Patch 7.2: Yeah, I'm thinking WoW's back

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Just more busywork. RNG hasn't been removed, class balance is still fucked. Awful expansion, awful game.

The only relevant complain is RNG, everything else is fine. Unless you're in a cutting edge top 50 Mythic guild, class balance does not concern you.

>bringing back ANOTHER WoW villain is a desperate attempt to nostalgia bait

I dunno man. Tell ya what maybe when the next expansion is "Time Travel Lich King comes back boogaloo" I'll think about it

Im enjoying legion but Im really disappointed in demonology in this expansion, all these new demon models and we basically just summon imps. Hell fucking destruction can get multiple internals at once

Isn't this like the fifth time the players have fought Kil'Jaeden at this point?

No? It's the second.


Why would I wanna play this garbage again when Stormblood is coming out soon?

Don't you dare repurpose John Wick for your shitty dead MMO

>Can't skip the story content to play the expansion if you are behind
>Gee those level boosts are far more tempting now
>Don't forget to pick up a retainer while you're at it!

I'm not playing this shit again until they fix wpvp

>Dead PvP
>Awful leveling experience
>erping faggots everywhere
>dreadful story you are forced into and can't skip
>zones with invisible walls, only connected to other zones at a few specific points and of course loading screens every time you go between those zones

Dude this patch fixed E V E R Y T H I N G

Seriously kill yourself

>pvp completely dead, lowest arena/season participation ever
>class balance only concerns you if you're in a cutting edge top 50 mythic guild
>meanwhile there is zero reason to play any tank that isn't a guardian druid, with monks and paladins filling in certain niches on some other fight
>no changes are being made about guardian druids, because i shit you not, the developers think it would hurt somebodies feelings
>meanwhile they nerf prot warriors to unplayable in 7.1.5
>if you play DK, Warrior or DH tank, reroll.
>every single DPS class can be summarized in to a small rotation now that everything has been pruned: Build, Spend, Press glowing proc. With little to no variety in any class.
>Legendaries are still in the game, and they aren't even targetable.
>Almost every top end guild is quitting due to : having to constantly grind AP, classes not being fun, and fucked up raid release schedule. Be prepared for another 12 MINIMUM of "end game legion patch number 7.X.X"
>even casual mythic guilds are quitting raiding, due to titanforging completely removing any reason to step foot in to Mythic raiding if you want character progression
This isn't even a quarter of what i want to post about, but you're a paid blizzard shill

I just never want to play nu-demonology.

Why does blizzard shill so hard on Sup Forums?

same reason why the JIDF, CTR, and shareblue constantly shill on Sup Forums
they don't like it when people say mean but true things about them

oh boy, be sure fo that, arthas is returning in the next expac warlords of lordaeron

Hasnt he invaded azeroth 3 times? Once in the books and still got shut the fuck down? Just bring sargeras and end it already.

They can't, because Sargeras is a slow old man who needs to grab his viagra before before arrives.

I'm only half joking.

>For now, do what you do best and follow me.
Where were you when Illidank btfo Maive?


Can't I just play this story in RTS form already. I'm sick of this shitty game sucking up all my Warcraft lore.

>First it was JIDF
>then CTr
>Now shareblue
so what "boogey man" will they use next when someone disagrees with them

Illidan has had over ten years to practice for that kind of line.

Meanwhile Maiev was flaying people alive.

>boogey man


Sargeras was meant to take Illidan's body but that got blown the fuck out. Sargeras needs a physical form in order to do anything, hence the reason Gul'Dan, Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden are the ones we always end up facing.

farming consumables for mythic raiding is retarded and so is wow's "casual mythic" fanbase full of autists who obsess too much over minmaxing. Fun people don't fucking play wow anymore.

t. dps who quit midway through emerald nightmare m due to social reasons and not wanting to make farming consumables a second job.

this, also
>full of pve shitters who only press 2 buttons while yoship caters to them and makes dungeons the most boring experience humanly possible.
>every goddamn new feature is a skinners box that takes a month of your time AT LEAST.
>even at endgame sspd/spd 2.0s GCD at best.
>oGCDs once every 40 seconds.
>shit community more focused on goddamn shoes than gameplay
>shit community with unrealistic expectations of "average" in a game with watered down difficulty where if you dare miss a skip they have a meltdown

Anyone got the picture of Ion Hazzikostas where it says "I ask people if they maxed their weapon yet and when they say no I know we're doing a good job providing content in Legion"?



You faggots better be playing a DK. No other class can compete.

Thanks. This is literally what 7.2 is.

I finished the quest and now there isn't shit to do except grind more AP except wait for next week since it's time gated.

>what if instead of letting one spec ruin a tier, we let one spec ruin an expansion?
iirc it started in cata and has always been fucking stupid

Think floating temple, like the Necropolis in WC3.

Liadrin says she'd like you to come over again, she really enjoyed fucking you in the ass.

Flying temples more like. They don't actually move.

Even if their game is shit, Blizzard has always been one of the best in the industry at cinematics. So no, WoW isn't "back".

holy shit I fucking love Warcraft

I have a handful of wow tokens and can't bother resubbing because Legion is so shit.