Is there a videogame protagonist that had a shittier life than Isaac...

Is there a videogame protagonist that had a shittier life than Isaac? I believe Max Payne comes close but even he gets a happy ending in the end unlike Clarke.

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I think Kayne gets it pretty bad, considering who his company is, ending is pretty fucking bad both ways, his daughter has real hatred for him or she dies

To make things worse, we didn't even get to see the real ending, since the developers wanted to make an entirely different game, but got forced by EA to pander to the COD audience.

Nobody is getting out of Lisa with a good ending..

Max had a hard life....

The 'Not Important' guy.

His whole life was just cold, bitter hatred. And he always wanted to die violently.

>Brother moons are awake
>Everyone at the Moon and Earth are fucking dead
>It is implied that Issac's ship crashes against a moon and possibly killing him and Carver
>Literally everyone dies

I can dig that ending honestly.

How can you blame him?

He just fucking hated the world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass.

He got what he wanted in the end, right? Going out in a blaze of glory?

Solid Snake.

good old brad spent his whole life trying to do the right thing only to keep fucking things up more for everyone

Noctis from FFXV.

I do too.

If the next game fucking sucks you can pretend that it all ended at that point.

It's like Battlestar Galactica when they thought they were getting canceled due to the Writer's Strike and they found nuke-blasted Earth. Or The Walking Dead comic after the prison. The show/comic just started the descent towards shit after that point so you can pretend it ends at that moment and it's a much more beautiful work than where they actually took it.

I know hes originally from a comic book but. Jackie Estacado from The Darkness I & II

I could sympathize that he was a little screwed up in the head after the first game, and even look past all his angry dialogue in the second, but I cannot stand how they turned him into a whiny little bitch in DS3.


I once planned on going out in a blaze of glory, but...
*tibs pedora*
of course, I'd much rather... a gf to love me and tell me everything will be okay ;__;

He was an asshole though.

And it makes sense too, you could say that Unitologists were right all along, necromorphs could be the next step in human evolution.

altman please go

>next game

> Shitty blue collar job
> Long-distance relationship
> Sees dozens of people, including his friends and co-workers, die in horrible ways in front of his eyes
> Endures unspeakable horrors in an attempt to rescue his wife, only to find out she is dead
> Plagued by PTSD
> Branded a liar and held against his will in a mental institution
> Endures yet ANOTHER ordeal, during which his companion has her eye gouged out with a screwdriver
> Abandoned by his girlfriend because of his emotional trauma
> Bullied and KEKED
> Hunted by a human paramilitary group and ancient alien monstrosities
> Dies (?) in anonymity an attempt to save humanity
> His franchise is now dead with no redemption in sight

It's hard to think of anyone who's had it consistently worse.

You forgot to add that he was forced to help create another marker and, therefore, it's partly his fault that shit hits the fan again. I don't know how he didn't just kill himself with everything that happened.

I wish the real ending of the franchise was him sitting there at the end of Dead Space 2 while the space station is about to blow up. Perfect fucking ending but no they had to save him so they could do the abomination that was DS3


at least isaac has the sweet release of death to look forward to



1000 years of dreams of all of those lost to him

there's no such thing as the right thing in the lisa universe. Everyone was already fucked, the world is over; they're just waiting for the ashes to stop smoldering.

>mfw DS1 final boss turns the traitorous bitch into apple sauce right before she uses the escape ship

Necros were alright sometimes

None because Isaac had the shittiest sequel ever made in his name

At least Max Payne 3 had awful story but the gameplay was ok to good.

Was Soma any good?

I still don't understand why the hivemind wanted isaac to stop her. Why did it give him the visions of nicole to guide him to the tractor beam if activating the monolith just surepresses the necros, and then kendra deactivates it again and gets fucked?

the gameplay is equally bad to the gameplay in amnesia, but the story makes you ask some interesting questions about what it means to be alive and human. it's worth one ~10-hour playthrough. I really like it and I have no urge at all to replay it.

How did one franchise fall so far?

Dead Space was so atmospheric. It was fucking awesome.

