What the hell went wrong?

What the hell went wrong?

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Just As Planned!

the game went wrong

Guess it didn't have a Lasting Effect.

R-r-reviews don't matter! Sales don't matter! The combat is fun guys!

Too many degenerates.

I'm having good fun, so, nothing?

Where the fuck did this guy get his money to fund the Andromeda Initiative?


Bioware's B-team developed it

Not that I think the A-team would've done much better.

It sells like hot cakes though, so reviews really don't matter

The facial mechanics look like trash. They made more cutscenes than they could animate, so they used an algorithm and didn't go back and do touch ups.

>critics give it a fair score
>rabid underaged users spam 0/10s to drop the score

Development team hired based on diversity quotas instead of actual skill and/or experience in the field.
To make a new game in the saga they decided to do a soft reboot since ME3 ending cornered everything forward in the timeline.
Writers are literal fan fiction tier.
Completely redo everything done in UE4 in Frostbite, making development time go to the trash bin.
Rushing the game to meet an impossible deadline, especially after switching engines.
Cutting corners everywhere, such as a carbon copy of ME3 gameplay and paying bad VAs.
Typical EA bullshittery.


That's what happens if you actually fall for the diversity meme.

>2259 ratings
C'mon, you know that isn't true in this case

>people complained about SJWs had too much influence in game development
>people who complained got made fun of because it was seen as a non-issue that didn't effect game development
>things quiet down...
>mass effect andromeda gets released
>social justice issues clearly took higher priority over gameplay during development

>expectations from people thinking the game could make you care for a whole new cast and locations in 1 game while citing characters they had 3 games with as an example
>SJW racist employees pushing their agenda
>EA rushing developers
>fucking retarded animators that went backwards from ME1 instead of forwards
>the shortcomings of the game became a meme BEFORE the game released.

>SJW racist employees
You mean the indian guy who doesn't work at Bioware anymore?

and it STILL not only didn't flop but does very well
makes think eh

By being Illusive, man.

>complains about muh degeneracy on Sup Forums
Go away, soccer mom.

Nothing, it's Mass Effect being Mass Effect, AKA the worst RPG franchise ever made.
What's happening to Andromeda is what ME deserved back in 2008, and it's going to die.
Good fucking riddance, no one will miss you.

This diversity?

>A mix of masterpieces of animation and technical issues. Andromeda already got a 24% price cut less than a week after release.

Anyone know where?
Still £49.99 on Origin.

Sup Forums status: BTFO

>he doesn't work there anymore so that means he never worked there before

GMG, no idea if the sale is still going on. You can also try cdkeys.com

>all these numales

>90% of the team is fat

Are you sure this isnt Bioware America?

>nu-males and womyn

Real progressive as expected of Bioware

>Sup Forums, the place known for loving traps and basing their entire life on talking about videogames, questioning the masculinity of others

gamergators badmouthed the game.


Its bio-shit. Mass effects have always been a average. Just a mid tier third person rpg

This is what went wrong.

>that guy unironically wearing a fedora

It's literally one of the best games this year. All-right scumbags keep hating on it apparently calling people cucks for liking it.

Canada is incapable of making good video games. Everyone knows that.

Do you think ''real men'' develop videogames?
Real men are scientists, they are medics, they are construction workers, they are in the army.
No fucking real man develops or plays videogames. This is an industry by scrawny nerds, for scrawny nerds.
No one will ever consider playing a fucking game something masculine.

B team is working exclusively on TOR. A team is working on something new (Dragon Age is dead) and Andromeda was made by a new studio - C team.

>All-right scumbags

You think scumbags are alright?

I see you Biodrones are trolling very hard in this thread, but it's useless, your pile of shit is pile of shit. Nothing can save you. Also, I really don't like traps, I dislike fags and trannies.

nothing happened. Game is good and is actually selling a lot copies. it's just the alt-right, the gabergators who went batshit crazy over a few minor bugs. The whole stuff blew up when these wamen hater saw that the crew was divers and immiditley used the sjw boogyman. In the end, game still is good it is just that gabergators voice on the internet is way to loude! These triggerd faggots need to die!

Alt-right I mean but yeah all republican/right people are scumbags and I hate them so much.

Mass Effect Andromeda is a pile of shit because it's a Mass Effect game, it's automatic trash just like everything Bioware has ever developed.
This is a company that was born out of delivering a shitty attempt at a mecha game.
They were born in shit already, they've been shitting all the way through, and it seems that it's now when people start noticing the smell of that shit.

ME:A is exactly what I expected from Bioware, another barely working, half assed ''RPG'' that no one in it's sane mind would like.

Diversity quotas as a hiring practice.

