Daily reminder that japanese devs are so incompetent that a MOD made A WEEK AFTER RELEASE doubled FPS and fixed a slew...

Daily reminder that japanese devs are so incompetent that a MOD made A WEEK AFTER RELEASE doubled FPS and fixed a slew of obvious bugs.

When will japs learn that the most important selling point for PC games is optimization? And somehow missed a simple fix to DOUBLE your fps?

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When will you learn that nobody's going to put in any extra effort for a playerbase that's mostly just going to steal the game anyway?

What is Denuvo?

The Devil incarnate, apparently.

Regardless of Denuvo, I don't see why everyone is always so surprised by half-assed PC ports. I can imagine there's not much motivation to tighten up the graphics on level three when you know there's a massive population of people just waiting to steal your game. I don't blame them at all for just doing a lazy Copy-Paste and pushing it to Steam.

japs bought more alone on ps4

It hardly doubles the FPS though, I mean scaling down the GI does tremendous amounts but you are reducing the graphical quality.

Its a terrible shit port nonetheless, if it wasn't a Taro game I'd feel bad about buying it.

Oh wow who would've thought. got some more deep insights into the industry?

Nearly 200k on a title like this is pretty damn good.

Meanwhile you consolecucks are probably ready to sell your game second hand so you have your allowance back.

>Make a shitty half assed port that cost you nothing
>Let the player patch it and fix it
>Sell 200k copies in the first week

I don't see any problem here. If anything they are the clear winners.

well 200,000*42 is quite a bit of money, how much do you think it costs to port in the first place? PC games have legs, and good optimization means a wider audience.

Why bother making games for consolefags if there is a massive population of people who are just going to buy it second hand and they never get a penny?

Oh wait, you are retarded.

Yeah but it made the grapix shit tho.

>used games



Oh no, you read a single sentence in and suddenly it turns out its fucking nothing.

The xbone tried banning sales and is now a dead console.
The PC got Denuvo and...its making more money than ever before.

Can you solve this 1+1=?

Can I get a link to this magic mod?

This. Sold 200k units in 10 days. That over $8 million after steam's 30% cut even with porting costs they made a good chunk of cash.

>porting costs

Which are probably close to nothing considering Platinum develops on PC and clearly didn't bother to polish the actual PC version whatsoever.

We'll keep getting more ports thats for sure.

how many refunded?

>Japs are bad at PC games

this is nothing new

No point arguing with consoleniggers, just remember the shitstorm when Microsoft said they had to support the devs and couldn't basically steal the game by buying second hand.

Gets very tiring reading this hypocritical bullshit all day while these people are literally ruining gaming with their unwillingness to spend money.

They are now paying for online and don't even realize why its happening.

>Nearly 200k on a title like this is pretty damn good.
Comming from pc gamming where they are more numbers this is worse than ´the number of people buying bloodborne on ps4.

Why would you buy a Japanese game on pc?

They don't play pc games. They don't care about pc games. Any port you get will be a slapped together phoned in cash grab.

Just play it on a console like it was intended.


PCpoorfags BTFO.

you're retarded if you think 'muh more numbers' counts. 90% of the people "gaymin" on steam are playing free to play trash on their laptop that can't even run minecraft.

I honestly can't believe there is a PC port.

Good for you guys, I guess. It was definitely smart of them to wait to release it after the console release though. I'm sure bigger fans got the console release on launch just to avoid spoilers.

Don't release it then?

Speak english or don't speak at all.

So that situation can change?
You know things can change right?

190k refunded

literally nobody is talking about this game user... there are no spoilers being posted.

>people BOUGHT this game
>they spent $60 on a singleplayer game they will beat and never touch again
>they couldnt wait a few weeks for pirated version