This is the new Lara Croft, how does this make you feel?

This is the new Lara Croft, how does this make you feel?

Like she'd really struggle to draw a bow

shes ugly, and I'm not a weeb. There's tons a beautiful girls able to pass as lara.

It's like they chose an actress that is the exact opposite of what Lara Croft is supposed to look like.

How is the girl from metal gear solid called?

the pic reminds me of the first mortal kombat movie

Hey. At least it's not a black dindunoffin for the sake of diversity.

Thats racist.

It's either going to be hilariously bad or just a borefest. Bless those hollyjews for creating all this shlock.

What does Tomb Raider fight in this movie, anorexia?

her tits are too small

>Muh vidyawaifu is misrepresented because she lacks big boobies

kys faggots
non thicc and petite boobies masterrace

Is that a fold in her trousers or is she happy to see him?

>stick legs

Eww, I'd rather they turn her into a man.

Could be worse but they missed the part when she's suposed to be sexy

>she is brown
>she is short
>she has the body of a 13 year old boy
>she has garbage accent

But yeah, its because of the tits.

Doesn't make me feel anything really

Thats very insulting to 13 year old boys.
Especially how misguided and feminine they are these days.

This is now a thread about superior RL Laras

Makes me think i'm glad I abandoned the franchise and will occasionaly go back and play the true old tomb raider games when I need a fix

Meh, I don't see Lara when I look at her.

puny little girl

That woman better beat herself with an ugly stick. Misogyistic trash

They could've had nu Lara's voice actress play her. She's an actress too.

Makes me feel like replaying the Core Design TR games and pretend the trash Crystal Dynamics produced does not exist.
Also I don't care about modern Hollywood anymore.
The sequel rehashing and ripping off from other mediums is out of control, no originality left.


Post pics retard.

>still has an oscar
wow, really makes you think
>muh boobies I want a slut in the movie

>video game moving looks like shit
Wow, who would have thought?

This sequence as one long tracking shot in the film would make this movie put Indiana Jones to shame

Too bad it's just going to be the Hunger Games Lite

Holy shit that run is awesome.
I never played this part. I always just fucked around int he cave with the tigers and the shooty guys.
That and fucking around at the mansion.

And I rented TR 1 and 2 all the damn time.

>tfw never you'll see an AAA game where the "footing is about the break down" gimmick actually threatens your life unless you keep lazily pressing forward

Its okay, thats all I did too.

Are you retarded or willfully ignorant?

Could use more tits.

She's too girl next door though, even less believable with a Bow than Alicia

Pictured is who I wanted them to cast

Because we didn't have enough origin shit in the last 2 games.

Camilla luddington. She's been on a bunch of shows and also did the motion capture for Lara too.

Still better than the autistic girl

They should have karima adebibe play Lara croft in a movie.

It's not too late to pick them up, they run well on modern hardware.

>Makes me feel like replaying the Core Design TR games and pretend the trash Crystal Dynamics produced does not exist.

fully agreed.
Core Tomb Raider games were awesome.
Required precision
Focused on adventure and exploration.

nu-Laura Croft is just retarded shoting and cinematics. And sadly this shite sells (because of retarded millenials)

Shitty graphics.

Looks like a PS2 game.

the fuck did you just say about my waifu

at least autistic girl is original in a way.

That 5head tho

That would have been a great choice which is why it didn't happen.

Why isn't she black?

Even Angelina Jolie looked more fit that that scrawny shrimp.

Why isn't she a retarded fat trans-gendered mentally ill freak with blue hair?

Yeah, I know trans-gender already implies mentally ill.

Nice. I still consider it one of the funnest games I played as a child. That's how good every bit of those games were.

Is it just me or does she have a niggers face from the nose down?

>Tomb Raider sells on Lara's T&A
>Cast Angelina Jolie to capture this in the movies
>Redesign the character to be more sjw friendly
>Cast an indian boy to play her

This all Sup Forums's fault for giving Anita all that free press

So you want them to cast another basic bitch with no acting skills?


Angelina Jolie was a good Lara Croft, the movie was bad.

>tfw Angelina was the perfect cast
>you were exactly the right age to fap furiously to your childhood polygon-titty faps to mature into jacking it to her

Sad thing is that I thought the 3D versions will overtake her in time but then all this shit happened.

You've got options

I feel nothing.

She's even more scrawny and plain looking than nu lara, that takes effort.

not another boy pls.

