How progressive!

How progressive!

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the only thing that progressed here was my erection.

Saying they dont mention it in game and dont force it you face like Mass Effect. It bloody well is user.

Who was the first hermaphrodite in a video game?

Toad in SMB

I like how the mainstream west completely misses that it's just a futa dickgirl for purely fapping purposes

Her being a hermaphrodite has no deeper meaning

>Taro makes a pedophile blindman groping around for children.
>A cannibal elf who eats children.
>A futa dickgirl who wants papa Nier.

I'm not sure where else he can go.

Except it does because it shows that she's a mixture of multiple replicants.


Poison is a transexual, not a hermaphrodite.

Don't the villagers bully and hate her for being a hermaphrodite though or am I remembering the game wrong?

>it's important because reasons

Kainé was born out of a literal glitch in the replicant system

No you remember correctly.

Children sexing up pregnant women and the babies in their wombs?

You're remembering it right. That's also why Curly makes her wear feminine clothes.

Maybe Jenna Angel from DDS? She was a legit hermaphrodite, not just a dude who dresses like a chick.

I don't remember but did she use her own genetic material to make Sera or did she use anything form her fiance?

I don't care if characters happen to break the stereotypical mold. I just hate when its done just to lecture the player and its shoved down the throat of the audience. There's a big difference between Emil being gay and Anthony Burch's gay character.

I really dislike how Kaine's hair looks from the left compared to the right.

>draw what is blatantly obviously a female
>never show us a dick or any indication of anything even remotely male
>say "oh no it's totally trans trust me guys"
>get praised for your bold portrayal of a trans character

The snail from snail maze.

>>draw what is blatantly obviously a female

That's obviously a man's ass, though.

Trans and hermaphrodites aren't even remotely the same thing, dumbass.

Was Emil being gay implied in Gestalt? I know it comes up in Replicant cause he ends up having feelings for bishy Nier.

Reminder that it is canon that Kaine has a thick and veiny cock.


fuck yeah agni and rudra

not at all that I remember.

It progresses my dick

what the hell

This really. Emil wasn't defined by his sexuality, he was defined by his great and tragic characterization.

DMC5 never

If I remember correctly, the comment Emil makes in RepliCant was changed in Gestalt to instead be about Kaine x Father Nier.

Why are Japs so much better at doing progressive bullshit than western games that obsess over diversity can ever hope to achieve? NieR, Persona 4 and Stein's;Gate are more progressive than any westernshit game I've ever played.

Gotcha, just started replaying Gestalt, gonna try and keep my eye out for stuff like this more.

Is there an english patch for Replicant?

Not really. There was the time where he asked Nier if he wanted to get married, and the time he stated that he looked "really cool!"

But his sexuality, especially in Gestalt, was secondary to the story. It had as much impact on the story as his eye color did. But Taro explicitly stated Emil was gay.

I just handle it the same way that I handled hearing Dumbledore was gay. Didn't impact the story one way or the other, so it didn't really matter, although I suppose you could say that there was a hint of it in the final book.

because they dont put them on a pedestal

She isn't wearing any pants and you can see her bulge in game.

Because they don't use someone's sexuality as their defining feature. It's rather sad that gay people feel the urge to define themselves through their sexuality. It's like taking pride in your skin color. You didn't earn it, and you had no say in whether you had it or not. Why treat it special?

To be fair, you can only see the bulge for less than a minute throughout the entire game. Its definitely there, but its not something the game really lets you focus on.

She has a bulge on her model, and the later texts go into great detail about her cock. And she's a hermaphrodite, not a transexual, there is a huge difference.

Nigger anytime she is laying down or the camera is low angle you can see it. She wouldn't stop shoving her cock in my face all game.

Well you all knew this was coming.

Would you suck Kaine's cock yes or no.

Somebody hasnt read the 100 page chinese documents or skimmed over her grandmothers section

Only if I was a shota

>tfw Emil Sacrifice makes you tear up everytime

The vocal work is just so moving. Like, I can feel the sorrow and helplessness through a made up language. That is some fucking powerful shit.

Hell yes

Kaine isn't a transsexual, she is a Hermaphrodite. And the in-game text alludes to her having a dick.

