There can only be one

Who do you pick?

Other urls found in this thread:

>No Yahtzee

Then none

Probably arin desu
Yeah yes fallen but at least he puts out funny content unlike Sup Forumstron
Most of the rest are too cringey


i think ill always have a soft spot for avgn. I know he has aged like milk but i still cant help but smile at his videos. Its content i know is objectively bad but somehow still enjoy to no end, the very definition of a guilty pleasure

>No Phil
And why not?

you missed a bunch of good ones

guy on the bottom left looks like he could be a cute twink when not making funny faces, so I'll pick him

also, I'm 32 years old and I don't know who any of these people are except for James Rolf. I was already too old when this YouTube celebrity shit was initially breaking out and I consider myself lucky for this. you guys should stop watching this shit.

James, with mike matey dead he can truly start pumping out goat movie/film related content like he always wanted

Hella frickin epic, my dude haha

you tried too hard

>tfw you never watched a single video from a youtuber
feels good man


>no Francis

>Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps and e-Celebrities
When will it stop?

Reminds me I need to give more to his patreon, don't want it going under $1000

Is that game Dave


Because he's above these people? Everyone likes Phil, but the guys in the image split people in two groups.
It's supposed to be contest.

Mark is objectively the only correct choice here.

more like none desu

Starting from the top left. channel dying, dying, running out of ideas/content, podcast dying, channel alive but public reputation gone, don't know, don't know, greedy as fuck channel dying again

I choose video games

You too nigga

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

There already is /trash/, but the autists still keep making their hero threads here because they are related to vidya. As much as my couch and controller, but yeah. All ecelebs and esport shit should be bannable.

>yfw you can no longer count on the taxpayers to subsidize your poor lifestyle choices.

Oh hell no. No fucking personality whatsoever and easily one of the dullest YTers to exist. You kids only like him cause your dads ran out on you as a kid.

Jon "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Aryan children." Safari
Honestly I think that they all suck even CGR.

>picking budget jontron

The Rage-filled Electronic Entertainment Geek

being totally sincere here by order of what they did (entertaining value) for me it goes
AVGN(Board James was also great and so were his movie marathons)>JonTron>huge power gap>Classic Game Room>the rest

I remember watching Egoraptor but those short animated videos go in the "Shit it's too short to be remembered" file cabinet for me. It's not bad per se (although some of his animations did aged terribly), it's just not as memorable.

There are guys I like more than the ones I didn't mention and, again, probably going against Sup Forums's opinions here but I liked the early Two Best Friends playthroughs and early Angry Joe, before he became a free ad space jew beaner with his retarded friends (this is a trend among these e-celebs)

But really now, to me it's AVGN and JonTron.

What's up with joosts old man fetish.


>egoraptor used to be good looking and had great skin

Always thought the long hair was weird and faggy as all hell, but it just goes to show you that anyone can look reasonably good, even with a terrible haircut, as long as they don't get fucking fat.

Itt's not even close Mark. The others are all varying levels of cancer


the guy on the bottom right is actually a pretty decent human being. I don't know what his original career was but he draws comics, and is into old automobiles.

>classic game room

AVGN isn't too bad either

James is the only true answer.
>Mike is fine but a sideshow to James
>No idea who the numale is
>Pat Nes Punk is reseller enabling garbage
>Jontron's funny but too political
>Arin's a burnout who gave up animation
>PBG is autistic
>Mark is a bro very close second, but I find James more entertaining.

I want to fuck Dodger so bad god damn.

Who's Sugartits on the middle left?

no cosmo option?

I choose to be dead

GaB's Zelda streams are a miracle of the universe. Also finish FFX already!

Burch is a qt

Jon or AVGN, Jon is the only good and relevant one.
I don't know why pbg is well known, no ill well on the guy but I just hate his style

>he doesn't pick avgn
Buffalos will take a dump in your yard if you don't pick him.




>No Ahoy

numale is Gaming Historian who is actually pretty good

>No cr1tikal
Indifferent on mark, avgn was great but is kinda old now, I like jon's production value. But if you guys dont know, jacksepticeye is actually an awesome guy in reality. His youtube persona is kind of obnoxious much like pewdiepie, but behind their scenes theyre really cool guys. Jack, or actually Sean McLoughlin, goes on my favorite podcast by penguinz0 and he seems like a pretty normal guy

The only person who is worth following. The Semitic Druckmann.

Boogie is "listen in the background at work" tier of commentator

Hafu qt having that guy on was hilarious in hindsight

Fitz and Mecha are the only two that I'm aware of making(that made) good content, not content you can use to pass the time while taking a shit but actual sit down and watch good content.


I don't understand why anyone wouldn't pick James


My nigga. I love being hopelessly alone too

>Making Pat an option.

Link some of his best content



This nigga sounds like a nature documentary narrator

They all look like they're stuck in the 80s

That's a hard one.
>Mark to tell me games are awesome.
>James to tell me games are shit.
Who could ask for more.

Same level as these cunts you're just kidding yourself if you think otherwise

cr1tikal is fucking garbage. You watch one of his videos and you've seen all of them because he has the most shallow, repetitive humor on the internet.

>No personality
You deserve to be hit in the head with a and sent to the R-Zone.

Probably Sup Forumstron if we're talking about making new vids only, otherwise AVGN

He's long past his prime at this point, but his early stuff was great at the time.




xo It's only obvious

Markipliers eyes are fucking microscopic. He actually looks like those cartoons where they just put two dots on the face


>people like avgn's friend
>people like pat
>people like egoraptor
The fuck is wrong with you

>Norman, aka Gaming Historian, the same level of any of them

What the fuck? Dude puts out very detailed videos about some of gamings most historical successes, failures, and oddities. He's not the same level of cancer as some LPers.

If you had asked me pre-Starcade I'd say JonTron, no question. But nowadays IDK. Maybe Arin, seeing as how nu-Grumps is pretty alright.

>there are ppl ITT right now that would choose any of these second rate ecelebs over Mark.

He is the only one that didn't have to copy AVGN to fame. He genuinely loves video games and is the only decent human being on earth.

I really like his voice and video editing. Always on point. History of Graphics is fucking amazing.


i literally only know 2 people on that image

I'm probably going to get banned from Sup Forums for this but i literally only know egoraptor and jontron. I choose egoraptor.


If I pick Pat, do I get Paige as well?

That fucking ginger manlet must be hung like damn horse to grab a hottie like that

Go to sleep Paige

where did you get that and do you have more of it ?


she's a cute average lookin girl, they're everywhere

More like she's fucking that fat ugly ginger freak for that Youtube money.

Mark is the chosen one, but only if he can get off sucking patreons dicks. I understand they saved your show, but I don't watch half of his video's anymore.

His talent is too good to be on youtube
He deserves to have his own tv spot

Shit, nigga, it's not they're bankin' money

I only know 2 and have only watched 1, bottom right

It's from her Instagram (PeachSaliva).