I'm very curious about this. Who does Nintendo take feedback from...

I'm very curious about this. Who does Nintendo take feedback from? They seem to be one of the most detached companies from both gaming media and the general gaming public. The criticisms they do acknowledge seem to affect them very personally, but they sometimes pick and choose odd places or times to take it. Paper Mario's direction as a series was greatly changed by online surveys rather than normal old message boards. The fan response to Other M hit them hard, but it also put Metroid in a comatose state despite it not even being a normal Metroid game. They saw a demand for a new Star Fox but also thought that came in tandem with some kind of "definitive" Wii U experience. Then there's Breath of the Wild and (hopefully) Mario Odyssey, which took a decade's worth of fan feedback before someone's voice was heard.

It's easy to shrug your shoulders at how NoA is just made up of terrible middlemen so we don't know what's getting through to Nintendo itself. However it feels like Nintendo has the same relationship with Japanese fans as they do with us. For being gaming's friendliest face, it's kind of an enigma.

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You're right OP. Sometimes it feels like Ninty are trapped in a bubble. Unaware of the need for change in the industry.

They're very poor at adapting too and seem to believe gimmicks will give them sales.

Breath of the Wild came from Miyamoto wanting a new "style" of gameplay that wasn't the same OOT/TP/SS experience. Thinking fans had anything to do with that is wishful thinking.

No one. They just do what the fuck they want, because their fanbase will lap up whatever they make - good or bad.

And defend it to the death in the face of facts, sales, or any reasonable counterarguments.

The Wii U name disaster alone shows they are out of touch.

JP Is a bunch of out of touch ideas men with no one to tell them no.

While the NA branch is a bunch of corporate ball lickers that just want to put mario and zelda on their resume, who resent having to work on/translate weeb shit and wish that part of their fanbase would fuck off

>It's easy to shrug your shoulders at how NoA is just made up of terrible middlemen so we don't know what's getting through to Nintendo itself
For real tho they really, really are

this. I think there's going to be a large change in Nintendo's formula of IPs now that the big names in the company are getting legit old.

What you have to understand is that Nintendo knows that the vast majority of complaints lobbied at them are from people who don't actually play the games they make. As such, they are outright ignored. Take, for example, this faggot who thinks Nintendo hates JRPGs.

Nintendo, over the past fifteen years, went from having no notable JRPGs at all to the putting out the best in the industry, although retards aren't admitting it.

This so much.

I don't even think the JP block looks at sales or reviews of the games they shit out anymore

No, I'd say the typical, more casual but-not-too-casual video game player who claims that the 3D Zelda games are the definitive hardcore gaming experiences, who went on to love Skyrim and Minecraft greatly affected BotW's direction.

>who resent having to work on/translate weeb shit
I dunno about that.

The localization of Kid Icarus Uprising seems to prove otherwise (I've listened to the Japanese version of the game and the personalities and stories of each level are very standard Japanese tropes. Hades is even a generic angry villain).

I think there are times where localization of a script can turn out for the better of a product.


Take, for example, what happened with Fire Emblem. It went from a B - list series to A- rank post Awakening because Nintendo managed to iron out a formula for it. FE is now one of their biggest properties.

In contrast, they dropped Metroid when they realized that no one actually likes those games.

Don't even bother: Treehouse critics have deluded themselves into thinking they hate localizing certain titles, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Defend Fate's pickle man.

Uprising's original script lent itself well to radical reinterpretation when getting localized. Doing that sort of thing can be a dangers line to toe. It's a great dub but I don't think I'd use it as an example of what a dub should strive to do. Compare Fates, which is a much stricter translation, but the the liberties they do take are awful, and the English casting is a step down from Awakening.

Original script.

>defending treehouse

Nintendo is just too Japanese. In Japan, there's culture of saving face so it's better to remain silent then to ever admit fault. The fact that they made BoTW is rather bizarre seeing how Nintendo is so out of touched with their base.

>Minor character quirk becomes their main point of conversation

And you had the nerve to call me deluded.

>I don't even think the JP block looks at sales or reviews of the games they shit out anymore

The western review scene is such a mess that games like Luigi's Mansion 2 and Kirby: Rainbow Curse are called unforgiving and Polygon could get away with quitting Codename: S.T.E.A.M less than 1/4 of the way through and still submit a review.

I spend a reasonable amount of time sucking dick

>The fact that they made BoTW is rather bizarre seeing how Nintendo is so out of touched with their base.

It's not really surprising. It's not like the fanbase asked for Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time to be the way they were.

