Learn the difference sjw

learn the difference sjw

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>so what if I was printing federal reserve notes it's just copying lol

According to retards, playing a game without giving money to devs is piracy, and thus, illegal.

So if I borrow a game from my friend, play the game, and give the devs 0 cents, am I breaking the law? I'm pirating the game, after all.

it's not piracy if you own the game and don't make a copy

What games feature piratescum protagonists?

>you wouldn't download a car

Suck it, moralfags.

>actually caring about the distinction and not just pirating whatever you feel like pirating

No you're not. You're borrowing a legit copy

I'm playing the game and giving the devs no money at all.
Devs lost a sale because now I won't buy the game since I already played it.
Thus, piracy, and a crime.

I thought they pirate the most since they believe everything should be free

>Actually posting an old ass motivational to try and stir up shit

Murder is not theft either, that means its ok

this 2bbqhwyf

What's the difference between copying a legit game off a torrent website? That legit copy had to come from some where for everyone to copy it

It's the same as borrowing and copying your friends game

It's not a lost sale if you weren't going to buy it in the first place.

if I pirate a game I wouldn't have bought it in the first place.

There are people who think that, a few years ago a ton of online games started coming with "online passes" to prevent people from playing with used copies unless they bought their own pass online.

>I just pirated a BILLION dollars worth of Nintendo games
>this will surely sink the company in less than a year

and its working

>believing that piracy is always good or always bad

You simple minds


you were never going to buy it
if piracy wasn't an option you just wouldn't have played it

Games are made solely for profits if everybody was a pirate games won't get made. You can thank me for the games to steal any minutes now.

Why would your argument be semantics

>game is pirated
>it's really good
>pirates encourage others to pirate game
>becomes popular
>among those pirates, people buy the game because they really liked it
>spreads to moralfags who don't pirate games, and more sales are made

Piracy is literally a good thing.

Well aren't seeders the ones getting it stolen? They bought the copy, which isn't theft, and then people a copying their copy. Which is theft.

Seeders are out billions of dollars due to piracy!

There's nothing wrong with making counterfeit money. The only thing wrong is tricking people with the counterfeit money and getting something from them under false pretenses. But just making counterfeit money and just keeping it in your house, there's nothing wrong with that.

Thanks for the games cuckboi.

People that try to seriously defend piracy are ridiculous. You're playing a game that you didn't buy. I pirate games too but I don't try to defend it.

I don't have the template sorry :(

Or I could borrow a legit copy as you call it from a friend and play it without paying for it and without pirating it

I don't know if there's any studies showing this, but it feels like "pirates who buy the games they pirated because of their noble moral compass" make up a negligible small portion of total sales compared to "normal customer who pays for a product he or she wishes to purchase".

I'm not a moralfag, pirate games if you want to, just don't try to pretend like it's the same as buying.

>Piracy is literally a good thing.
Lmao this is so fucking delusional.

Then you wouldn't have played it in the first place.

>i don't have enough interest in this game to buy it, but i have enough interest in this game to want to have it

Genius fucking logic there retard. Please kys.

>piratefags this desperate to justify piracy
you can't make this shit up

>You're playing a game that you didn't buy.

I did that all the time as a kid, my parents bought it not me. So I'm not allowed to play it? People buy games legit and then they choose to share it with everyone. Same as a parent sharing the game with their kid. Literally no difference.

Good goy.

>among those pirates, people buy the game because they really liked it
Of course they do

Maybe you're just assuming other people are all like you

jesus christ
does anyone actually believe this?

Yep. Literally no difference.

I hope you're trolling because if you're not then you might actually be fucking retarded.

Non-jews do.

>Then you wouldn't have played it in the first place.
Unless you pirated it.

Yeah, but if that was your post then I'd argue that you make the more far reaching speculation, and you're also the one that offered up your speculation first.

It's a semantic difference, the two things are not exactly equivalent, op is a fag starting shit because he's bored

You're fucking retarded.

What does this have to do with jews? Is Sup Forums leaking?

Yep, literally no difference.

Yeah but the idea is that you'd otherwise you'd have to purchase the pig and you're taking money away from the people that created it

You don't get to pick and choose what you pay for. This is the foundation of the entire economy

Umm no sweetie, if you didn't pay for it then it's stealing honey.

what if i download games on caribbean?

Nigga, why the fuck do you care?

Such desperation

What happens if a pirate downloads free shit on his smartphone while sailing the high seas?

I don't pirate, I buccaneer. It's sexier.


but pirating does not apply in real life economics
only digital
why do you compare something physical to something non-physical?

But i pirate almost every pc game
I am not that retarded to try to justify it
I am just scum that's it

then you're a file sharing pirate

>i don't have enough interest in this game to buy it, but i have enough interest in this game to want to have it
That's what you said, and I never disagreed with that so I don't know what you're complaining about.
>person wants to play game
>person doesn't want to pay for game
>person pirates game and plays it without paying

What if it's free, retard? You can't steal something that doesn't have a price

>Not privateering in the name of the english crown
Get out

>gaming market as is its all time low
>companies does EVERYTHING to prevent piracy, by making everything Online and such
>PC gamer still thinks pirating does not hurt them

Piracy is a violation of the right to copy and distribute a property. It isn't about making back-ups or borrowing. Those are allowed, but when you copy a property and distribute it for free or for a fee you have violated the property owner's right. That's all. If you can't grasp that then you're a fucking kid and need to stay in school.

