Will Unity ever become a viable game engine for mainstream gaming?

Will Unity ever become a viable game engine for mainstream gaming?

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Unity is the reason for so much indieshit everywhere.

Settle down kid this is nothing compared to the complete dumpster fire that was the Game Make era of the 00's.

you forget that you couldn't find an average 00's gamemaker game next to an aaa title in the largest pc distribution service of videogames

It is already mainstream. Have you been living under a rock? Around 80 to 90 percent of all games on steam are either using Unity3D or UDK.

The issue here is that those engines are generic and cater to a more basic structure. It forces them to use #Reflection, which introduces a massive overhead and you're basically running anything with 70% less efficiency than your own tailored engine in C++.

It is perfectly viable, devs are just bad at it.

>00's gamemaker game
>largest pc distribution service of videogames

And neither of these things existed in 00. You're obviously less than 16 years old and have never been around when modbb, patchscrolls, etc were big with daily and substantial free games uploaded every day that were made in their own engines.

>tfw you can spot a unity game from a mile off

Then the onus is on Steam and shit like Greenlight. If there were actual quality control on platform you wouldn't be making this post.

it's an enabler

i find it horrendous how few unity devs know how to use its optimizing features, and how bad the artists tend to be, leaving the majority of unity games looking like early 360 games that run terribly

pull your head out of your ass, you're exactly proving my point
back then these games didn't coexist with the big-budget titles on the same rules like today


at that point might as well use game maker
add an ironic style meter

I'm just very early on development.


going to put some HD art.

This is a humble reminder that learning how to develop your game from scratch (that is, not relaying in game engines such as unity and GMS) will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors.

Because games and game development are so popular, and you are competing against other games for attention, it is in your interest to use more performant tools that allow you to program your game without cutting any feature or depending on closed software.

If you are interested in defeating your main oponents (those using game engines, like the ones listed in the op poster), here are some tips:

- Use efficient and performant programming languages, such as c++, rust or nim.
* cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
* doc.rust-lang.org/book/
* nim-by-example.github.io

- Learn algorithms:
* coursera.org/specializations/algorithms

- Learn maths and physics:
* khanacademy.org/math
* khanacademy.org/science/physics

- Learn how to get the most out of your cpu:
* dataorienteddesign.com/dodmain/
* learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/79-the-stack-and-the-heap
* fgiesen.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/why-do-cpus-have-multiple-cache-levels/

- Learn how to do graphics:
* opengl-tutorial.org/beginners-tutorials/

Good luck.

A good post on Sup Forums what is the sorcery
thanks user shame I have no motivation to do anything

is a copy pasta from agdg.

What's the problem with unity. Seriously, no homerfaces and no listing bad games by bad devs who chose to work within it, what is the issue that you have with unity? What makes unity to you, unable to make a good game? What limits does it have that prove a problem to you?

When you don't use custom shaders, it's pretty obvious considering most shit games are made by beginners.

Damn for me to think That was a honest post...I'm stupid

actually the pasta appeared in a Sup Forums gamedev thread first
i told the poster to go to /agdg/ and they did

It's still a good post, which is why it's often re-used.

Too many babies relying on DRM filled engines like Unity.

it's a totally fine engine. quite good in fact.
from the outside however, it has a bad impression because it's very easy to use (generally) and thus unskilled people use it and make bad games with it.

That's a troll post mate. You'll never release anything trying to create everything, much less a complete engine, on your own.

>but *my favorite developer* did it
He had turbo autism and drive, and was already fucking about with programming at age 10. If you were one of these guys, you would have already released something. You wouldn't be on an anonymous imageboard begging for help or whining.


It already is and has been for years.

Unless you have some bizarre definition of mainstream.

Making a 2D JRPG in it. Despite its flaws everyone tells me that it's still the best 2D engine as long as it's not pixel shit.

How is Unity "DRM filled"?

Unity already is a viable game engine for mainstream gaming. Most indie games use unity, don't they?

You can use it for pixel shit too, I guess, but trying to get anything pixel-perfect in it will make a fool of you.

You can tell because the game stutters to no end whenever the GC kicks in

Nah, not most. But many.

Most phone games use Unity.

And many of those are in essence "indie". And "mainstream". And make a lot of money.

>mainstream gaming
>Most indie games
OP is bad at wording his thought.
In his mind, mainstream game = AAA games = non indie games

With the collider limit it has, no.

collider limit? what are you talking about?

death stranding and mgs 5, some of the greatest games ever made were made on unity. Also witcher 3 was made on a modified unity engine, but it was so heavily modified i dunno if it can still be considered unity.


It's not efficient.

