Comfy Yooka-Laylee Thread

Comfy Yooka-Laylee Thread
no jonjon kiddies allowed edition

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When do you guys think they'll ship out backer orders? I'm hype to get my physical copy and shirt.

Jon is a racist nazi synthesizer who rapes his bird and eats poop.

>yooka leftie

I really hope the movement in this game is as tight as I'm expecting. I feel like routing a Speedrun in this game will be really fun


>jontron rightie

and yet we must learn to co-exist

No thanks.

I don't support racist companies or their games.

Is there any pic of graphic comparison between Ps4, Xbox one and Switch

It looks good enough to pirate.

>no Jontron

>lets ban jontron
>goes badly
>lets ban everyone who asks for refunds
>goes badly
>lets just ban everything

claiming chubby glasses ginger boy on the upper ride side for husbando

>nazi synthesizer
I'd like to hear some sick beats

>yooka leftie

Sup Forums cancer will be forgotten while everyone else has fun playing the game.

As long as i can keep Jonno, you can have him
I'm going to ban my dick in his ass if you know what i mean

So they're doing it right, then?

Celebrating diversity is different from forcefully hiring someone because of their color instead of their talent.


The point still stands. No one is going to care about this shitty drama once the game comes out. People will be happily playing.

No I dont know what you mean, please elaborate :^)

>The point still stands
>le Sup Forums boogyman
no it doesn't

Using SJW logic and arguments only hurts your side.

>people are happily playing mighty number 9

Team17 is such garbage. It's pretty they pushed PlayTonic to drop their friend JonTron from the game. Look at their website, it's full of diversity shit.
Pretty sad that developers and journalists are all hardcore liberals, while the people who they make it for don't give a shit about their faggot politics.

"The Iranian, the Muslim, they are not to be trusted. When I heard that our team could be pure again, I jumped at the chance. We convinced them all it was for diversity. The modern Jew, they are not as smart as their ancestors."

-Chris Sutherland, Lead of Playtonic Games, 2017

This isn't comparable to mn9. Removing someone with views that are seen as racist from a game is only giving them good publicity. And the majority of people don't care about the politics involved, they just want a banjo kazooie platformer game to play.

>social justice game A isn't the same as Social Justice Game B
lmao k

I'm still going to play it, but those who wanted refunds fully deserve them.

>muh SocJus boogieman

Fine, believe what you want. You people are just embarrassing yourselves. I'm gonna have fun and play the game when it releases.

He isn't using their "arguments," only indicating what could (rightly) be considered hypocrisy.

thank god for piracy, familia.

not paying for a game from such a goddamn racist company.

Well, at least they "celebrate diversity" in an way that isn't going to hurt the product, i.e., they don't hire people for "diversity."

>actually destroying lives of people in the name of social justice
pick one you cis scum or i'll call your employer

Then fuck off to another thread already

Hypocrisy would be if the employees of Playtonic where spouting racist trash like Jon was

Bigoted filth like JonTron destroy their own lives.


How is it hypocritical?

>stupid gas station employees shoot themselves

>hire a low key racist
>suddenly he's high key racist after his production in this game
>they fire him due to high key racism

Sorry I don't support nazi brainwashing companies, honey.

>Jewka Leftie

This game looks fun as hell
Mn9 was just shit all around

Jontron should keep his head down.

We wouldn't want him to have a... weight lifting accident, now would we?

What racist stuff had Jon said before?


Praising diversity without actually implementing it.

"Hey I'm Grump
>"Hitler's vision was a noble cause. He may have executed it poorly, but we shouldn't discredit his ideas on national identity. I mean, as Americans, who are we to judge? I believe we cause way more death and suffering than the "6 million" people that may or may not have existed. I'm just saying, Germany is a small country, why was none of these camps made public until AFTER the war? Ech!"
*game grumps jingle ends*

I guess I'll take saxaphone guy

It looks like a source mod m8

said nigger a bunch on game grumps

He supported Gambler Gate.

>Want Yuka Laylee to be good so I have something to play

Being this retarded

That last girl is not white, retard.

I think the only weights jon lifts are his fat guts to the fridge

>making a N64 game in 2017 with kiddie graphics, pandering to nostalgiafags!

It's gonna be crap OP!

You all know you can be disappointed in Playtonic's decision to remove Jon from the game and still be excited to play it right?

Commence to jiggling!

I saw this while I was still in elementary

>"6 million" people
>"6 million" "people"

you had one job

>panders to 90's nostalgia
>panders to SJWs

what could go wrong

Let's be honest here, nobody cares about this shit game.