Nintendo do their best and create masterpieces when they don't listen to the fans. Then obnoxious members of the fanbase latch onto these critically acclaimed games as if they were the reason the games were made, patting themselves on the back for a game Nintendo made by ignoring them.

I just want to know how it's acceptable to pull all your other products from shelves then put out a console that isn't available.

That's a compelling point but it still feel like Japanese developers are more responsive to western consumers these days. If not that, then they are still in tune with their Japanese fans.

>In Japan, there's culture of saving face so it's better to remain silent then to ever admit fault
That's China. Japan is all about admitting their faults as publicly as possible.

>Who does Nintendo take feedback from
you know when you buy a console and it comes with a customer feedback card of form in it...
Do you fill it out?
Well bored soccer moms and house wives do.
You know the people who they make their consoles for, their targeted market customers.

I'm gonna call partial malarkey here. BotW is the direct result of the changing sensibilities of the times, and what games both kids and adults find accessible these days. Yes the developers also felt it was time for a change, but they didn't pull those changes from the nexus.

You're first mistake was thinking Nintendo is a company first. Yes they are a publicly traded company but the people who work for them, the developers and game makers are artists first and company employees second. They don't care what a bunch of virgin manchildren think about their games or systems. They have a vision for something and go though with it. Imagine if music artists listened to what fans wanted from them. The music would turn out like shit.


They didn't pull the 3DS and are still producing the NES Mini in small batches

Your second mistake was activating my trap card.



Have you ever tried to create something without that one friend who gives your work the honest beatdown it needs to become great? That friend is arguably just as important as the artist.
Just look at anything Lucus has had full control over.

>Who does Nintendo take feedback from?


And their internal seniors with over 40 years of experience.

Luckily, Nintendo isn't just one person.

Yeah, but that come from within the same group/circle of people. No one takes reviews or fans seriously when it comes to criticism.

Have you ever made a video game?

That's not true.
Just look at Nickelback, they take feedback from their fans and their music turns out great every time.

Came in the thread to say this. I think one of Nintendo's greatest strengths is that they DON'T listen to retards on Sup Forums. They DON'T listen to a minority of anti-fanboy losers who just want to criticize Nintendo, who wouldn't even buy their products, even if they did conform to all their stupid criticisms (they would just find something else to complain about).

I know some shithead who does that will leave me some angry response about how they know what's best for Nintendo, but no, you really don't. They know how to make games better than you do.

Well no it doesn't really /thread because there's a bit more nuance to it than your faggy fanboy shit. Nintendo is filled to the brim with talent and sometimes that's enough, but their style often blows up in their faces. Not to mention fan feedback from loser virgins has helped plenty of developers before.

>Not to mention fan feedback from loser virgins has helped plenty of developers before.

What games?

Oh look, its this thread again


The problem is, every fucking moron in the world thinks they know what's best, and then they get mad when their ideas aren't incorporated.

Imagine if Nintendo listened to all their criticisms. That would mean listening to that fat cuck (I forget his name) when he criticized Breath of the Wild for having "Ubisoft towers". That would mean listening to Anita when she says Mario is "sexist" for saving the princess (or whatever her stupid argument is). That would mean listening to every pseudo-intellectual dumbass 14 year old on the internet who thinks they know everything.

Obviously, you're not suggesting listening to every criticism, but each and every one of these people feel betrayed, or they make excuses like "Nintendo is out of touch" when their feedback isn't listened to. True geniuses sometimes have to disregard the ideas of failed idiots who don't know what their talking about. If that means offending someone because their ideas don't get incorporated into a game, so be it. You can't please everyone.

Seriously, Do anybody have the image of a Nintendo investor from a Q&A who doesn't care about videogames?

Its not exactly like that, but its still retarded non the less

Is this the worst fanbase in gaming Sup Forums?

>Because their fanbase will lap up whatever they make - good or bad

You realize this is all you console peasants, correct?

I don't even know what this means anymore since the old heads are letting the next gen take the wheel this time. Maybe they have better understanding and looking at the new games coming for the Switch, something is telling me yes they do understand.

I can't believe you actually think that at Sony, they just play video games all the time and never have serious business discussions. Because they care about video games and they care about the consumer. Dawww.

Sony isn't a video game company. Nintendo is.


Nice - You found the excuse for Nintendo to never be allowed to have a serious business discussion. Good job.

bait, nobody can be this fucking dumb to imply something so asinine.

>Japan is all about admitting their faults as publicly as possible.

They still haven't admitted to war crimes from WW2 though.