>a company trading in digital products no longer needs to concern itself with real life economics

I'm an English neet, I'm basically paid by the crown to pirate, so that's an accurate description m8.

Why can't piratefags just admits that they can't find any justification for straling and just outright say they want to steal just because they can.

Every argument they come up with is illogical and retarded. Is it really so hard to admit to being scum?


The issue is that pirating a game and not playing it almost never happens, so far as I know.

>i don't have enough interest in this game to buy it, but i have enough interest in this game to want to have it

Do you think this is a contradictory statement or something? Are you retarded? I have interest in seeing all the images in this thread, but if I had to pay 5 dollars per image to see them, then no I wouldn't pay.

What about cracks?
I mean is it OK to borrow a game from a friend? I didn't pay for ithe, yet I'm playing it.
If it is ok to borrow games then can I Crack it? What's the difference? I borrowed the game what's different if I Crack it?

Also gamefly purchases one copy of a game and let's people borrow it for a subscription. Tens of people can play it without purchasing the game or profits going to the publisher. Is that bad to you moralfags?

>games don't have a price
but they do honeybun

SJW against piracy?

>It isn't about making back-ups or borrowing. Those are allowed
No, it's not allowed to make back-ups or lending your games.
You paid for a license to use the product. You can't LEND that license. If your friend wants to play the game, they have to acquire their own license. Otherwise, you're breaking the copyright and distributing the game for free.

It's no different than piracy.
Fuck off, imbecile.

Do you think it's your right to get access to every product for free just because you "dont want it enough to buy it"?

Making backups is not allowed, bypassing copy protection is bannu.

Why is Sup Forums the only board with a real anti-piracy population? Sup Forums shares scans of the new stuff in a regular thread every week. Sup Forums constantly gives out albums. /lit/ has a guide on how to get books for free in the sticky. And I bet only a handful of people on Sup Forums have ever spent a single cent on anime.

The closest I can think of is /toy/s bid thread being anti-recast like most doll communities. What happened to Sup Forums?

>implying only mustards pirate
>implying DRM free games like Witcher 3 didn't make a shitload of profit
If anything it's shown that ketchups buy whatever shit is served to them, while mustards actually know how to handle their money.

Why is Social Justice Warrior an insult?
Sounds like a cool title

So I can't let my friends borrow games or even let them play the games at my house because they themselves didn't pay for license?

Years of brand loyalty shit being hammered into people's heads through ads and stuff.

>all time low
>PC is the most profitable gaming platform and it's only going up while consoles' pirate-proof always online DRM boxes keep bleeding money and were already surpassed by mobile gaming
Consolecucks are LITERALLY on suicide watch. Sad!

Anti-Sup Forums sentiments let the jews and their slaves run rampant.

Jesus multiplied fish and bread to feed the people. The bible never talked about the negative impact on the fish & bread trade

Pirates are just like Jesus

>not theft
>avoids paying money for a product

the theft is not paying for a product that everyone else does, faggot

I believe it's my right to copy whatever I want.

>jesus pirated bread and got crucified by jews
It all makes sense now.

Prey tell, what arguments do you mean that are illogical and retarded?
The most arguments I hear are that it generates word of mouth, which is CONFIRMED by fucking STUDIES.

Of course I don't pirate to make free advertisement for jews, I do it because I want free shit. But this has the positive consequence that people I know and tell about certain games by those.

So if everyone else is paying for pussy and I'm not, then I'm steeling pussy?

I can go to my public library right now and borrow any number of books, DVDs, and fucking Xbox360 video games. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're applying the logic of not being able to lend digital property to cover all manners of properties covered by the copy right laws and that's incorrect.

Also, archival copies ARE allowed by law (regardless of safeguards against it created by the owners.) Don't talk about shit you don't know about, fuckwit.

Technically no, although the enforcability of this is impossible obviously. A lot of older game's manuals actually detailed that it was not allowed.

Even shit like a lan party isn't allowed without permission even if everyone has their own games, because that counts as a "performance." Copyright law is excessive as hell.

yeah that's why we only get 1-2 PC exclusive games at max per year.
PC gaming has never been more alive desu

Just my opinion but

>Sup Forums and /lit
Don't comic artists and writers have a stereotype of starving because they don't make enough money? Maybe you should stop pirating their stuff

>Sup Forums
Musicians make a lot of money from other things like live shows and merchandise, so CD piracy is less harmful

>Sup Forums
Pretty much you don't need to buy tv shows. They get paid to be aired.

I don't give a fuck if you pirate or not, but I hate the mental gymnastics and delusion. Just admit it's theft and move on. Stop trying to somehow hold this moral high ground.

But it literally isn't
I guess you could argue that you're at least in the moral right if you pirate a game that you really wouldn't buy otherwise, but since there's no way to prove that then there's no way to make use of that legally. Besides, whether or not you "want it enough to buy it" is pretty irrelevant. People put in work to make something, and if you want to enjoy the results of their labour it's only fair that you have to pay.

People are getting paid to shill on popular websites since forever ago, and it's especially easy to do on AIB.

user if you had a lemonade stand and some cuck comes up and says "wow that looks good I'll take a glaas" and then just magically clones the glass and drinks it front of you and says "wow that was good. Its fine you didn't lose anything from it because i wasnt gonna buy it to begin with"

Are you just gonna smile and agree with him? No, you're gonna be mad because he took your product when he could've easily given you a dollar and you both could've ended up happy.

Not if you pirate them, dummy

No, playing a pirated game is fine.

you talked about food so its a fallacy xDDDD