You now realize that Mass Effect Andromeda was made to make Mass Effect 3 seem like a good game

You now realize that Mass Effect Andromeda was made to make Mass Effect 3 seem like a good game.

It's not working.

3 was a good game, the ending just sucked.

I agree. ME3 was good as fuck. Endings are not good but i did not dislike the one i picked (green)

shoot me.

this. Either 3 is a good game or 1 and 2 are shit also. Can't have it both ways.

Mass Effect 3 was never bad to begin with. Mostly entitled cunts that have not played or beaten many games to witness true horrible endings bitch about it.

>anyone who had a problem with any of the three mass effect games besides the ME3 ending

The games were good. Stop complaining.


This. see

You guys make me sick. ME3 has way more problems than just the fucking ending.

Every "problem" it has ME2 has. If we can agree ME2 is garbage then I concede ME3 was garbage also.

But ME2 and ME3 aren't garbage, so you'd be objectively wrong.

Playing through Andromeda now and all I Can think about is how much I miss Shepard. The characters in this game have personality but no fucking soul.

I miss him so goddamned much.

>Every "problem" it has ME2 has.
The ending is miles better in ME2, in the sense that it's stupid, but it doesn't destroy the entire series so hard, they had to soft reboot it in another galaxy.

I agree.

Yeah? In ME2 the journal actually kept track of mission progress. Side quest were not giving by creepily eaves dropping on random NPCs. ME2 didn't have fucking sprites. You can holster your weapons. You don't like a retard. The ending of ME2 can change drastically according to your actions.

Just cemented the fact that both are shit, desu.

Why would you blow 40 million dollars in an effort to make a previous shitty game look good in comparison? It's not like people will suddenly swarm out to buy ME3 after realizing that andromeda is dogshit.

>The ending of ME2 can change drastically according to your actions.

You have an odd definition of drastically.

Not sure how they managed to do it, but they created 6 squadmates that I have absolutely no interest in. Their stories are all boring, their personalities are all boring. Christ I care more about the Salarian pilot, than I do those guys.

The game was shit through and through

You can actually fail unlike ME3 before the dlc extended cut.

that's a nice opinion but it's wrong and you're a faggot

>ending can change drastically

>give the base to tim
>uses it to go and make his super army

>destroy base
>tim somehow gets his hand on enough salvage to make his super army

That happens in ME3.

What became of the geth? Discovering the other side of the Geth through Legion was legitimately my favorite part of the series

Interesting counter point, however you are still retarded. Choices made little difference throughout 3. 2 and 1 did a much better job of giving your decisions weight. Even in the first 30 minutes of me3 they make it very clear they give no shit about your decisions.

>That pic

when will this meme die

Mass Effect 3 was a god awful game. 2 good missions doesn't make up for that journal, that nonsense sidequest system, loreraping Legion (shepard I know I spent the last game wanting the Geth to be independent from the Reapers, but we need their code now b/c why not), and a hundred other reasons.

I do miss Shepard somewhat compared to tweedle dee and tweedle dum in Andromeda

The fuck are you talking about? 3 was the culmination of your decisions that you were promised. People dying, choices picked, romances seen through, it was all there in 3. Are you dealing with Wreav because you killed Wrex? Did you convince Mordin to save the genophage? Is Tali's new name vos Normandy from being banished? What about the rachni? Who survives, the Quarians, Geth or both? What about Conrad or that reporter?

You got to see it all through in 3. What you got promised was delivered on. What people mistook was thinking that the ending of the game would have eight hundred outcomes, when those eight hundred outcomes where already presented in and as Mass Effect 3.

Most of those were color clones and shit that happens regardless of your choices. Yes, there's a lot of small details that can change but only a couple of major outcomes, such as the genophage results actually depend heavily on previous choices.

>shit that happens regardless of your choices
...did you even play the game? Kaiden or Ashley being alive was distinctly your choice. Same with Wrex vs Wreav, Wiks vs Mordin, Geth VI vs Legion, Oriana vs Miranda, Dagg vs Grunt, etc etc.

And I mean, you say a lot of it are minor, but there were literally thousands of little details that you got to see where your decisions mattered. Seeing Balak if you saved him from the first Mass Effect was fun. Meeting up with Captain Kirrahe if you kept him alive was fun. Not everything had to make world-shattering impacts because these little decisions you made throughout the series weren't all huge world-shattering decisions. But the fact that the game was ultimately just a walk through all the decisions you'd made in the earlier titles from beginning to end was exactly what we were promised. For all the gripes people had about three cookie-cutter endings, there's only a very poor chance that we all had the same playthrough of ME3 given the sheer number of variables and routes accounted for.