Inti-Creates are now pretending MN9 never happened

Inti-Creates are now pretending MN9 never happened.


no shit

it was a total shitshow and they knew it.

>have great game idea
>have amazing art style
>get a ton of money
>"what if we just kept all the money and didn't really do anything?"
>put out a shitty 3d game that's garbage
>don't spend the money
>pocket it

sooooooooo many pulled backers because of this.

they promised a game that looked like a polished 2d shooter made by greats in the japanese video game field, we got unity art college trash.

>made by greats in the japanese video game field,

Should have known that Keiji Inafune was not "one of the greats".

I still wish I could get my money bak

It honestly would have been better if they just didn't even release a game.

Reminder that the Vita and 3DS versions still haven't come out.

How much did you put in? I gave $50 to Wasteland 2 and still never played it.


>"what if I keep all the money for myself and try to bait them with a shitty 3d cartoon"

This call design is the only good thing from mn9.

And, they never will

I kinda fell for all the hype Sup Forums and other people were saying. Now I'm selling all my Rockman figure collection and games.

Sorry to hear that man. I almost went in for $20 but Amazon payments was blocking it. I was angry at the time but should really write them a thank you letter now.

Azure Striker Gunvolt was good and even Gal Gun was alright, if memey.

What the fuck happened with Mighty Mambo No 9?

>What the fuck happened with Mighty Mambo No 9?

Unreal Engine, 3D, making 10 versions at once.

>we got unity art college trash

It's better than nothing

Inti Creates didn't have anything to do with MN9 being complete garbage. They just did what they were told.
Of course they're not gonna acknowledge it.

I wish Double Peace was better
OG GalGun for PS4 when

I knew this game was going to be a blunder the first moment i saw that SJW crazy bitch as a designer, everything went downhill after that

How well did Mighty no 9 sell?

not well.,

Really? so the shitstorm really did do a number on it, I wonder if the recent yookalaylay shitstorm will cause a similiar situation for that game.

Doubt it had any effect. It had no marketing, little buzz. Anyone who was interested already backed it.

they probably saw it as a chance to give the game free advertisement because of how stupid it'll be

i think MN9 had buzz right up until it got delayed for the fourth time, then I saw a lot of "okay, fuck this I don't care anymore" shit going around

Anyone remember how hyped most of v was when the con man put out his first video?

This is how you know they're good.

Comcept get rekked

One of the best scams ever.

Precursor of games like Bloodstained and Yooka-Layle

>AND They probably shot blacks!
I wonder how that rapper feels about Mn9.

>azure striker gunvolt has good 2d visuals
>mn9 has garbage tier visuals despite being their main project for years

I will never understand this.

>azure striker gunvolt looks like what a sequel to MMX/MMZ would look like
>excellent core gameplay intact
>less than 10% of MN9's budget
>fully funded by developer
Inafune should neck himself.