Why am I so shit at this game?

Why am I so shit at this game?

Youre approaching it as a Dark Souls game.. Just rush into shit and be aggressive.


Bloodborne is no waiting game. Gotta quickstep and punch bitches

This is less of an action game and more of an RPG. Your weapon is 90% of your character, and your defensive stats are OP in this, which you get from simply leveling up.

You're pretty much supposed to facetank everything in this game. You're punished a lot for fucking up rolls, and you get benefits for counter attacking after being hit. So just go full aggro.

You're thinking too defensive. Dark Souls wants you to be defensive but Bloodborne doesn't. You gotta be quick and aggressive. If you keep trying to be on the defense you get your shit kicked

Spend your time learning to dodge the bosses.

This is why I really like Bloodbourne.
You either slay beasts like that badass you are or get curbstomp like a bitch.

It's pure attack and aggressive. It encourages you to parry and make the first move and discourages being super defensive

>You're pretty much supposed to facetank everything in this game.

not really.

Which is why i fully think BB>DaS cause in DaS you easily just block with your shield, recover stamina, and repeat until you got a clear opening to strike. Hell that's what I did majority of the game

Parrying isnt necessary though. I went through the game with out parrying once thanks to Ludwigs holy greatsword





You probably have a shit-tier babby weapon like the cane or spear

Get a real weapon

Getting hit after fucking up a roll makes you take like 2x damage, so it's better to just fight and get your health back than it is to panic and just roll like a scrub.

The argument of "get good" doesn't really apply when we're talking about taking damage.

not him, but unless your over leveled and pumping vitality hard there are a lot of situations where simply trying to hit back after getting hit will get you killed. Not to mention in most cases it takes like 3-5 hits to get your health back and not all enemies get stunlocked

What's the best weapon

Beat the entire game with Hunter's Axe.
Best, most powerful weapon.

It's the easiest game, just go in like a retard.

Holy Moonlight Sword
Honorable mention to Ludwig's Holy Blade

whirligig saw

Rakuyo. It's not a completely powerful weapon but it's not useless either. Don't be a faggot and use easy mode weapons

my easiest run was using the kirkhammer

got the game couple days ago
fuck darkbeast praal, what a dumb fucking boss
also the blood vial mechanic sucks, im actively doing blood vial farm runs now, how lame

Ludwig Holy Blade was my weaponfu.

Personally I liked the Kirkhammer, but I dont have the DLC.

steak dinner

Just use your blood echoes to buy them

>don't have the dlc
user pls it's the best part

>but I dont have the DLC

whirligig saw

Is it better to have a fast weapon or stronger one since the game wants you to be fast

Why not both?

Either, if you don't know which one you like more then try out the swords their untricked modes are quick and tricked modes are big and slow

Dodge toward attacks almost every monster moves forward by a large margin with it's attacks.

Spam R1 and occasionally dodge, wow so hard

>tfw 30 in every stat
>can use every weapon and spells somewhat decently
Balanced master race strikes again

Saw cleaver is objectively the best weapon pre DLC. Most of the DLC weapons are OP so any of them aside from maybe the stupid bow. Whirlgig and Church Pick are especially broken.

I got the game as a gift. I aint got no monmons.

>somewhat decently

Whiff race, more like

>whiff race