC are not in SC2

I understand it's what they want but I still think it looks bad, they did the same thing with Diablo and it was ass.

Hoping BW HD will revive the playerbase.

Isn't it the only competitive RTS of all time? Unless you count WC3 and SC2.

Why wouldn't you count wc3 and sc2, there's also aoe

>The old Brood War style doesn't mesh with Blizzard's current vision for Starcraft so it wouldn't make sense to reintroduce the old style after telling people "this is what Starcraft is now" with SC2.
It's an older game, of course it would make sense to bring back the old style, Blizzard simply doesn't want to devote the resources to actually remake assets even with all the money they make.

Starting now on the GSL channel


it's under BROODWAR, not sc2 if any of you didn't find it at first like me


broodwar now free

>not using SC2 assets
Thank god

new sprites look meh

No more jumping through hoops and install 3rd party program to play competitive server.

so like did they just license wdetector and all that shit
i honestly don't see the majority of average bw players playing naked

>Added windowed fullscreen or windowed mode; use Alt+Enter to switch between
>Added UTF-8 support
>Added Keybind options
>Added cursor clamping in game while >windowed; unclamped in menus
>Added Popular Maps to streamline finding games or game types
>Added options to display actions per minute
>Added Observer mode
>Added opponent information when joining a game lobby
>Added autosaving for replays
>Added in game timer option
>Added UPnP support

Probably their own native version.

so koreans still going to kick you for
a) not speaking their langauge
b) not having wdetector