How stupid are humans these days if you take out Uncharted and some tattletale games and maybe a couple more

How stupid are humans these days if you take out Uncharted and some tattletale games and maybe a couple more...
Games are basically a delivery job.
If you want combat there's actual wars around,you can join create gangs,go to east Europe come back with some nice girls become a pimp.
You will all regret wasting our lives on games they are not enjoyable they are tools designed to waste time and money with endless sequels.
Stop fearing death it will happen no matter what you do 2 to 3 grate years are worth more than you will ever get in 40 to 50 pathetic ones getting old is a terrible experience .

A $25 videogame is cheaper than a gun, and I don't get shot.

true but you can make a lot of money with that gun

This is bait, right? Between all the bad grammar and basically saying "dude why would you play games like GTA 5 when you can just go shoot people in REAL LIFE", I'm not sure you thought you should be taken seriously.

If getting old is such a terrible experience then why haven't you killed yourself yet faggot?

yo what the fuck is wrong with this maze, judging by the walls the rat chewed through, there would be no solution at all

Dumb mouse, he could have just climbed over these walls.
Fucking mice are insanely good climbers(and jumpers too)

The average gamer is a meek willed male or a attention hungry female

Both have no place in the real alpha world of war and conquest. Being a leader, being a pimp, being in charge; these are things they are scared of and will never belong in

Society is making more and more weak men every year and more whores of women every minute.

Video games are needed for them. Don't take that away from them.

I don't plan on going over 40

So your solution for life lets do the same boring shit again and again because you have multiple lives right.There are more then 3 options out there but within an avatar run around for hours shouldn't be number one

Quality teenage angst my good sir :)

Just out of curiousity, what's your first language?

28 professional thief

I can vouch. Once saw a mouse jump nearly 2m vertically perfectly into his hole in the middle of a wall with virtually no arc. From a table to a hole 2 meters away...

Not English your point?

What the fuck are you talking about OP? Why are you wasting time on a chinese basket-weaving image board instead of doing all those stupid things you are talking about?

I don't have a point I just wanted to know

If I actually got my hands on a real gun I'd probably shoot either someone else or myself rather sooner than later, so no thanks. Shooting is fun though

Going in 4h not late enough

>itt fat neckbeard

someone else is the right choice

No it isn't. Shooting people isn't exactly a solid life choice.

Can't get fat unfortunately draws too much attention and sometimes running is required

not true ask the army

>maze originally had no solutions
>rat broke walls not in need of breaking
I don't like this picture.

Well, if there's one thing Vietnam proved, it's that only about 2% of soldiers actually shoot without hesitation from the beginning. And they're mostly fuck-ups.

I thought it was around 2% in WW2 but it was higher in vietnam because of training

I'm.. not sure what you are saying. I think you mean that I could be doing something better than running around in GTA 5 but why can't I do both?

Believe it or not it's possible to play games AND do productive things at other times. Buying a gun to shoot people is probably not a good one though.

Nah, training and combat experience raised the numbers to 20%, but only 2% actually shot to kill right from the start.

>put cat in unsolvable rubix cube
>ends up breaking every wall in its way to get to the chocolate

Wow, nice meme picture.

Why ?There's no shortage of people? Without wars overpopulation leads to starvation and a bullet is preferable

is that a famas

>Without wars overpopulation leads to starvation
Go back to Argentina, Hitler.

>tfw gf did a surprise visit when I was out on my deck drinking and playing Russian roulette
>agreed to give her the keys to my gun safe
>on top of everything else I now have the guilt of giving her such a traumatic experience

We are still far from overpopulation, we just have a shortage of infrastructure set up to help those who are starving.

Not binary just don't waste time walking around in games

>not recognizing the M1911

>said the shitposter to his shitposter friend on a Sri Lankan imageboard for the discussion of pottery

We discuss poetry here.

Every country has population reduction schemes might not be war...

That's what I said

long barrel MP5 for sniping terrorists

go to Asia or india

>You will all regret wasting our lives

What did he mean by this?

I'm threatening game devs of course

They have shit infrastructure to deal with their starving people and are still under massive amounts of development. Plus with Indias caste system and Chinas general laws encouraging people to stab eachother in the back it will be a quite a while if ever said infrastructure is ever established to help those in need.

You're not OP, since my reply to you doesn't have (OP) at the end of it.


Ya, but we don't like being called a criminal.

Fuck off criminal.

>Saying all of this while posting some shitty meme taken straight from facebook

Games are an escape.

But games are also becoming shit over time cause its a business. Much like how movies have progressively gotten worse and comics, and pretty much all forms of media.

This gets pretty much into Sup Forums territory to even discuss this though.

The answer is still the same though.