He only worked on gameplay though

He had fuck all to do with story and characters

>gameplay issues
Like that's the only problem in the game. I can't think of any aspect in the game that doesn't have some kind of issues.

Game is better than ME1, these alt-right gamergaytors just went to far with their triggerd sense of traditional gaming! We Player still have fun with the game! Fuck these Gamers!

>"okay here's a photo showing how their team is almost exclusively white"

Sup Forums gets dumber by the day

Absolutely atrocious animations for one. This shit is fucking grade school tier.

Yeah, diversity like this
SJWs were right all along, white people are useless.
Only gooks are still making worthwhile shit.

i thought Autismstin was their A team though?

"Hi, I am trans."
-Bioware quality writing

frostbite engine

>stutter posting

And this proves that Mass Effect was shit all along.
Mass Effect deserved to die since 2008.

>one of the best games this year
After so many pathetic craps are revealed, and all those people's reviews, scores, but you still dare saying this shit? Not even EA's marketing machine can wipe Biocrap's ass this time.

They are right that they are numales, but all white dudes are numales nowadays.

Im a metacritc user score faggot and can confirm sometimes scores aint accurate enough just because of memes or le reddit(look at fallout 4). The game is definitely not 4.5/10, more like 6.5/10.

The Left leaning Diversity team for this game is one good example how it should be done! Game is actually great and as we see, only gamers from the alt-right hate it! Just think about it!

be a player! kill the gamer!

Every single person in that image is disgusting.

Sounds like Sup Forums would fit in perfectly.

Eh, I liked both of the Knights of the Old Republic games


Why the fuck is everyone named Stephen a faggot?

Meanwhile, over a decade ago...

And for that, you should kill yourself.

Leave, obese redditor.





You got me.
>expectations from people thinking the game could make you care for a whole new cast and locations in 1 game while citing characters they had 3 games with as an example
Mass effect one and two did this for me without problem despite sharing almost no party members. Arguably, the party members that carried over were always the weakest imo, because they had to be written as open ended and context friendly.
They have no excuses in this department, they just failed.

Are you having a stroke?

its a fantastic game not even kidding

not a great mass effect game though it should have been its own IP.

Someone post the witcher webm of the fat guy failing to sheath his dagger

>Mass effect one and two did this for me
ME1 and 2 had, like all Bioware games, laughable writing.
They are composed 100% of cliches, archetypes and tropes.
Bioware has never given a single example of good writing in their 21 years of history.

The (((sociology))) department was a mistake.

Or post Uncharted 4 and MGSV.
You know, games with actually good animations.

>hurr durr you are a cuck

Really don't understand why people use this as an insult....

>all these people have to suffer because some tumblr cunts and shitskin cant stop insulting their customers and management cant fire them thanks to affirmative action

Ah yes, (((le))) epic (((reddit))) meme (((parentheses))), indeed a (((very))) epic (((meme)))(((.)))

>this sony delusion

Shit, I just realised.

It's literally Stephen, King of the Lesbians.

the fact that he was only "fired" rouoghly one month before the games release says everything what's wrong with current bioware ethos.

>all these people have to suffer because
Because they did a shit job, and they deserve to be fired for being talentless hacks.
No one will miss them.

you guys have some real unrealistic expectations for a children's toy

its mediocre, so what

>literally defending them only because they are white
Yes user, those poor things developed a shit game, oh boy, how bad I feel for those autismos.

game is good though as a standalone those token facial animations aside

Ironically, the only good part of the game, gameplay, is the part directed by Manveer.

It's not. The gameplay is passable. Everything else is literally embarassingly bad.

A political agenda hamfisted by shitskins and SJWs. Have you been living under a rock or are you just a newfag?

how many hours have you played?

Don't make fun of their shit unfunny memes. They might call you a cuck!

No, it got shat on for a good reason, and every single one of those people deserve to be fired.
Of course, now we have some autists defending them because they are white.
Not that Bioware deserved to stay alive after that piece of shit that Shattered Steel was.

That doesn't explain why all the other Bioware games are shit.

Shit, 40m development budget for a children's toy? Those lucky kids.

This is what happens when you hire minorities because they're minorities, instead of because of their skill level.

Legion was an endearingly awkward party member. They pretty accurately captured infantile consciousness combined with capable intellect. Yeah it's a trope, but so are the majority of all characters in modern video games. Nothing new under the sun.

Wait, wait, hold on.

I'm never touching ME:A. Don't tell me he's the mastermind?

>What the hell went wrong?
What the hell were you expecting that wasn't gayniggers from outer space?

I still don't know what the FUCK did they saw. Manga has no answer for this.

t. (((reddit)))