*kills hundreds of people*

*kills hundreds of people*

Other urls found in this thread:


no one cares, neogaf


>implying killing is bad

This isn't Sup Forums you don't have to repeat the same capeshit mantra.

Why do people only have this problem with Uncharted and not nearly every single other game out there?

explain to me how it's okay for nathan drake to end hundreds of lives without using the letter 'f'

*gets people killed*
*sucks at crash bandicoot*
*ruins remnants of ancient civilizations*
*kills people in cold blood*
*chooses worst girl*

Truly a monster.

>chooses worst girl

Absolute shit taste right here

>kills hundreds of men with bows, arrows, molotovs, make-shift bombs, and pickaxes

Her and Nathan should just get together to make the Anti-Christ

There already is a porn parody of them. And it was meh.

>kills murderous pirates, war criminals, mercenaries and other unsavory bad guys in self defense

You guys going to start defending nazis and zombies next?

*gets beaten by black people*

>*chooses worst girl*

So did Anthony Hopkins and he got a fucking oscar for it.

No one cares if girls do it

i think you need to look up what self defense means

because Americans love violence

Do you have a problem with violence in videogames? Do you wish Uncharted had less violence and was nothing but climbing and puzzles?

>almost at the top
>the thing he's climbing crumbles
>"Oooh shit oh shit oh shit"
>manages to grab somewhere
>"haha that was close, I was almost a Nate sandwich"
Every fucking game, every fucking location.

yeah xD

kill god, then we'll talk

it's okay when Uncharted does it because Uncharted basically invented it. It's a hallmark of the series

How would you react if you found out your parents got rich by killing a bunch of people?

They're all brown

Nate probably glossed over all the killing parts when he told her about his adventures. He tries to think about the killing as little as possible, rationalizing to himself that it was only self defense



>*chooses worst girl*
kys shit-taste faggot

i'd like them once again

Nathan drake doesn't exist so he never killed anyone

>Discussing morality at gunpoint
This meme needs to end. No one in their right mind would think "yea oh shit he's right lets just calm the fuck down and act like everything is cool now" and no one would just question someone's morality when they're about to be shot.

>got rich by killing
>still continued killing even when rich because "muh adventure"

wtf I hate Indiana Jones now

They got rich by making a TV Show

>TV show about "fake news"

>tfw Uncharted series is a Don Quixote tier fever dream in the head of young Nathran Drake during his evening history lecture

>*sucks at crash bandicoot*
High crime right there.

Uncharted games are going to age the worst of any games of the PS3/PS4 era. It's going to be one of those franchises that people cringe at 10-20 years from now because the core gameplay is inherently shit and it relies on cutscenes and trying to be a C grade Indiana Jones.

Uncharted 4 is already being looked upon as shit and the game is barely old enough to collect dust

Are you telling me you don't trust the journalism of Elena Fisher?

I've noticed people on Sup Forums hating on UC4 less and less over the past year, actually

As trustworthy as Clinton News Network.

>get blamed for the 6 bagillion

When a girl does it it's self defense silly.

*puts shotgun in incapactitated mans mouth and blows his brains out*

>Pls feel sorry for me!

>Liking that literally who blonde bimbo
I've played all four games and I don't even remember that reporter's name. That's how shit she is.

Isn't that the same faggot that got beat up by a muslim woman in the latest game? I doubt he can kill anyone.

That's how bad your attention span is

He got beat up by a woman with less muscular mass than him

I can't stand shitty characters. Sorry man.

What I don't get is loads of people gave watch dogs 2 shit for this but don't give it to uncharted

What? You can play the whole of Watch Dogs 2 without killing a single person

because in WD you can make it look like you are killing random people solely on the basis of if you find out they are gay or muslim or whatever

I know. But people were giving it shit because you could kill people and it didn't feel it fit the character

Best part of the game

Why does he look like aussie shitposter?


selph dephence

>Nathan Drake likely killed more people than Cpt. Walker from Spec Ops: The Line

Funny enough, both voiced by Nolan North.

When girls do it it's hot.
Wish Laura would kill me.

Uncharted 4 was genuinly good tbqh

Delete this post right now

Ludonarrative dissonance is an in-game joke.

