What went so terribly wrong?

What went so terribly wrong?

They bit off more than they could chew tbqh

You were born with autism and found Sup Forums to express your autism.

If I own this game on PS4 with all the DLCs would it be terribly unwise for me to also get it on PC? I'm kinda tempted dunno why tbqh

>What went so terribly wrong?

The fact that it's an RPG

They should have made it an action game like God of War or something

Now that it's an RPG it sucks because it lacks all the stuff that make an RPG fun because it's limited by the books

Such as sneaking, attacking neutral NPCs, not being limited to only use swords, pickpocket, stealing stuff etc....

This game doesn't have that all those fun RPG elements because "it's against muh books", and that's why it's boring

Not to mention the retarded witcher senses and hand-holding

trash gameplay and character movement
this game suffers from pretty disgusting eurojank

Same thread, different day.

Neck yourself before you wreck yourself oh pee.

what does that mean?

this desu

and the fact that there's so much content but the gameplay isn't actually fun

Have you been making this same thread for the last month?

Do you still talk to your family? Is something the matter?

Right side looks lazy and boring too.

open world

Nothing. It's a pretty damn solid game, just Sup Forumsirgin contrarians who can only rouse themselves from their worthless lives long enough to shit on things have decided they don't like it now.

Your birth

Over reliance on cutscenes to carry it.
You shouldn't be able to 'play' the best part of a game on youtube.

They have only recently started moving away from QTEs and trying their hand at actual gameplay.
Hopefully the next try will focus more on those aspects.

no level scaling, garbage game

They concentrated on the story instead of on the gameplay/combat.


It's fun

How will PCfats ever recover?

You being contrarian

All they needed to do was expand on the combat a bit and it would've been GOAT

What's there is good but it's very basic and just can't carry a 60+ hour game, it gets boring by the end

im playing on iron man or w/e the hardest difficulty is for my first playthrough

dont have any of the dlc

want to play a magey geralt, can I do that? Im getting my ass kicked

that webm is fucking gross.

If this game went "terribly wrong," what, in your opinion, is an example of a game that went "right?"

>get hit
>hits automatically bounce of you
western "gamers" will defend this

Is this with some mods? How the fuck are these guys being chopped to pieces with one swing?

There's an upgrade you can get that means every kill ends in a gory finisher

Quen second upgrade heals you, literally chain using quen and dodging while its down, then healing with alt mode lets you kill anything. Just get some sign intensity shit.