Take all the armor poise values from ds1

>Take all the armor poise values from ds1
>Halve them
>Apply hyper armor that doubles poise during attacks using heavy weapons such as ultra greatswords and hammers
This is how poise in Dark souls 3 should have worked. Not the bullshit it ended up with where you only ever have any poise during attacks and otherwise you have zero. Poise is still nerfed to the point where its not overpowered and hyper armor still does it's job.

Holy shit thanks for actually explaining how poise works.

Do people still not know how it works in 3?

I still like how DaS2 handled poise and stuns the most. Armor was ridiculously good, but Poise was an active, recharging stat that also depleted if you were careless, just like stamina does. There was no hyperarmor.

If you wanted to reliably stun people with heavy armor, you had to drop their poise to zero, and stay on their ass so they can't recover.

People with heavy arnor typically couldn't roll as much in DaS2 either, so not sure how a real poise system would work in DaS3 in that regard.

Heavy weapons do have hyper armor
Hyper armor > poise
Poise is a shit mechanic and I'm glad it's out

insta stunlocking is a shit mechanic

Thats literally what I said. Can you read? Hyper armor in dark souls 3 has its own poise. if you take too much poise damage your hyper armor gets broken and your attack is interrupted. But if youre not in an attack animation you dont have any hyper armor, and you also have no poise.

And that's fine
It's how it works in Demon's Souls

damn i forgot how shit tier ds 3 poise was

I barely PvP, imma unkindled one.

Hyper armor is only on a handful of weapons and it has no poise attached to it. It works quite differently. Also demon souls is much more balanced because you cant just spam 50 billion r1s or rolls before you run out of stamina like in ds3 and healing is alot slower and punishable.

Hyper armor IS poise on attack animations. That's exactly how it works in DeS.
>Also demon souls is much more balanced because you cant just spam 50 billion r1s or rolls before you run out of stamina like in ds3 and healing is alot slower and punishable.
Lmao. The enemies aren't nearly as aggressive or reactive. And the healing system is one of the most abusable in the series. You sure you played Demon's Souls?

I was referring to pvp more than pve. In demons souls its pretty easy to punish a grass muncher with backstabs as long as you dont let them run too far away. also literally the only weapon i remember having hyper armor is the dragon bone smasher. Theres probably others but theres alot less than in ds3.

Why would your armor go up if you're attacking? That's fucking stupid.

>these guys are shopting at us!
>fucking charge at them so their bullets can't pierce our armor!!!

It's way better to be stunned to death by dogs, right?
Poise wasn't perfect, but this implementation is probably the worst that could be done.

Its a video game retard. Stop trying to apply real world logic to a video game and go kill yourself or something.

If I'm getting r1 stunlocked into a corner by a fucking longsword until my opponent runs out of stamina despite wearing full havel's, that is some shitty ass snowbally gameplay. He should be forced to use more heavy attacks.

How did you guys still not catch on to how they announced that the Ultimate Edition and coinciding patch will bring back poise?

>game should be balanced around pvp
Kindly fuck off

Wow nice counter argument faggot. You sure showed me.

You're cancer. Souls games were never about the pvp.

Yeah man.
I love stunlocking every enemy in one hit unless they randomly start up one of their attacks with poise first.
It's just amazing not being sure whether or not an enemy will continue to be staggered after your hit lands because of your initial hit on an enemy having no correlation with their actual poise just like it's fun guessing which of their randomly cycled attacks has hyperarmor and how much.
I sure do love enemies taking a hit right to the face and only sometimes being staggered and other times being able to attack or dodge away right after. The jumping Ghru enemies are my favorite enemy in the whole game.
It's inconceivable that radically altering one of the variables that impacts enemy difficulty would lead to worse enemies.

Surely a coincidence that the times where poise feels properly utilized is on enemies with the poise from the old games like the dickwraiths rather than the ones with some arbitrary hit stagger or hyper armor.

Being staggered by dogs and broken SS while in full Havel's is just a nifty bonus.