For 50 dollars I can have 100 or more hours of entertainment...

or I can have a fancy meal at an expensive restaurant, go kayaking for 2 hours, ride go karts for 30 minutes, eat 5 subway sandwiches, go out to eat 3 times at normal restaurants, buy a toy/figure of shitty quality, probably get a handjob or a blowjob. 50 dollars might get you entrance to an amusement park, but last I went it was more like 60 to 80 and that depends on if you got any discounts.

50 dollars spent on a game goes a LONG fucking way, and this has spoiled the value for other things as it is work/effort to go outside and do other things that are also EXPENSIVE.

Life is expensive.

I still like to go kayaking though, but that ain't making it any cheaper. Buying a cheap gun is like 500 dollars, and if you want to get one that ain't registered it'll probably be twice the price then.

I had a choice of building a really nice computer or buying a gun when hillary was supposedly going to win. I figured get one then to stop the wave of retards who were gonna go door to door removing people from their homes to house africans and muslims.

But they lost and now we have a good 8 years before they destroy a whole country like merkel destroyed all of europe and the UK.

White guilt much?They are billions of people it's bad because they are putting up with it.If you take all the money from the oil tycoons and giant corporations in there's enough for everybody.

nice meme

You ARE a criminal Tyrone Muhammad Ivanovich.

not necessary, you could kill a nigger for a dollar. You will be doing society a favor and get money sideways. If you are white you could get out with it because niggers only kill niggers and police won't be looking for a white guy

>Both have no place in the real alpha world of war and conquest
is this some RP? you're on Sup Forums

Most of the things I do in Video Games I would not enjoy doing in real life. Having an intense firefight with friends on Battlefield is awesome. Losing my hearing and potentially my life as I maybe get lucky and hit one guy in actual combat is not.

life is not expensive just don't use your money use somebody else's money

Ok don't go to war but instead of wasting the day do something that advances your actual life

>wasting the day do something that advances your actual life
I live comfortably in a nice house and have a job that I like. Why can't I just spend my time enjoying my hobbies? Fun things are fun user.

If you actually enjoy fetch quests have at it but I think the truth is you play because you are to lazy to create fun scenarios in real life.Good games exist but very few are worth the time.

Once again, refer to,
Many things I enjoy in Vidya I would not enjoy in real life. Doesn't matter if I can make it happen. I also waste my time on books and movies, are those pointless too?

"you dont like the things i like so youre wrong"

Sup Forums in a nutshell

Yeah joining a gang sounds like a great idea.

Life is just a more advanced video game and you prefer retro got it.Im not saying that you can have meaningful experiences in games.But you are insane if you think anything in a game surpasses real life

Yes you are wrong

Not all gangs are made of niggers

Everything costs money user, games are relatively cheap compared to doing anything beyond reading books or watching movies.

You can torrent all 3 though so they are practically free when going anywhere costs gas money.

money is free also and you can steal it online to your point

Also wanted to mention fitness. Yeah its great but at max you can only do so much exercise a day.

Then you have to focus on other things.

But I'm not speaking from personal experience in that matter cause I'm a tiny twink.

>But you are insane if you think anything in a game surpasses real life
Until mechs that can swing oversized swords exist in real life, I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

You must be actually 12.

Teach me your ways user, I would like free money.

And yet you spend your time shitposting.

already exist go to japan

Source me up then.

Sure beginner level go to dating site find 90y old idiot send pics of cute girl ask for money done

>ISIS is now trying to recruit people by glamorizing war on Sup Forums
Now this is something new.

You need to be 18 to post.

War is important without it America would have nothing


Shhh fag, its ok, we already know youre mad


I already went out there.

Daesh was too cowardly so we never had anything to do.

Went on the attack and then ran away and hid. Didn't even bother to attack.

It was boring.

I'd rather play video games and simply let the pilots bomb all the retards to death.


you must be mohamMAD

They don't even have to the balls to suicide bomb.

They force kids to do it and detonate the bombs remotely.

fag are you British I've been to england basically white trash haven

ayo muh fuggin bix noods do sumfin wit yer life.i hustle and survive on the streets earnin real paper. fat white bois play lil girl games fukin... i doneven know man, playin wit themselves instead a ho.

>Kill a nigger for a dollar
No doubt that dollar is stolen
My conscience would never be clean again

You type and reason at the level of a middle schooler, so I don't believe you.

1v1 me faggot

Alright, you have convinced me. Let me sell my house and quit my job so I can go overseas and get my brains blown out by some zealot sandmonkey.

OP sounds like some IS dipshit or Eurocuck thug (though who can tell the difference at this point?). Can't wait until you get your head blown the fuck off.

Operating a drone and watching a bunch of bearded subhumans explode sounds like a fun game though.


I'd rather be in the mecha though. Input lag is a bitch.

I don't think the Airforce is allowed to fly drone strikes over California just yet

patience is a virtue

>If you want combat there's actual wars around
I've been in one.
Play Battlefield, trust me on that one son.

Why?? Did you get bored?

Lost a friend and had to kill other human beans. Both still haunt me occasionally.