>Kaine masturbates with her gigantic throbbing dick every time she kills a demon

Weird how that's canon

>When this comes on during the secret boss fight

Combined with Emil's monologue. It broke my heart all over again. He doesn't deserve all this suffering.

how big are we talking here


That's also funny because you can see from what A2 is saying that she has Kainé's memories implanted.

Congratulations Sup Forums, this may honestly be your most boring degenerate stretch of posting ever.



About this

And so exact opposite of what is true day continues on Sup Forums

Oh for fucks sakes, he's a secret boss?. I just beat ending E and decided to nuke my savefile while I was in the moment, rip.

he's 2 secret bosses nigga

He's two secret bosses. To get the last one you have to upgrade all weapons to max

>No good reason
>Gives reason
>Doesn't Count

It's literally mentioned in the stage play. Androids have fake backstories implanted and A2's is described as that of a girl who lived with a kind grandmother.

>give character buldge
>give characters mans ass
>obviously female

Wait, what does she say? I fought him as 2B and don't remember anything significant between them.

Beat me to it.

Boy Taro thanks for leaving all that development for the other characters out of the game.

I meant the way she talks in general, it sounds a lot like Kainé.

Oh, yeah. I think Emil even has dialogue mentioning how she feels familiar.

Who let me guess died of cancer and went all senile and turned into a psycho bitch in her last hours or some kind of major fuck you ironic twist to her and 2B.

>>get praised for your bold portrayal of a trans character
Who has praised them for this? It's more like a joke and fap material for sickos. This is the sort of game that would never appear on the SJW radar.


Can someone explain whats going on with the little girls in red in C/D routes? Are they just highly advanced machines like Adam and Eve?

>Sup Forumseddit suddenly hates futanari
What the fuck happened to this place?

No. She got killed by a shade.

They're the network N2.

lol gotta read the stage play
Or pray that it gets adapted into DLC for God's sake.

Oh yeah there's the be sad twist about it, it's a false memory. The guys writing is predictable in it's own way cause literally nothing can ever just be or involve the slightest bit of actual positivity. Everything in every characters life must be full throttle shit piled on top of shit where they're constantly getting fucked over in some way. Even the most fleeting idea of happiness or positivity must be dealt with with all the subtly of a sledge hammer at some point in their character arc.

>Nier disappeared for this
What a waste.
At least he got that one mention in that weapon story.

Dickgirl posters were shamed by the normies for "liking 2d trannies but hating 3d trannies" or some shit.

Technically he's still referenced in the Gestalt Reports as well.

I meant Kainé's grandmother got killed, plus Nier got restored again by the Tree of Memories in the novella ending leading to Automata

What? You think you should take pride in something you had no control over? If so, then you should also feel shame about things you have no control over.

He got 3 weapon stories: the Iron Pipe and the white and black spears.

>Emil gets nothing but endless suffering, suffering that spans thousands of years and two games
>Nier wipes himself from existence
>Kaine is low-key killed by a Shade
>meanwhile the unlikable cast of Automata get a happy ending in one game

Eat shit Taro.


Kaine wasn't the one wasted by a shade, that user was talking about her grandmother.

They're just alive to suffer a worse fate in the End of Automata expansion/DLC.

I hope not, that'd ruin the ending E.

it's a futanari you newfag

At least Emil got to see "them" again in the end.
>Oh...hey! There you are...
>I'm so glad...I got to see you all again...

Nier has only himself to blame for being retarded.

> Get data from Devola and Popola
>Dont read it
> fuck everythang up

I beat it for the first time getting endings A and W.

Im not a fan of replaying games, but it feels different in this one. So Imma replay the game. One question, I have to all the quests again?

she got pregnant from her own jizz

Nope, saves quest progress, even if you're only partway through them.


You're far from having beaten it, user.
Also you have to do subquests only once.

To be fair, they dumped that data on him literally a couple of rooms away from his daughter.

Had they dumped said data on him at any other point in the 5 years between his daughter getting kidnapped, and him being right outside her room, they may have had more success.

But no. They told him exactly what he needed to do to break into the Shadowlord's castle, and actually continued to help him throughout his quest to get the keys.

They aren't exactly innocent in all of this.

Pretty much this. Those particular Popola/Devola's were so fucking airheaded, I'm not surprised that the planet decided to grow a millennia spanning hateboner for anyone who even looks like them.