She looks like a kid.

wow go away virgin boy bet you havent had sex yet boy

Are the new games about exploring and puzzle solving or are they still just gunning down wouldbe rapists rambo style?

what the fuck is this.
If you so badly want to break gender stereotypes why not choose an actress that has some fucking muscles.

oh wait i know why.
>being fat doesn't take effort
>being skinny doesn't take effort
>being athletic does take effort
>therefore our lazy out of shape target demo can't relate

please, it's boi not boy

>taking a character that is nothing more than a vessel to enter the game world and making them complex
>taking a character that is known for nothing more than their appearance and making them more focused on their personality, when the personality was almost non existent
I dont mind when these things happen, infact its good when it does, BUT NOT when it means changing a character, because changing an existing character means that it is not the fucking character that people know and care about. This could be called Adventure Woman and it would draw no similarity to Tomb Raider as a franchise, because there is no similarity, its an entirely different character just using the name. If youre going to make a Tomb Raider adaptation, have a confident beautiful woman doing acrobatics in luscious environments and running from Dinosaurs whilest shooting 2 guns at a gorilla, before doing a swan dive into a cup of water, and most importantly, DO NOT focus on Lara as a character, focus on the spectacle and stunts. Tomb Raider is not the series to make a realistic series out of.

Why not her?

Cute enough but lacks the physical prowess of Lara.
Croft has Batman levels of physical conditioning. No way that actress can pull it off.

boobs aren't big enough. otherwise ok

That's a dude.

You are legitimately retarded mate.

Why can't Hollywood ever hire attractive women to play attractive woman roles.

Why not use the actress who does the mocap and voice acting for the new TR games? She's still young

Fuck I love Gemma Arterton. Makes my dick rock hard.

>tfw no adventure muscle waifu

Shes ugly like the typical British women, so its accurate at least.

Heres a thought isnt Lara's mother like half Indian or something you could have gotten the girl from Kingsman for the part of Lara. Its a bit of a stretch but my god she is hot as fuck.

She is super pretty but the role calls for big tits. I won't be watching

How's Rise of the Tumblraider ?
I just finished TR 2013 it was a 11/20 at best.

I may be a virgin but I am an expert on the female form.

Pic related is the average woman, she's just a kiddo.


Looks fine to me.

Sup Forums's a bunch of perpetually mad faggots.

Look at that fucking man-jaw, looks like fucking Bruce Jenner.

Sorry that you're into trannies, user.

what's wrong with her....


Camilla Luddington is not just Lara's voice actress, she's also Lara's new face model. But somehow the new movie has to find a super skinny woman to replace her.

Yeah thats what bugs me people say THATS NOT LARA but it sure looks like Lara to me.

Above average chest, blue vest, always fucking angry, full of one liners, end of the game she gets her infinite ammo guns BECAUSE RAGE REASONS..the only thing missing is her round sunglasses.

>Looks fine to me.

That's what a mother says to her butt ugly son.
And I agree. Crystal Dynamics should maybe stop with the drugs and instead try to make proper games, proper character design etc.

My nigga.

Eww, no.

she wants to grab your dick with it and suck you dry.

>Lara's always had dark skin, big tits, big lips, wide hips, and a cinched waist
>practically screams mulatto or half-Latin or -Native
>Cast the whitest chick ever for her in-game model and mocap (), at a complete disparity to her concept art ()
>Actually cast a slim, dark-skinned chick for the movie

Actually, I'm pretty glad. I don't know who the fuck Alica Vikander is, but it looks like a good casting job to me.

You mean like this. Lara is rich she has more than one set of clothes she still wears her classic costume.

Temple of Osiris came out YEARS after 2013 "reboot".

Rise of Tomb Raider is set in Russia she is not going to wear hot pants there. She would die of freezey cold cold.

It's too bad early 2000's Rhona Mitra couldn't have played Lara. Would have been perfect.

>retarded millenials
You're probably a millennial too dipshit

Please Sup Forums i need my answer

This is fine by you? She looks like a underdeveloped girl with anorexia disease.

Its good. Kinda like Arkham City in Russian Wilderness.

>Isn't """thiccc"""
You can take that gay shit right the fuck out of here.

>women can't change their body shape for a role
>Lara was always a tall build badass

I know you lot aren't playing with a full deck of cards but come on.

Perhaps they can just cast Camilla Luddington instead, if they really want to stay on the concept art.