The best AAA game you probably can say that was made with it would be Hearthstone. It performs like shit, but it's okay since current hardware can pump out 100 frames in it. Oh what's that phones? Oh wait it doesn't matter since it's a card game :^)

Oh. Well, it will never be used in a serious AAA title. The only advantage it provides is the reduced flat cost. AAA companies don't really care about this flat cost; heck many AAA studios are perfectly content writing their own engine from scratch because the benefits they get in flexibility outweighs the high flat cost.

To a company that sells millions of copies, 10% in additional sales translates to more money than the opportunity cost of using a more powerful engine. And taken at the face value, unity is a significantly worse engine than most of its AAA competitors. Again, the only thing it has going for it is ease-of-use.

That's not Unity, that's PhysX. The same thing pretty much every engine uses. If your scene has more than 260,000 colliders, you are fucking up big time and your game won't run on anything anyway.

You can have up to 65k active colliders in Unity

But user was being a retard, if you really 65k active in your game at the same time you probably should reconsider your work

>I'm ugly, fat and disgusting, how could I improve my looks?
>I know, I'm going to cut my hair like a retard and paint it some bright neon shit color.

Garry Newman is a significantly better coder than you and Rust has been at the collider limit for years.

It's efficient, and fairly easy to optimize with. Devs are just seriously stupid with it, I honestly really find it hard to understand how.

That was previous version of PhysX, it's apparently up to 260k now in 3.3/Unity 5. But yeah, it's like a really absurd amount no matter what.

Then he needs to redesign his code

You thought of it the wrong way, think the Tumblr way
>I'm a beautiful sexy hambeast womyn

>The same thing pretty much every engine uses.
Isn't havok a thing?

Was made with unity.
Unity isn't that bad it's just people make games as a hobby and can't into optimize.

>he's better than you
>9000 colliders just on a penis

>Garry Newman is a significantly better coder than you
That won't make him free from being bad or taking bad decisions.
Using that many colliders at the same time is indeed a bad thing, and if if that is something he wouldnt want to change, he should have used unity in the first place.

This is a load of horseshit
Outside of Sup Forums nobody gives a flying fuck about the engine you use, especially if you can hide it well, which is relatively easy.

If you are trying to pitch a game to people, all they care about is visuals and gameplay.
Nothing else.
End of Story.

This and only this will give you an advantage over competitors.

Also nothing you write as a one man army will ever be as performant or as well tested as Unity or Unreal. You are literally trying to competing with a standard that's been in use for years and has been tested by millions.

If your unity game's performance is bad, the reason is your sloppy work. It's very very certainly not the engines fault. Also the "b-b-b-but my own engine gives me more freedom" argument is a load of horseshit too. Learn the damn API you dingus.

t.ComputerScience Graduate/Software Engineer PhD Student/Part time Gamedev

how can you take a column, and give it texture in the texture, but the actually bumps on it don't fit that texture at all... fuck this looks like shit

Each wrinkles needs his collider, you fool!

this game looks like they built a dungeon and then eroded everything with fuckin water for centuries, jesus christ

>If you are trying to pitch a game to people, all they care about is visuals

Being good at coding and running out of colliders are two very unrelated things.

Ironically, Unity is shooting itself in the food with its splashscreen policy on the paid/unpaid version.

The only time you see the Unity splash screen is when it's a shitty one-man game, so people don't notice the actually developed games made in Unity.

>>If you are trying to pitch a game to people, all they care about is its political affilation
thanks god I was here

>be a fucking prodigy with code
>run out of memory
>good coder
heh guess i just wasn't "paying attention" heh

>Using that many colliders at the same time is indeed a bad thing

No, it's a bad thing in Unity, which is a flawed engine which will absolutely hold you back in ways you didn't anticipate when you started, every time.

We live in a world where you can use Source2 and UE4 for free. You don't need Unity.

>This is a load of horseshit
This was my thought as well, being a CS grad with ~15 years of programming experience.

Reinventing the wheel is fun as hell, but it's not productive and if you think writing your own engine will make your game better you're delusional. The hard part about making a game is actually making the game.

>Unity is shooting itself in the food
>in the food

Eh... depends.

Sometimes it is visuals first, gameplay second.
Sometimes (more than often) it's only visuals
And in some very rare cases it's gameplay only.


>0.02 shekels got deposited into your account


brb, getting dinner

rust has a ton of colliders that are useless, like tree branches and fallen trees all over the ground. and a ton of rocks that are useless and don't even provide cover.

Was unsure if to play along but I figured I'm not enough of a cunt to try and meme people into wasting years of their life for shitty results.

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, nobody will pat you on the back for making your own engine, and the result will not be anywhere near as good as an engine like UE4. Just make fucking game, not engine.