Penumbra series/Amnesia is better imo, but the story is neat. I would skip it and read the cliffnotes

Dragon Quest 5 Protagonist

So, basically watch a Let's Play and save myself $40

And then they ended it on a cliff hanger with that stupid DLC.


I feel like it's a little different if you're playing the game rather than watching it, but i understand that many people do not share that feeling.

Yes Michele from gta

Guts from Berserk

She took the Marker and the Marker is the only thing that can contain the Hive Mind, so I guess it just wanted to keep it from being meddled with.

It's part of the dialog when Kendra explains how it's all a secret government experiment the planet miners interfered with.

I was told that the terrible ending in the DLC was done to spite EA

"You want the story to keep going so we have to make more games? FUCK YOU, everyone is DEAD."

Course, maybe that's not even true. Just what I heard.

I know that part, but my question is why the hivemind allowed him to stop her if all he was being directed to do was activate the monolith (which supresses the hivemind). If kendra didn't immediately de-activate it, isaac would have been successful in shutting the necros down, so why was the hivemind directing him to do that?

Hell, while rewatching the final chapter I realized that the Hive Mind gets desperate when Kendra takes the Marker and starts blurting out as Nicole to run and hurry and that she loves you. Rewatching after knowing the real ending makes it even better.

As if that would stop EA. If they had wanted a Dead Space 4 they would have hired some other studio to make it and star either the chick from Extraction (whose story was never concluded, gj writers) or an original character named Clisaac Fark.

No clue, but are you sure that's how it happened? I remember part of the plan of the humans in DS1 being to load the Marker onto a little pod and taking it away anyway.

I don't remember it all that well, anyway.

Jack Walters

>Random honest man trying to earn his living as a police officer.
>Gets unlucky where he is sent to raid a cult house.
>Encounters some shit so inexplicably maddening that he loses his mind to the point where he gets interred into an asylum for 6 years.
>Gets fired off the force, because of course, he just isn't right in the head to be a police officer. He spent years in an asylum.
>Becomes a Private Investigator.
>Gets sent to Innsmouth of all places.
>Has to spend the entire game escaping from a large bumfuck town that is trying to kill him. He also starts to go in and out of his insanity and is no longer able to control it all throughout the game.
>Realizes later that the whole town are fucking fish people.
>Gets lured into Ryloth because something is calling to him making it do it out of his control.
>A Yithian god tells him at the moment of birth he had no control of his life, he was doomed to this existence because his father was secretly mind warped by a Yithian before his conception. The cult at the beginning of the game planned to lure Jack and make him insane.
>Realize it was all a dream. He's back at the asylum. His Yithian powers can forsee the future and everything he witnessed was what he was going to happen.
>Hangs himself.

At least the fucking protagonists in your games had free will and were just unlucky to have bad shit happen to them.

At least the fucking protagonists in your games had the chance to be heroes. Jack killed himself before he could experience anything in the game simply because he couldn't go through it again.

Dead Space 3 should have just left Isaac dead at the end, instead of him miraculously surviving. As much as I liked the DLC, that still pisses me off

Yes for real
A masterpiece unnoticed.


>zenimax sabotaged his game

Ranger from Quake.
>Woke up at 4 of the morning.
>Is forced to deal with some teleporter crap.
>Is actually a Elder Goddess who mindfucked everyone but him.
>Forced to travel to different dimensions plagued with monster to get magic runes to find the Elder Goddess home.
>Those runes also try to mindfuck him.
>Kill the goddamn bitch without a way home.
>Spend two decades fighting trought countless monsters that he forgot who he was before, incluying his own name.
>Gets captured and he is forced to fight for the amusement of advanced aliens/others Elder Gods for eternity.

Those whole interaction with hin and the Nicole hallucinations in DS2 was fucking hin a voice in the sequels was a really good idea

He did all that with the happiest smile on his face...he loving it user
People talk about Doomguy but i always find quakeguys way more badass because he beat the crap out of lovercraftian knows those guys that by only looking at then it leaves you mad

Sio I decided to play DS3 coop again 3 weeks ago, but after 1 week I suddenly couldn't connect to the EA servers anymore. Anyone else having that problem?