Why aren't there RPG's based on Magic:the Gathering being made...

Why aren't there RPG's based on Magic:the Gathering being made? There are already like 30 different worlds in MtG with tons of lore, stories and dynamic characters ready to go.

There's so much cool shit in MtG

Because it has neither RPG mechanics nor a worthwhile setting, obviously.

>Because it has neither RPG mechanics
Why the fuck would the CARD game need RPG mechanics to make an RPG video game based on it?
>nor a worthwhile setting
Go fuck yourself.

Because Hasbro is a dysfunctional company and WotC won't license right after the clusterfuck that was getting the D&D license tied up because Atari refused to use it - for 5 years.

Because Hasbro is afraid of anything that might somehow damage card sales. So no experimenting allowed, ever. The status go must be upheld.

Oh go fuck yourself. MTG has a better setting than most RPGs out there.

CDPR were interested in a license but I don't know if anything came out of it.

You've been paying attention to modern stories in Magic, right?

The current stories are pretty bad. Jacetice League goes to new Plane and then either
>Beats the bad guy like a Saturday morning cartoon
>Gets BTFO'd utterly and completely but still survives and the day is 'saved'

We're talking about the MTG where Eldrazi Titans can now be completely killed by sufficiently large Fireballs.

Clearly nothing. They only make 1 game at a time and they're making Cyberpunk 2077 now.
That sucks.

It wouldn't, but you'd either be borrowing the setting, or the mechanics. The mechanics don't translate to an RPG, which leaves the setting...

Which is a garbage kitchen sink setting. Why bother licensing the names when there is absolutely nothing unique to the setting? And even Magic players know that it is uninspired and derivative as all hell, so you won't get that much from the brand recognition anyway. People don't play for the setting, they play because the game is fun.

Most RPGs have terrible settings, but MTG's is actually worse now because they've decided to focus it on superheroes. So now it is garbage high-magic derivative capeshit instead of garbage high-magic derivative fantasy.

I would sell my soul for an autistically deep RPG set in Innistrad.
>Become an apprentice necromancer or stitcher
>Vampire neophyte of Sorin
>Human militia set to protect one of the cities, eventually working your way up
And many more.
Innistrad is just so cool.

Why don't they just make a decent MtG online game with all the expansions (even Fallen Empires) so I don't have to leave my filthy hovel whenever I want to play a game?

Always wondered this myself. It's bizarre that there was never one made for the PS1 or PC when Magic was at peak mainstream popularity in the 90s.

>It wouldn't, but you'd either be borrowing the setting, or the mechanics. The mechanics don't translate to an RPG
The fuck are you talking about? It's a card game, retard. Why would they have to use the mechanics of a fucking card game? Do you think they would make the ground turn sideways like fucking Inception every time you cast a spell?
>which leaves the setting...Which is a garbage kitchen sink setting.
Go fuck yourself. You have objectively shitty taste.
>You've been paying attention to modern stories in Magic, right?
No. The last set I paid attention to the story of was the first Innistrad.
>We're talking about the MTG where Eldrazi Titans can now be completely killed by sufficiently large Fireballs.
That's real dumb, but that's also just a few years out of 25 years of stories.
Because it would be absurdly complicated and janky. Hearthstone only works because it's bare bones simple.
There was a PS1 game iirc, but I think it was a dungeon crawler.

Because when your setting is "a bunch of things from a bunch of different settings come together" then you don't need to bother licensing an IP

MTG's storylines were always dogshit, the only change is that now it's of a different flavor. But the worldbuilding is still top notch, and would serve as fantastic vidya settings. Just imagine what a great RPG Ravnica guild infighting could make.

Get fucked, fagnut.

While i agree with most of what you said, I have to say I genuinely like the one plane as a setting; ravnica. Its generic, but i dunno, maybe its just the particular flavor of generic I love.

Sort of like how some people fucking love vanilla ice cream.

it may happen eventually, see how long it took GW to stop being retarded with warhammer for muh miniatures


It isn't really. The wider setting is a multiverse, but each universe is coherent with a clear theme.

Good taste OP, Master Transmuter is one of my favorite cards.
Ravinica would be a great setting for an rpg with all it's diverse guild halls.

Its kinda hard to follow the plotline. Would you fight Bolas? Be a planeswalker? I like mtg just the way it is, would a non-card based game actually benefit the series as a whole or be profitable?

because even wizards don't even care anymore

>posting 2nd best Cenobite
I mean sure, pretty good taste, but nothing beats Urabrask

Claim your cardfu!

>The last set I paid attention to the story of was the first Innistrad.
>Just a few years out of 25 years of stories

I'm so sorry, user. I really am. Magic Lore is not what it was back then, and neither is the company.

I honestly don't get how these are white

The dinosaurs over at wizards can't even handle a website properly. I doubt they even know about digital games.

>status go

Because Hasbro keeps their shit tighter than Fort Knox.

Probably because MTG sucks

>dat powercreep

Urabrask isn't white, he's red, and white=/=purity. White=order.

This nigga.

Well, brask is red, but I love how they basically are the least evil of the phyrexians. They're still evil, but they are like, the outsiders of evil because they question the worth of being evil.


Nice mono-colored deck, kid. Hope you packed some artifacts.


Any would be magic game right now would most likely revolve around the manateers, particularly Jace. Jace, in canon, does almost nothing by himself and pretty much his entire story revolves around being told to something and him doing it. I really can't imagine anyone wanting to play a story where the protagonist is so thoroughly disinterested in everything around him he just does whatever some tom dick or henry tells him to. He's also a desk jockey. Really not a great character to center a story around, much less a game story.

Some of the older books could definitely work though like Tetsuo Umezawa's chronicles for killing Nicol Bolas or Urza's quest for revenge against Phyrexia but these stories have long since left canon and have no card sales behind it so they will never ever be done.

>Urza's quest for revenge against Phyrexia
Urza and Phyrexia stories have always been my favourite

I want a 3 way throw down between phyrexia, eldrazi, and slivers.

It's the block I made and its fun.

by block, i mean cube.

>tfw making cards is more fun than playing the game these days

Channel Fireball is the oldest trick in the book

Out of all the cool stuff in MTG you want the most standard of their settings?

Now kid friendly to fit the PG-13 theme. Norn will be killed off unceremoniously in a single block.

Lol ded.

See Phyrexia

>Now kid friendly
wait what?

No seriously, what?!

Slivers too?!


Would you play a game about the Jacetice League complete with Bioware tier writing? because that is the Magic RPG you would get

They haven't been reimplemented yet, but the way the stories are now you can pretty much bet they are.

The newest setting was literally Tezzeret stealing inventions from an Artifact Fair like a mustache twirling villain, while Chandra realized she has the hots for Nissa and tries to cover it up by lighting things on fire.

Magic is now a Saturday Morning cartoon.

Oh, and Innistrad in general is fucking dead.

Bumping one last time.