>yes, i would like 1000 bites of a sandwich please
>mmmm sandwich

>Also nothing you write as a one man army will ever be as performant or as well tested as Unity or Unreal.

Dunno about 'well tested', but if a single world-class coder actually sat down for 10 years and wrote a 3D engine from scratch, it would revolutionalize 3D graphics. There is a reason you want as few people working on an engine as possible. It turns out better.

>games workshop
>in a winery

And water keeps every single pedophile alive.
That does not mean that they are viable causes.

Unity is cheap and easy to use, that makes it attractive for talentless hacks, not bad.

>it would revolutionalize 3D graphics
this is the dumbest thing i've ever read on here
i'm screenshotting this because nobody will believe me when i post about it

Yeah, but PhysX is slightly in the lead in terms of games using it now. A good amount of engines use it, including Unity, Unreal, Ubisoft's Anvil engine, CD Projekt RED's engine. Anyway just Unity and Unreal makes it account for a shit-ton of games.
But the collider limit shouldn't be a problem for most developers. I guess in unique open world multiplayer situations it might become a problem, but it would have to be a pretty extreme case...

>Garry Newman is a significantly better coder than you
No, he really isn't. Garry is a fucking terrible coder.

that just tells us about the state of AAA games

Although I won't argue they are useless, it depends if they always loaded or not

Does Rust render inactive unseen colliders?

>if a single world-class coder actually sat down for 10 years and wrote a 3D engine from scratch, it would revolutionalize 3D graphics
no it wouldn't
3D engines are not a field of research, it's pretty much a solved problem

Great musician though

It's a bad thing no matter the engine. This is a PhysX limitation, not Unity limitation. UE4 has the same limit because it uses PhysX too.

*runs garbage collection sweep*
*rounds your mouse input to integers after scaling them down by a magic floating point value*

The dumbest and most autistic post I've seen in a while.

I'm impressed.

It already is. Hearthstone was made with Unity

>the biggest and most profitable game engine in existence
>not mainstream

Just read Quake 3.

>Unreal and Unity

>It's efficient, and fairly easy to optimize with.
But it's not. It's 'good enough' in terms of performance and that's what matters to most indie games. The moment you want to create a big game is when the engine starts to have problems.

>Devs are just seriously stupid with it, I honestly really find it hard to understand how.
It's not that they're stupid. They're just ignorant of what they're doing. If you look at any of the top Unity/Unreal games you'll end up seeing that they've never really code before. They form bad habits and that is the result.

What's funny is finding hilariously bad suggestions with UE4's C++. Since UE4 c++ documentation is shit you have to rely on these community posts or hope that the UE team reads your question. You'll end up seeing a ton of bad habits forming such as overuse of strings during runtime, poor loop usage, not understanding the performance of calls such as raycasting. Keep in mind these are done on a per frame basis. My favorite would be allocating memory during a loop every frame.

I swear to fuck find me a game that 3rd person indie with a "professional looking" textures and occlusion mapping.

It make Illusion stop using their shitty unoptimized engine for their newest porn game, so I'm all happy for it.
Also miconisomi use Unity and it was the best fap ever.

I wished they remaster old Illusion games like Rapelay or Biko 3 with this engine.

>develop your game from scratch
>will take you closer to deploying a game and beat your competitors
Why do you want everyone else to fail so much?

>My favorite would be allocating memory during a loop every frame.
even the most well optimized games allocate memory hundreds of time per frame

New dev fag here, what do you mean for
>overuse of strings during runtime
>poor loop usage
>not understanding the performance of calls such as raycasting
>allocating memory during a loop every frame
so I avoid this kind of stupid shit in the future

STOP IT, you're making too much sense. This is a Unity hate thread, you're supposed to shitpost here!

>And water keeps every single pedophile alive.
And children are made of water.
It make sense.

>3D engines are not a field of research, it's pretty much a solved problem
This is so wrong it hurts. The field is always evolving, and new engines keep on doing new and exciting things. Heck, even just writing the new generation of engines on top of D3D12 / Vulkan is providing lots of avenues for innovation.

Plus, we're talking about a tiny subset of 3D engines. We're so far from 3D graphics being a solved problem it hurts. We haven't even remotely figured out realtime global illumination, ray tracing etc. Instead we're stuck with a rendering archetype from decades ago because everything else is too hard.

the stupidest shit you can do is listening to a random person on Sup Forums instead of understanding it for yourself, so develop your own game and understand what makes it performant instead of taking someones word for it


t. dumbasses too stupid to build their own engines.

The Witness not only has it's own engine, they wrote an entire fucking language for it. You guys are pathetic by comparison.


jon blow is autistic

please go back to Sup Forums RMS