>recovers from being impaled, shot with arrows and falling down pits that would break anyone's legs
>the game claims to have a strong emphasis on survival when it's really a linear second rate uncharted

That's the only time protagonist and antagonist usually meet to have a discussion, instead of shooting each other from helicopters and whatnot

> naughty dog's characters kill hundreds of people
> live a good life full of joy, jokes and laughs

> yoko taro's characters kill hundreds
> live a traumatized, miserable existence

based drake

> elena ages
> becomes 10x hotter than in the first game

that's hardly how it works, naughty dog.

>miserable existence

Taro's characters except in Nier all enjoy the killing, though

>*sucks at crash bandicoot*
You can actually git gud at it

some drug addicts also enjoy drugs

2 > 4 > 3 > 1

nice facebook tier image retard

>Entirely of the first game acts like it's super realistic up until the Japanese ghosts.
>Gets impaled in her side by rebar.
>Swims through decaying corpse water and somehow doesn't get the wound infected.
>Manages to successfully hunt deer and survive the wound for the night.
>Manages to climb around without medical treatment for ages.
>Goes through corpse water again.
>Still hasn't healed yet and proceeds to step into a bear trap
>Shakes off the bear trap wound after five minutes and decides to go climbing some more to get some morphine or whatever for her friend who got bit by some wolves a bit while she still has both wounds open and not cleaned or disinfected in any way
>But her friend is on death's door from a single wolf bite
>Takes up until she falls into the slum area's sewage and finding a first aid kit (Which is like 10+ hours in) to actually just heat up an arrow and cauterize the wound simply because she found a lighter.
It is nothing short of amazing Lara was alive during that game.

Chloe ages in the DLC

>Nate ages
>becomes 10x hotter than in the first game

that's hardly how it works, naughty dog.

And I have no idea what happened to her lips. She looks terrible


>Since Chloe is a legacy character, who fans already have an attachment to, the design team felt extra pressure to get her just right. Chloe had to age, but she also needed to remain familiar to fans. As such, she has her iconic ponytail, but also minor signs of aging, such as crow’s feet.

I don't remember PS3 games looking this bad.

4 > 3 > 1 > 2

I didn't enjoy 2 at all besides the train and snow sections.

Good lighting can work wonders.

4>2>3>Golden Abyss>1

What about the blue guys that can kill you in two hits? I thought they where the best part of 2

Name 10 western male white protagonists that aren't voiced by Nolan North

Jackie Chan

Had no idea I played it that much

The ten that were voiced by Steve Blum.

The ones voiced by Troy Baker


he's literally psychopath. He kills with zero remorse and never ONCE even reflects on it - on fact he's smiling and cracking jokes just moments later. plus he's obsessed with treasure. he's probably the most psychopathic video game character I've ever controlled 2bh

memes aside, I genuinely wish there was a tomb raider/uncharted crossover with Lara and Drake, and in the story Drake dumps Elena for Lara and they off on a brand new rampage together for treasure etc.

i genuinely wish this was a game and I genuinely wish it was canon. It would be so good. seriously lara and drake are literal soulmates.

Since you're the one controlling him aren't YOU the psychopath?

Probably go in denial over it and have some bullshit mental gymnastics to justify whatever's happened. That's pretty much the american mindset in a nutshell. I was gonna say 'liberal' but it applies just the same to republicans 2bh

i remember when she just killed wild animals.. but that would be less politically correct now

nah im just playing vidya

i wouldnt be killing people irl 2bhhsdhadkfjadkfjadklf

because it's a pulpy action shooter inspired by Indiana Jones and the original 1940's pulp movies that inspired that, it's not meant to be taken seriously.
Which is why uncharted 4's story is so retarded, Druckman tried to force in an emotional story and it makes no sense.

Go back to neogaf pussy

Nah, Drake and Elena are perfect for each other.

But Lara could use a guy like Drake, she always looks so sad

I didn't have a problem with it until he was absolutely apalled when the Jake Gyllenhall looking guy shot the fatass in UC4.
He had this "oh my god did you really kill this evil fatass holding us at gunpoint and trying to extort millions from us, you're a psycho!" expression and then goes on to kill like 1200 guys just doing their job for the rest of the game.


t. Commie

the ironing
youre posting instagram screencaps
get the fuck off this website faggot

Name a single innocent person he killed, and no, the guy at the Museum survived the fall

i ain't posting shit, retard