Stuff you want to see in the next Elder Scrolls

Not really talking about location, but moreso game features

>more animals in the wild, like innocent deers, rabbits, ducks, birds
>they should make it so that people don't speak to you just because you're close to them. I found this a really annoying feature in Skyrim, as it felt both unrealistic, and conversations always seemed to interrupt each other
>take away those "easy exits" from the bottom of dungeons, and instead add teleportation spells/scrolls again. This way they can truly feel deep and imposing but still provide you with a good way to exit

I'd like to see some stuff from Atmora. There's so little we know about it and it leaves a lot of possibilities. I think they have Nagas or snake people or something? That could be a cool thing to add if the game is set in High Rock/ Hammerfell

If it was set in Hammerfell or Elsweyr that would be cool to see pyramid shit or whole cities buried in the sand

>Bethesda making more than one body type

Wishful thinking.

All I want:
>Dark Souls level combat.
>Morrowind level stat system, weapons, and spells.

What we'll get instead:
>Skyrim 2
>Less stats(everything scales from HP, Mag, Stam).
>3rd person dialog system with voiced main character.


no immortals
custom spells again
not assume what the player will do (ie make 'evil' scenarios.) ie the part they fucked up in fallout 4.

>take away those "easy exits" from the bottom of dungeons, and instead add teleportation spells/scrolls again. This way they can truly feel deep and imposing but still provide you with a good way to exit

lol donut dungeons a must otherwise normies would get bored with having to backtrack for 20 seconds

there's mods for all of those pham

>>Dark Souls level combat.
Kill you're self. Souls combat is some of the most boring, braindead shit out there and I'm glad the Souls series is done.

Love and care

Morrowind 2. Suck my dicks.

>a good mainquest (wishful thinking i know...)
>being able to play for the bad team (thalmor were the most interesting fucking faction)
>maybe no great danger destroying the world scenario but a political story that evolves around your decisions

Frostbite Spider as protagonist.

Dragon's Dogma combat
Souls atmosphere and bosses
Elder Scrolls lore, not just some shit cobbled together after Bethesda read the wiki. I'm talking being able to achieve Chim in game levels of crazy.
Puzzles that take more than two brain cells to solve
Spell Crafting
Regular Crafting
Weapon Durability, instead of just breaking it will get worn doing less cutting and more bludgeoning damage until eventually breaking.
No fast travel (it will never happen)
I liked Skyrim's leveling system, way better than Morrowind and Oblivion. Just bring back the stupid number of skills from Morrowind and add add trees where certain skills compliment others like Enderal.
Engaging storylines and memorable characters.

Please no, I am one of those manchilds who downloaded the spiders to bears mod.

Just drop gamebryo, really, most of the problems Bethesda games have derive from that terribly outdated engine, have you seen Skyrim art? Its gorgeus yet the actual world is the blandest and ugliest shit ever, combat cant be fixed without changing the engine.

Jojofags need to die

Bu, but spiders a cute. CUTE!


I have an entire 160+ page document compiled over multiple years, excruciatingly detailing what I'd want a new Elder Scrolls to be like. And I'm still not done with it.

Is it just SWORDCHUCKS! BIGGER BEWBED WAIFUS! SWORDCHUCKS! scrawled repeatedly in crayon?
Because if it is, I'm IN!
*Throws money at screen*

>weapon durability
It's like you hate fun