There are people who unironically believe this is the greatest game ever made

>there are people who unironically believe this is the greatest game ever made

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not even a 8/10 game.

>there are people who are unironically butthurt by videogames

in the top 20 at least

>there are people who unironically believe this is the greatest game ever made


Its just Nintenbros, ignore them

Neither of these is even the best Zelda though.

Inb4 MMfags.

neither of those are secret of mana......................................................................................

Easily the best game of the past 5 years. It gets better and better the more time you invest into it.

name one (1) better game from the 2010-2020 timeframe

skyrim wasn't even that great yet it did open world better in pretty much every way

>yet it did open world better
If you believe this then you are genuinely retarded.

skyrim would be a better game than BotW if it wasn't so buggy as to be unplayable without the unofficial patch

It's not
but once we PC master race done with the 4k 60fps mod it will be

Dark Souls

Skyrim wasn't much different from Oblivion in many respects. BotW actually feels new and interesting, despite borrowing ideas heavily from a lot of other successful games.

This also:

I'd have wholeheartedly agreed had post Anor Londo not been so lackluster.

>More unique and interesting towns
>More than (1) sidequest with any depth
>More dungeons
>More ways of crafting besides cooking
>Hard mode isn't locked behind a paywall
I will give you paragliding and shield surfing since those are welcome additions and very fun but Skyrim wins absolutely no contest

they were only paid to say so

Trust me OP, there isn't.
There are people saying that to shitpost, and there are people who feel the need to defend brands, but no one seriously thinks that.

The only reason BotW would be the best game to someone personally, is if they love getting lost. Not a lot of games let you do that well.