>I saw this while I was still in elementary

What year is that episode from? I'm 26 now but I think I remember seeing it before I was even in high school.

You're right, I'd better edit her out.

>not tolerating racist garbage is "SJW" now

>2nd girl from the right


>nobody cares about a shitty e-celeb

>Backed their goal within hours
Nobody cares you guys

>Jon "Aryan" Jafari found dead after committing suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head 8 times.

Nah, the shills can't let you think like that. You might dull down the hype a bit!

>backers are literally asking for refunds over an e-celeb
Like I said, people only cared about it because of JonTron, remove him now the backers are gone.

I mean who are we kidding, the controversy was OBVIOUSLY way more interesting than the game.

You overestimate how many backers are asking for refunds.

Didn't the game get funded before he was even asked to do the free voice?
I can't remember anymore

yes it was

guess all the backers were clairvoyants

It's not because they're removing his voice from the game, it's because they're throwing a massive bitchfit and severing all ties with the person who built up a ton of hype for the game.

>throwing a massive bitchfit
you mean the one small statement they gave out?

or do you mean the publisher's cronies being dicks in the steam forum?


and yet
>Like I said, people only cared about it because of JonTron
is retarded because the game was completely overfunded long before any jontron involvement was planned or announced

>receive 10 emails from NeoGAF complaining
>throw man with 3 million subscribers under the bus
>this SOMEHOW backfires???

They need to find a new PR consultant.

>destroying lives
>removing Jon's voice that he'd done already and most likely wasn't even paid for
>he lost a couple thousand subs and then got them back in a few days

1000 angry autists won't bring make a dent on a game backed by 70.000+ people.

The fall from glory is the most satisfying to watch

not to mention him losing subs has nothing to do with his unpaid gobbligook voice being removed in the first place.
I'd hardly call this life ruining.

the steam forums are complete cancer right now
>went to the steam forums today
>permabanned for homophobia even though I didnt say anything of the like
>fuckloads of people banned and threads deleted.
>loads of posts mine and from others that had to do with other shit deleted from some threads just because they followed different opinions from the mod
and yes Im pretty sure that's the reason cause majority of people defending them werent banned, just like 1 or 2 guys that were spamming a lot and their posts are still there, saw a thread about a guy asking why he was banned and the mod answered with
>hey there XX, thanks for your concern, your post was deleted since it was political and this isnt a political game
but boy am I sure going to make political shit
also, very important, all those people banned were banned before the mod made a pinned topic about jontron where now the people that sucked their dick and werent banned are circlejerking

and it wasnt just steam, from what I saw they silenced people on their own forums too

is Incredible some software or something or did they just feel like they needed to make her sound special?

She's the best (woman) Engineer!

It makes a dent of around 2%

I'm going to buy it, leave a negative review, refund it, then buy it again at $5 when it goes on sale. All ironically.

Yeah, we know blue bonno is an idiot. He's also not from playtonic.

who knows man, she may actually be pretty gifted.

but I wouldnt trust something as vague as engineer, that title is used for a lot of things. I'd like to know what she does to get the Incredible mark

You think this game will be the BanjoThreei we've waiting for or a love letter to BanjoKazooie?

Anyone have a download of Toybox? Really want to give it a go but never backed the game.

crappy banjokablooey ripoff

While I don't think it's alright for people to pull their money over the removal of a single VA, I don't think it's alright to have had removed the VA simply because they said some shit that had absolutely nothing to do with the game in question.
Look at, for example, current Naughty Dog. Ever since they gave Amy the boot, the new head fuck preaches on and on about diversity this and social justice that nonstop like the fucking tool he is. Does any of that shit actually have any direct bearing on the game itself? No not really. It'd make you hate the guy for being a complete faggot but you'd be totally wrong to base your opinion on the game just because so-and-so said yadda yadda.
You can play through TLOU and Uncharted 4 without knowing any of that whatsoever and you'll still find that they're both shallow carnival rides filled to the brim with exposition and situations specifically designed to be complete fucking time wasters (ladders or having to strangle everybody on harder difficulties in TLOU, walking around an area and pressing X until the sidekick advances the game for you in UC4), with Uncharted 4 being better because it has actually fun setpieces at times. Nothing that dude has been badgering about stopped those games from having its shitty moments.
Same thing here, whatever the fuck e-celeb x or y or z said on whereever he said that shit isn't gonna be reflective of the game's actual quality. Pretty fucking dumb of notRare to do that, especially when they got Grant fucking Kirkhope there who says all kinds of shit and they always give him a pass.

She's obviously a computer engineer.