"no dual audio?? NO BUY!!!!!"

>"no dual audio?? NO BUY!!!!!"

ummmm sweetie if you live you in America you're going to get the american audio. if you want to listen to Japanese then just import the game. is that so hard muffin?

>Shit Sup Forums memes

>forcing this awful meme
Go kill yourself

why the fuck would i want dual audio
just give me the japanese audio and save money by not hiring shitty english voice actors

I have never seen anyone talk like that, not even the most hardcore tumblerinas.

Shit forced meme is shit.

Why does sweetieposting trigger me so much?

The best thing about forced memes is that those are the first ones to be parroted everywhere.

I love it, keep going Sup Forums

>if you live you

Hay gurl wud u liek 2 munch on me muffin while I play Zelda on my Nintendo Switch with dual audio ;)

>is that so hard muffin
trust me, its rock hard

>being canadian
>not wanting tri-audio English, Japanese and CHEESE NIGGER

>if you live you

Sweetie If you live you in you America you need to you learn english you first before you shitpost, honeybun

>not only a Sup Forums meme but a shitty and forced Sup Forums meme

NO! You're the... sweetie...


Thanks honeyboo :)

I love sweetie

Sweetie.... if you don't like the meme is probably best you ignore it.

Definitely the best Zelda to date

>Sup Forums tries to force another shitty meme after Bogposting failed
Fuck off already.

I unironically hate weeb trash like you. Actually kill yourself

He's right, tho.

Don't you have some no games to be playing westaboo cuck

Why does sweetieposting make my dick so hard?

Because it's patronizing.

based redditbro

I wanna fuck sweetie so bad

>once again a new meme come to life out of nowhere and everyone but me know about it

Im just too old for this shit.

I think you mean he should go right into the garbage
Nah, I'm gonna be enjoying the English dub of Persona 5 in a week (^: currently playing through Nier Autobots in english

>no playing games in original glorious German

But user, you are the sweetie...

What if I don't live in America and have no obligation to enjoy american audio?

it's dumb girlposting that makes all the failed normies shake in rage encapsulated in a simple, single-two word meme
i'll be surprised if this meme doesn't last long

>cheese nigger
Fuck thats the first ive heard this

Now honey booboo, don't be like that! ;)

Why would you want to speak the language of cucks?

Also pay debts

>ppl are still forcing this shit meme

>tfw always get into arguments on Sup Forums but nobody ever calls me sweetie

Its just some shitty Sup Forums meme. Some bitch on twitter spams Trump with condescending bullshit on everyone of his tweets so now people ironically talk the way she does

This. No one needs american audio.

German might have been cool 5 years ago, now you're just diet middle east

Oh the infamous Sup Forums ironic humour right.

>lets make fun of these people by acting like these people we hate so much

I will never understand this.

its working OP look how angry the babies are

Nigger nose spotted

i like jap voices, they make sound real nice :)

Every meme is forced sweetie! ;) It just depends how hard you're able ram it up someones cute hole

Don't worry pumpkin'

If I wanted to fucking read fucking subtitles I would fucking read a fucking book

>mfw someone tells me they don't like using Japanese audio because they can't read the subtitles fast enough

I thought this was an /r9k/ meme
its certainly phrased as one

>now you're just diet middle east
when did the middle east get farming simulators

Here is your (you). Now be on your way, disgusting anime girl