It's because the media and fans are mostly wrong. Like, people have been saying Nintendo should make mobile games forever, they finally start to make mobile games and it's not earning them that much money. Certainly, it's still profitable but nowhere near the blown up impression the media and fans had. You also see this "Nintendo should make a powerful console for third parties" shit a lot but even when Nintendo had a powerful device (Gamecube/N64) most third parties didn't make games for their system. It's got nothing to do with power.

Literally RE7 this year.

you underestimate Sonyfanboys

Post the one where Iwata called that shareholder out for investing in Nintendo after the 2011 earthquake simply because his birthday matched up with their founding date or something equally stupid.

Let's not forget that Paper Mario is 2nd party.
Intelligent systems said they felt like the Mario & Luigi series had Mario RPGs covered, so they wanted to make something different. Nintendo had little to do with it.
All Nintendo could do is pull the plug on their funding, which is a bit of an extreme reaction that would probably get more bad press than financial gain.

>i am a shareholder in a company all about video games
>but i don't give a shit about video games

what a fuckwit


Fucking gold

>the state of Nintendo Shareholders

There was one at the most recent one where a shareholder said they should stop working on video games and become a real estate company because real estate is super profitable. (Although it's a bit funny because Capcom actually got into real estate)

Welcome to sonyga/v/

That applies to a lot of people involved in the industry, going as far as the 80's. It's no wonder the 'fans' of certain companies are vocal about what they want, most of these idiots don't play the games to realize their faults.

We may make fun of these people, but that's not that strange.
How many people support projects on patreon that will never make commercial success?
Some people just want to support a single vision.

>Who does Nintendo take feedback from?
Club Nintendo surveys
User reviews left on eshop, miiverse, etc

i'm glad that Sup Forums is smart enough to know that nintendo going thrid party would not be comparable to sega.

neogaffers legit think nintendo is as great as ever since the NES days and the Wii U is their best console since the SNES days. Not even the most hardcore GameFAQS fanboys think that

The problem with the statement is that once you have employ's, retraining them is a gigantic sink.

Technically they could use their gold vault to get into something else(i.e Real Estate), but that would also reduce how much they got to keep on going if they fuck up badly.

There is also a lot contrast with other companies.

neoGAF is full of companies' PR disguised as regular people
I am not exaggerating
you can only sign up for an account with a work or school e-mail

I legit think Reggies and Nintendos PR of being proud of the Pii U to the point of calling it one of the greatest consoles ever, came from NeoGAF sentiment

>Hey Hey Vrrrrmm Mario!
>difficulty spikes and lack of checkpoints
Fucking what? None of the missions are that long nor are they any fucking hard. The only actual hard part is getting 100% clear because some of those gems are bullshit.

Ha. Feedback.

Nintendo marches to the beat of its own drum. It does what it wants, when it wants, and if you don't like it, tough shit.

You need to be 18+ to post on this website.

This is what is wrong with stockholders today, mostly old tired people, is that they don't understand is that this is not a gamble and that they need to understand the merchandise of the company they are trying to invest in. That babyboomer money does simple shit to some people.

>Investor: “I’m concerned about the falling stock price. I own stock, but I don’t own a single Nintendo product. I believe games are a waste of time. By the way, the reason I own Nintendo stock is because the name is nice, it’s in Kyoto and it was listed in the year of my birth.”

>Iwata: “There are people in this world who don’t feel that games are a waste of time, so Nintendo continues to exist. We’d like to eliminate the thinking that playing games by yourself is negative, or when there’s a crime you immediately tie it into games. We’d like to raise the social importance of games. We’re working to expand the gaming population, yourself included.”

>Investor: “During the Tohoku earthquake disaster, I believe people in the evacuation centers were lacking in exercise. Why didn’t you bring Wii Fit to them? Why didn’t you show off to the media that you’re doing more for the victims?”

this motherfucker

yeah i bet reggie says all those deep, sentimental things about the games and new shit coming out but has no say in it, after credits roll he motherfucks the whole way home

>Why didn't you try to sell your product to people in an earthquake refuge

That is some low blow tier shit.

>>Investor: “During the Tohoku earthquake disaster, I believe people in the evacuation centers were lacking in exercise. Why didn’t you bring Wii Fit to them? Why didn’t you show off to the media that you’re doing more for the victims?”

Is this nigga serious?

>Investor: “During the Tohoku earthquake disaster, I believe people in the evacuation centers were lacking in exercise. Why didn’t you bring Wii Fit to them? Why didn’t you show off to the media that you’re doing more for the victims?”

I wonder how that guy survived the wiiu. if he did

I'd like to like Treehouse. They can be very good localizers when they want to be. Unfortunately that's extremely rare.

>getting feedback from someone

And if they do, it's from the japanese people

Let's fucking hope the Japanese complained about Splatoon's map rotation.