>It's way better to be stunned to death by dogs, right?
That doesn't happen unless you suck. Git gud, poiseshitter.

This. Poise was always trash for ultra casuals. Anyone complaining about it now is just exposing themselves as frauds who were never able to get good.

>poise shitters this upset they can't rely on their crutch anymore
Sounds like you need to git gud.

It's not really a crutch if you can just stunlock every enemy with a fast weapon if you attack first.

All it does is lead to inconsistent enemy behavior and the difficulty of an enemy that behaves consistently (One that doesn't ignore being stunlocked while idle or when hit after it misses an attack) being very dependent on whether or not you can deal their entire life bar in one stamina meter.

It's not like only one sentence in my post is dedicated to player poise or anything.

>implying a core part of the game being viable is a crutch
>implying heavy builds were overpowered in anything except DaS1
>calling anyone a shitter

Diagnosis: buttmad DEXfag

>every enemy should be predictable and behave the same way

>creating fallacious misunderstandings to further your point
>pretending to not read

Oh Sup Forums never change

Nobody cares what you think loser.

>fallacious misunderstandings
You're literally crying that every enemy isn't predictable like the previous games.

Except I'm not because I'm not that user. You're such an asshurt DaS3babby that you've become paranoid as well.

>put on Havel's
>r1 spam the entire game
>i-it's not a crutch!

>You're such an asshurt DaS3babby that you've become paranoid as well.
Stop projecting.

Thank you for describing 90% of PvE in a Souls game.

And you wonder why people skip right to PvP when addressing balance.

You first dickwipe.

PVP has been shit in every single game. Only retarded tryhards care about it.

That's fascinating. Really I am glad you have an opinion.

Yeah I loved being stunlocked by rapiers! Fun times.

Just gonna post this here: how do I stop getting double rek'd by the farron watchdog assholes?

I'm running in the Great Swamp when I start fighting one of them but another spawns and proceeds to kick my teeth in. How do I get good?

I've extensively played both a full retard 76 poise heavy armor build and a caster that had like 6 and relied on toggling and not getting hit to begin with
They were both fun and mechanically distinct, and it's something that's fairly lacking in DaS3 by comparison, and had unique matchups and playstyles when fighting in pve and pvp
I personally would have wanted a system that "gated" your poise value based on certain stats, so 12 weight worth of armor can't compete poisewise with something many times heavier; instead of throwing it all out and going back to hyperarmor

>he actually thinks Souls PVP has ever been good

it was decent in dark souls 2, at least for a while

trash in every other game though

I do? So I can't be genuinely glad that someone decided to state their opinion on Souls PvP instead of continuing with my argument head-on?

Not that it matters. The terrible poise and extremely agile enemies fucks PvE more than it does anything between two players. It doesn't really make the game harder on a base level but it definitely makes you chug more estus before making it halfway to the nex bonfire. Someone always manages to poke you before you connect. That shit really adds up.

You're misunderstanding me.

An enemy should be predictably staggered after taking a certain amount of poise damage as it is in the normal system. In DaS3 enemies do not always behave consistently and an enemy that should stagger instantly may shrug it off in order to do an attack or a dodge without any windup. Having to only use one hit at a time against certain enemies because they sometimes ignore the stun off of your first hit for no reason isn't good design.
I singled out the jumping Ghru for a reason. It's aesthetically identical to the other Ghrus that all stagger in one hit and it normally staggers in one hit as well. However it can also instantly use a jump attack between most weapon swings that will also fuck the camera if you're locked on at the time.
You should also be able to roughly assess an enemy when fighting it. An enemy having on and off poise is a detriment to this.

>Behave the same way
Enemies should follow the same rules (With I guess the exception being enemies that don't stagger at all) but that's not to say that they should all have the same poise values (Or I guess be able to stagger at all).
There is value to enemies following rules. It means that the damage the player takes is on the player.

Enemies in DaS games are already predictable and behave the same way anyway they just have a load of RNG when it comes to selecting which attack to use.

dont forget armor is fucking worthless

>defense is based on how many items you have equipped, not the properties of the armor itself

